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Dentistry has come a long way. When I was eight I had teeth removed. The needles back then were large enough to clean by running a very small brush down the bore. Today's needles are spider silk thin. I've had flue shots that I swear they never stuck the needle in, but they did. (I never watch so I don't equate any discomfort with a needle) I have lots of fillings (and a dental plan at work) but once cavity free it's far easier to maintain that to leave and have dental surgery later, or any discomfort. 

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Scraping the scales and stalagmites off your bicuspids, or being lectured about oral hygiene? I HATE THE DENTIST! Yah sure, you could say I'm an anti-dentite. 




actually no lecturing, just a lot of scraping but a cute blonde that i was trying not to breath on


I did had undiagnosed tooth grinding for a few years, had a night guard for almost 10 years, I have the teeth of someone in there early fifties, also irregular enamel surface, but I haven't had a cavity in 2 years so I got that going for me....


yeah, i grind, a lot. they want me to wear a night gaurd but that'll cost $585 and i'd rather spend that on my daughter and datsuns


Look after what you have.


been doing that, teeth are in good shape besides the tartar build up and grinding. really only went in to be a good example for my daughter

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actually no lecturing, just a lot of scraping but a cute blonde that i was trying not to breath on


My last visit to dentist there was a delicious young trainee Dentist named Veronica with the Dentist,she was so delightful she could've been about to slice my throat and I'd have loved every second of it. 

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At the dentist getting my teeth cleaned. First time in 10 or 12 years. Not so fun but hey there's a fireplace



Dude i started going to the dentist again last year,, first time since 1986 .... The weirdest thing was feeling the real shape of the inside of the front bottom teeth...... I bet it took 4-5 days to stop freaking out about them being round shaped...   and yeah  Datsenmick  is right,,, the technology they use is light years better than anything i experienced before.... Even the amount and placement of the novacaine seemed more precise and work better.

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Winney Hoofer, Dental hygienist of the year. Graduated top of all her classmates at Rocko's school of equestrienne care and dentistry, NCAA arm wrestling champion women's and men's devision. Line up at the door fellas.


Those are some tits I wouldnt mind not seeing..

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