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I was about to call racism until I saw the "clock". Sorry. That looks like the fucking start of every mission impossible/james bond bomb. I expect the prejudice was expected and pushed for. That kinda shit deserves punishment


I think some degree of profiling is erring on the side of safety, but when it runs unchecked, it absolutely undermines our human rights. There's no doubt the police over reacted in that situation, and I think they deserve all the negative attention they're getting. It's one thing to be cautious, but cuffing the kid and giving him a three day suspension for a reconfigured clock? Serious over reaction. 


If the device was so incriminating why didn't his science teacher tack it away when Ahmed showed it to him? Connecting it to a "mission impossible/james bond bomb" tells the story of what subjective perception looks like. Now, look at the relative size of the power plug and you get some idea of how tiny the "briefcase" actually is. It's also overlooked that the kid was a straight A student who has a fascination with science. I'm not going to go so far as to call it racism, but it was profiling left unchecked. 

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Profiling saves lives


Haven' t followed this but the people involved probably have to error on the side of caution.

If apoligies are handled right and everybody can get over them selves life goes on and the kid has a great story.

I think profiling saves lives if you are CIA, special forces, secret service, Takavaran, etc. But there is no way I'm getting behind school teachers, security guards (TSA), or day to day citizens acting on profiling thoughts. That is a one way road to bullshit.

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I think some degree of profiling is erring on the side of safety, but when it runs unchecked, it absolutely undermines our human rights. There's no doubt the police over reacted in that situation, and I think they deserve all the negative attention they're getting. It's one thing to be cautious, but cuffing the kid and giving him a three day suspension for a reconfigured clock? Serious over reaction.


If the device was so incriminating why didn't his science teacher tack it away when Ahmed showed it to him? Connecting it to a "mission impossible/james bond bomb" tells the story of what subjective perception looks like. Now, look at the relative size of the power plug and you get some idea of how tiny the "briefcase" actually is. It's also overlooked that the kid was a straight A student who has a fascination with science. I'm not going to go so far as to call it racism, but it was profiling left unchecked.

My thought, warranted or not, was this: this kid likely lives in a world of prejudice (akkka. Texas). He was surely fed up with the bullshit. He had to know what that looked like. And he was toying with people's pre-conceived notions. If so, the attention he is getting is only helping his effort. But I also think he needs to know that that shit gets unfunny real quick for many, and reactions are harsh. So he is both reprimanded, and his point is made.


dont profile like a dick, and don't rub people's fears in their face like a dick

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I think profiling saves lives if you are CIA, special forces, secret service, Takavaran, etc. But there is no way I'm getting behind school teachers, security guards (TSA), or day to day citizens acting on profiling thoughts. That is a one way road to bullshit.

Bullshit is when they shoot first.


This isn't TSA strip searching someones ninety year old Granny in a wheel chair

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I built industrial computer chassis for a living, when I am not working for my family race shop and I built a lot of stuff like this as a kid. I would think this is normal for most science nerd kids lol.

I would like to know if he was looking up incinerator devices for bombs or just having fun making something new to him.

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Every time I hear anything about the shit hole that is Ferguson Missouri they always say "where black teen Michael Brown was shot and kill by a white police officer"


It's been a fucking year, who and their race doesn't fucking matter, guy was a price of shit anyway.

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Would this be a story if the boy was a white christian though? Chances are a white kid would have been praised for making a cool clock rather than punished for building a hoax bomb. Here's the real question though, given all the shit we see "Muslims" doing on the news, how would you view that situation? Texas, like the rest of the country, has been conditioned to suspect the motives of Muslims. At what point does discrimination become justified? That being said, what speaks louder, the image of this boy with his NASA shirt on, or his religion?





Looks like he's just a smart kid who wants ot leanr and make tech.


But sadly for him he's of the wrong skin colour and religion in the wrong country.

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Not sure how your view makes it a disagreement with what I said.

You said "wrong skin color and religion in wrong country", believe it or not, we still are amongst the most tolerant society in the world, but that's just one man's opinion that's a minority living in the greatest country in god's green earth.

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Well you're at the coal face of it so your understanding of USA is arguably better but also proximity can shade an opinion (no matter what the subject).


That tolerance you speak of then needs to be extended/educated to the officials whom are put there "by the people".


In my great country opinions are valued no matter how diverse either.

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Well you're at the coal face of it so your understanding of USA is arguably better but also proximity can shade an opinion (no matter what the subject).


That tolerance you speak of then needs to be extended/educated to the officials whom are put there "by the people".


In my great country opinions are valued no matter how diverse either.


It doesn't help our case when the media concentration is purely on the negatives with the ultimate goal to stir up more shit for their own benefits, there are plenty more feel good stories out there having mixed ethnic groups living in harmony, unfortunately that never gets reported by our media.

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