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I refuse to pay $10 for a medium soft drink and popcorn, we ALWAYS sneak in stuff in my girlfriend's purse, once the ticket guy asked to look inside and I said "get an authorized official with proper authority to search us" he paused for few seconds, looked at the line, and said...Ok go ahead. Only we can stop this insanity.....

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I refuse to pay $10 for a medium soft drink and popcorn, we ALWAYS sneak in stuff in my girlfriend's purse, once the ticket guy asked to look inside and I said "get an authorized official with proper authority to search us" he paused for few seconds, looked at the line, and said...Ok go ahead. Only we can stop this insanity.....


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The shows make the rules and probably could hand your money back and say leave. But again if enough stood up to those fucks it would change. Theaters are loosing money they should be glad I even go.


I can see costco checking that nothing is being stolen, but fuck that, let them ask only the ones stealing.... and that ain't me. Get a screener at the door. Pick out the shifty tweeker fucks and search their carts. For every one that they search and find nothing that person get a free $10 gift certificate for the trouble. probably can't buy much for $10 so you spend even more to use it....win win win.

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I went with a buddy of mine the other day.....we both used one cart....


......we paid separate but they put all our stuff in the same cart.....




..........I handed them my receipt on the way out.....just to see what would happen......




............"have a good evening"...he said.


I mean....my buddy bought an entire case of oil.......not to mention the 8-10 other items he had on his receipt.......



That guy don't give a fuck......wonder how much actually gets by him......

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I went with a buddy of mine the other day.....we both used one cart....


......we paid separate but they put all our stuff in the same cart.....




..........I handed them my receipt on the way out.....just to see what would happen......




............"have a good evening"...he said.


I mean....my buddy bought an entire case of oil.......not to mention the 8-10 other items he had on his receipt.......



That guy don't give a fuck......wonder how much actually gets by him......

Im assumunig this was in marin county.......they have no reason to check receipts there

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I went with a buddy of mine the other day.....we both used one cart....


......we paid separate but they put all our stuff in the same cart.....




..........I handed them my receipt on the way out.....just to see what would happen......




............"have a good evening"...he said.


I mean....my buddy bought an entire case of oil.......not to mention the 8-10 other items he had on his receipt.......



That guy don't give a fuck......wonder how much actually gets by him......

Im assumunig this was in marin county.......they have no reason to check receipts there

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Cheapest and most effective home security system is a hand full of alarm company stickers. If you really want to get fancy, mount a louvered siren box over the garage door. Also helps to have one of those motion detecter flood lights on the front. Perception is 99% of the battle, the other 1% is basic physical deterrents like closing windows and locking door.  

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I just have a couple of dogs. One looks like he could eat you. The other one would. They know to be well behaved lovers, but they know when it's time to drop the act. I've lived my entire life without locking shit. I've had my shit stolen from my car and truck before. Shit happens. The only part that I won't get over was my 510s window was smashed in when the door wasn't locked. Asshole mixed with stupid. I'd kick him in the nuts eugenics style. (Him because I'm sexist and likely right).

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"Home security" is a relative term when you consider the actual vs. perceived threat in a given neighborhood. For me, any security measure that takes my freedom is like robbing myself so others can't. Where I live there are folks with bars over their windows and doors, and others with their doors and windows left open all night. Although there have been a few day time home burglaries and night time car break ins in my neighborhood, according to actual violent/non violent crime statistics, it is a very safe place to live. 


Lets face it though, there is a world of difference between Sue City Iowa, and East Oakland. As best I can, I work to provide a sense of Iowa safety and freedom for my family and community, but in all reality, we know East Oakland is just a mile away. I have ADT Security stickers on every window and sliding door, an empty siren box over the garage, a Pietro Beretta Gardone in my night stand, and two dogs. Both small nonthreatening family mutts, but if anything comes near the house, they go apeshit until I say OFF. My neighbor is a gun dealer, and has a Presa Canario/Rhodesian mix that literally shakes the windows when it barks. 


The best security measures aren't always deterrents. Last weekend, for the 7th year in a row I cooked for our end of summer community BBQ. My kids walk the neighbors dogs, babysit, they sell girl scout cookies, and lemon aid on hot days. Everyone knows my family, where we live, and vice versa. If one of my kids does something stupid, I usually know about it before they get home. A strong community gives a real sense of security that bars and guns don't. 

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"Home security" is a relative term when you consider the actual vs. perceived threat in a given neighborhood. For me, any security measure that takes my freedom is like robbing myself so others can't. Where I live there are folks with bars over their windows and doors, and others with their doors and windows left open all night. Although there have been a few day time home burglaries and night time car break ins in my neighborhood, according to actual violent/non violent crime statistics, it is a very safe place to live.


Lets face it though, there is a world of difference between Sue City Iowa, and East Oakland. As best I can, I work to provide a sense of Iowa safety and freedom for my family and community, but in all reality, we know East Oakland is just a mile away. I have ADT Security stickers on every window and sliding door, an empty siren box over the garage, a Pietro Beretta Gardone in my night stand, and two dogs. Both small nonthreatening family mutts, but if anything comes near the house, they go apeshit until I say OFF. My neighbor is a gun dealer, and has a Presa Canario/Rhodesian mix that literally shakes the windows when it barks.


The best security measures aren't always deterrents. Last weekend, for the 7th year in a row I cooked for our end of summer community BBQ. My kids walk the neighbors dogs, babysit, they sell girl scout cookies, and lemon aid on hot days. Everyone knows my family, where we live, and vice versa. If one of my kids does something stupid, I usually know about it before they get home. A strong community gives a real sense of security that bars and guns don't.

Nah, dogs.

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