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Those gifs are funnier this morning ,,,,,,,, now that i can see them!!!



I thought that money we donated was going to be used toward get this,,, keeping the god damn site working correctly....  Jesus   This site being wonky sent me over to another site for a few seconds,,,, but it was all dark , empty and scary like a hospital basement n a horror movie.





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The Moderator's Ball went a little over budget this year, but they did fly business class to Dubai.



Well it sure isn't because they used all the funds to make it to any meets last year ,, or the year before,, or the one before that.. :sneaky:

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They wish they could attend public events, but it's a security issue. An open lot with loads of "unknown actors" on the scene is a sniper's paradise. There's been a lot of radio chatter over the last few week the510realm is planning to make a move. Who do you think is behind the recent Ratsun Site's "instability".

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Well it sure isn't because they used all the funds to make it to any meets last year ,, or the year before,, or the one before that.. :sneaky:

Lies!!!! The wolfman made it to potd year before last and the hippie with the 4x4 comes to meets a few times a year.

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Wow!! Did channel 4 have their helicopter covering it!!??

















No but I did try to find the flying pigs....and the fire and brimstone that's supposed to rain down in the apocalypse.

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Those gifs are funnier this morning ,,,,,,,, now that i can see them!!!



I thought that money we donated was going to be used toward get this,,, keeping the god damn site working correctly....  Jesus   This site being wonky sent me over to another site for a few seconds,,,, but it was all dark , empty and scary like a hospital basement n a horror movie.






If this was an intentionally inflicted problem this is hard to guard against as you would have to be ready for every conceivably possible thing. The advantage is with the person directing an 'attack' as they only need to come up with one. This happens regularly with spam. Spammers come up with a new way around the controls in place. All you can do is evolve new measures to counteract them as fast as possible.

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