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You know what they say,,,,,,,,,,,,,, If the fabulous pair of shoes fit





























































































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Colourbox...you are quite the looker. 



What's the reaction from guys when you meet them rocking your Datsun. 




I imagine a borderline NEXT move because of the car getting overruled by your presence. 

Sometimes Stanley gets more attention than I do. Which is fine cause I put a lot of time into making him pretty again :)


So your that creepy Elmo??


That would be my other job making ends meet on Hollywood Blvd. Gotta do what ya gotta do.

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not sure how I can win. wife drove us to the grocery store in her maverick about an hour ago. when she parked I told her that the nose of her flat black maverick was sticking out of the parking spot quite a bit. "well, yeah, but I'm still in the spot". okay. come out of the store and there's a dude standing beside her car with a note. he had backed into her and was leaving a note. the only damage he did was a scrape on her vinyl bumper guard. he gave her his insurance info and had no problem with her calling the cops. she didn't. i don't know how ya'll park but if you hit my Datsun or Fairlane in a parking lot you are doing something. I park as far away from the front as possible and I give tards all the room they need/or want. being technically right has never been much solace when my shit gets dinged or dented in a parking lot.

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Ya, I try to park as much as possible toward the center of parking spaces and leave equal amount of space on all sides for those who don't know how to drive or other possible issues. This has worked so far since i haven't had any incidents.

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Ya, I try to park as much as possible toward the center of parking spaces and leave equal amount of space on all sides for those who don't know how to drive or other possible issues. This has worked so far since i haven't had any incidents.

didn't save my 86 Toyota from a Wal-Mart jackass. Tend to park out in the boonies when I'm driving something I care about and dont have someone that can't make the walk in the car
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