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Fighting them??? Sez... Beats Off 12 Cops, Self. you know rub one out, punch the clown, toss off, fapping....

seriously now I'm trying to picture a dude beating off 12 other dudes at once. While doing himself as well, that's 13 people, I don't think a single female could even manage that and that's doubling up in a couple spots
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a year or so ago a guy at my work was mowing and the mower threw a rock that cracked my windshield. I, asshole that I am, thought the company should pay for it. They did.....eventually......but have never let me live it down. a few weeks back, my boss caught me leaving to go home after a pretty shitty day so he could give me safety award for six years with no accidents. up until two years ago these safe years = cash awards - now ya just get a hard hat sticker because the company decided the cash awards were incentive for people not to report accidents or close calls. as he handed me my sticker, he commented, "Ya know, in 38 years with this company I have never once had to pay for an employee's windshield but I did and now here I am giving you a safety award - what a world." I said, "huh - you ever had an employee do this....?" and did this:






he laughed and said, no, he'd never seen that done before. the next morning he called me into his office where he, the HR guy and the safety guy were all waiting for me. after he explained the crime I had committed against the company, safety guy (27 years with company) and HR guy (18 years with company) kinda shrugged and said, basically, that it wasn't the most respectful thing they'd ever seen done with a safety sticker but it was mine and I earned it and they hoped I'd earn many more.

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Dude's get'n subversive in Oklahoma! I'll bet your bosses code name for you is Mr. Dangerous. Like he don't have nothing better to do than get his rump in a bunch over a sticker. Tell him you're just showing your flare man.

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We have a guy that had seemed to be hell bent on pissing everyone off within the company and trying to find a way to sue them gainfully enough to retire, the guy has hr on speed dial and they hate getting his calls. (This is also the "badass" biker)

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This shit is exactly why I've been self employed my entire professional life. It has nothing to do with playing well with others, I just can't justify someone else's existence by letting them push me around. I don't need a baby sitter, so if you aren't directly contributing to my productivity, the quality of my end product, or making my job easier, you bring absolutely no value to the effort. Let's face it, if bosses followed these three simple principle the world would be a much better place to live. Having been a boss, this was how I did my job, and low and behold, people liked working with me. If you needed a babysitter, simple you didn't work for me.

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So I got caught not staring at one of my Tully's girls asses by the other two today at lunch

you ever get the ballz to just ask one of them out? If not they are gonna see your mating patterns as predictable and one who is easy to hunt.

just shock em say " hey there, you really steam my cream" , trust me its a good line.

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