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They still get offended when you hit on them. Asking for pictures is fine but hitting on then is bad

I think women feel comfortable dressing up slutty at anime fests.


"I find you attractive but first addition Bo ba fet didn't have a left boot ammo pouch"


what a guy!

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But I think it is often the case that these girls have been "damaged" somehow in their youth.  Maybe they were abused by pops, maybe they dated smoke, etc.  But when that is not the case, these girls often just have an enthusiastic sex drive.  And that is bueno bueno.  The damaged ones give them a bad name though.  You still might contract something as a result...  But you've gotta go there at least once, right?  The tattoo girl, that's likely damage, but might be the best 30 seconds of your life...

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Is that an attempted stab against my libido? Well at this point I'd be lucky to get thirty seconds sadly. Probably wouldn't even make it that far




But I think it is often the case that these girls have been "damaged" somehow in their youth. Maybe they were abused by pops, maybe they dated smoke, etc. But when that is not the case, these girls often just have an enthusiastic sex drive. And that is bueno bueno. The damaged ones give them a bad name though. You still might contract something as a result... But you've gotta go there at least once, right? The tattoo girl, that's likely damage, but might be the best 30 seconds of your life...

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I need to find an anime slut convention, I've been to anime conventions before, friendly and fun yes, cleanliness and personal hygiene? Depends on the individual you run into

Anime slut convensions are clean and friendly, tattoo parlors that specialize in exotic orifices? Fucking tweakerville.

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I agree with you on that, anime character are real things and thus you are dressing as the character, slutty boba fett is not a character from anything is my point.


As for corn hole tattoo chick, man she would probably be too much crazy for me to handle

Understood, but I defer to the OP's statement




Seriously though...I could see turning a hotel room into mostly rubble with her. 



What you guys seem to be missing is Smoke isn't looking to tame, he's in for the full ride. 

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If you've ever been to one of these "gatherings" you know there are four wacked out, fairly good looking chicks to every 2,768 fat pasty nerd dressed up like a seal, or some other hopelessly passive animal. If you have any pride you'd feel nothing but shame for being there.

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If you've ever been to one of these "gatherings" you know there are four wacked out, fairly good looking chicks to every 2,768 fat pasty nerd dressed up like a seal, or some other hopelessly passive animal. If you have any pride you'd feel nothing but shame for being there.


Maybe they are cosplaying Jabba the Hut?

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What you guys seem to be missing is Smoke isn't looking to tame, he's in for the full ride. 

Of fuck yeah, the whole clawing, hair pulling, spitting, name calling, choking, furniture breaking, cop calling deal, I'm in, no safe word even.

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Sorry, Don't mean to challenge anyone here, just speaking my truth. At 50, married for 22 years, and two kids, safe to say I fall clearly in the pasty nerd category, but my wiener still does most of the thinking for me. 

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I have no pride, o feel no shame

If you've ever been to one of these "gatherings" you know there are four wacked out, fairly good looking chicks to every 2,768 fat pasty nerd dressed up like a seal, or some other hopelessly passive animal. If you have any pride you'd feel nothing but shame for being there.

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Hi, 29 one child and a divorce, pasty nerd (at least as pasty as I can get) yeah, I've given up caring

Don't mean to challenge anyone here, just speaking my truth. At 50, married for 22 years, and two kids, safe to say I fall clearly in the pasty nerd category, but my wiener still does most of the thinking for me.

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