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Replacement Volvo 5cyl engine runs very good ( in person not video )

Feel pretty dumb... can't get the flipping serp belt on.

It's the right part # , right routing , manual , hell even youtube shows the same way I was doin it.

Had a second set of hands and eyes say the same while helping me.

Oh well... will put on my cheap "Bando" new spare backup on , and see if luck with it.

Will do that tomorrow or very soon.

Or call my bro.



Video -  https://www.flickr.com/photos/blue73/14773188845/



Swedish Buick got a bath.

14793111763_f09d1d8361_c.jpg017 by 71240z, on Flickr


14793109903_ea8d5dc588_c.jpg018 by 71240z, on Flickr



Now I know the engine is good , and I don't have to yank out for warranty...

-Need passengers side cv-joint (it's quiet just ripped on the outer boot)

-Change out engine oil/filter relatively soon since I've personally had it open.

-Coolant overflow lower hose is "ok" but will change out before winter hits as it's a bit soft around the neck.

-Coolant vent hose ^^^ same story.

-Rotate tires front to rear... fronts are almost done.

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Yesterday, I was trying to merge onto the freeway when this dick 17 year old dude in his BMW and ON HIS PHONE flies up from out of nowhere and proceeds to tailgate me for two miles.


He accelerates past me, still on his phone.


As I'm taking my off ramp I give him a blind middle finger ... And he crosses two lanes of traffic in under a second, tailgating me again.


I make it to an intersection and take the right lane, forcing him into the furthest right hand left turn lane and me, right. There is a line of cars between us stopped and waiting to turn left.


Him: Fuck me? Fuck you!

Me: Its illegal to talk on your phone while driving!

Him: Fuck you! I'm seventeen and I can beat your ass!

Me: I bet you could! Get off your phone!

Him: (drowned out by my laughter)


Had a good adrenaline rush for a few minutes.

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This one time, I was making a left out of the beach park and this guy slams on his breaks to let me go first.  I gave him a shaka for being nice.  He shaka'd back.  Over come by appreciation we both got out of our cars and gave each other a hug.  Then an owl with one eye winked at me to let me know erything was alll riiight.  




Take some love out there on the road Ratsun.  There is plenty of hate out there trying to fuck up the joy of driving.  I'm no Buddhist, and I get in my share of shit, but I always feel like an idiot when I'm done.  


Well, usually I feel like an idiot.  I'm recalling a time when I believe my wife realized I can protect her when I need to.  That time was worth it...

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I think Ford hands out a note when you buy a new powerstroke that says you MUST challenge every Cummins powered rig to a race every time you're at a stop light next to one. I swear, it happens like 80% of the time. I just don't know what the fuck that is.

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Hell, I think around here it is mandatory for every diesel owner to go find the largest exhaust piping possible and use it without a muffler, with extra bonus points for running the damn 12" pipe out a big hole in the bed and up into the sky. Sounds like flatulent ass!

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Driving related fight.

So a friend of mine was driving thru town in his 370z and a dick on a bike is literally driving on the yellow line on the 6 lane main road thru town. So my buddy proceeds to put two wheels in the concrete median and go around him. No harm, slow acceleration, plenty of space. But the guy proceeds to pull in front of him at the next light, block him and then threatened to kill my friend and his wife. My friend is either smarter than me or a puss so he stays in the car with the windows up til the guy leaves.


Fast forward 3 weeks and my friend hadn't told me about it. We decided to take the z to the local ricer car meet (we were VERY bored)

Out of nowhere this black guy with dreads walked in front of the car. My friend rolls the windows down and says "can I help you?" to which the guy replys " remember me? I told you next time I saw you I would kill you?" At which point in time I opened my door and got out. The next part is a little blurry. He pulled a gun, my buddy took a ball bat to the back of the knee (didn't even flinch, just turned around and said "pussy bitch!" and the Rican that hit him ran!) The guy sucker punched me ( hit like a bitch) we fought, and then I remember clearly the alarm from a Mitsubishi galant brought me back. I was standing over him, we were both bloody, but he was laying on the trunk knocked out. We then left with a quickness.


We both realized after the fact that I stood next to his car, took my shirt off and wipde the blood off my hands and face, and told him "I don't want to get any blood on the seats." what made this even funnier is the fact that all 20 of his Puerto Rican friends were trying to fight us at the same time initially. None of them said a word after the fight tho. Pussies.

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Driving related fight.

So a friend of mine was driving thru town in his 370z and a dick on a bike is literally driving on the yellow line on the 6 lane main road thru town. So my buddy proceeds to put two wheels in the concrete median and go around him. No harm, slow acceleration, plenty of space. But the guy proceeds to pull in front of him at the next light, block him and then threatened to kill my friend and his wife. My friend is either smarter than me or a puss so he stays in the car with the windows up til the guy leaves.




This the guy???



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