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traffic laws, tickets, and datsun.

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The heavens have not been good to me as canby has persistently came closer. Last week i got a 150 doll hair ticket for modified datsun exhaust. Month before i got a speeding ticket on the way to school in the honda 150. Today i got a 400 doll hair ticket for no rearview mirrors, no seat belt, and 41 in a 35.... Ill be at canby, broke, but ill be at canby. July will see the parking of my datsun and the purchase of a moped, police and the law have broke my balls, i feel no hope in my passion for car custom ization. Washington had broke my balls. How do other Washingtonians handle the madness?

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I handled it by moving away from that area.  The cops in that area are fucking nazis dude.  I was born and raised in Moses Lake, so I feel your pain.  I seemed to be lucky enough to only end up with 3 tickets in my few years of driving before leaving the area, but was pulled over quite a bit more, but let off with warnings. 

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Pretty simple really, dont give them a reason to pull you over-


1. Wear your seatbelt. I rolled a 720 about 6 years ago (long week at work, fell asleep) and the only reason I didnt come out of the truck after the side windows and windshield smashed was cause I had a seatbelt on.


2. Put some side mirrors on. In washington, its not required to have a rear view mirrow if you have both side views. You can paint your back window black and as long as you have side mirrors, its legal. IDK who would want to, but its legal.


3.Keep your foot out of it a bit turbo! lol



Like my boss tells me, If your gonna break a law, only break one at a time. Of course it all depends on where you live. Cops are pretty easy goin about exhaust and what not around here in Lewis County.


Not trying to sound like a dad or anything


and sorry to hear bout the tickets. They always come at the worst times but then again I suppose there never is a good time for a ticket huh? lol

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Pretty simple really, dont give them a reason to pull you over-


1. Wear your seatbelt. I rolled a 720 about 6 years ago (long week at work, fell asleep) and the only reason I didnt come out of the truck after the side windows and windshield smashed was cause I had a seatbelt on.


2. Put some side mirrors on. In washington, its not required to have a rear view mirrow if you have both side views. You can paint your back window black and as long as you have side mirrors, its legal. IDK who would want to, but its legal.


3.Keep your foot out of it a bit turbo! lol



kinda nailed it, the exhaust thing... maybe you shouldnt have got that, but the other ones you were clearly in the wrong..... check yourself before you wreck your datsun.. or something like that

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I dont really consider 41 in a 35 speeding. It is. But thats splitting hairs to me. I dont have side mirrors, but i had some mirrors with me that i showed the cop that i have been planning on putting on and havent been able to yet. Also my seatbelt is non existant because i need to put lap belts after making the truck a vert top. But a 150 for 5 over, 150 for not having rearviews, and 150 for a seatbelt which is only a safety hazard for myself. And no chance for a fix it oppurtunity is silly. How can someone fix the problems with there vehicle, if they owe so much to the state. If these tickets could be dropped by solving the problems i would be happy. In Idaho a seatbelt ticket is 10 bucks.

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It totally depends I guess. Like DatWifey, I grew up in Red Bluff. The cops there would find any reason to pull you over. So yes on one hand, if you are 1 mph over the speed limit it is technically your fault, etc, etc. However, like those of us that feel like they simple get harassed by the police unfairly, it seems like a complete crock of shit.


I guess the moral of the story is that if you live in an area like that, keep it cool and don't the copy any reason to poke around. In a similar post I made regarding California smog and engine modification laws, most people think that pre-1976 vehicles is a complete free-for-all. In fact, there are federal regulations that probably make about 99% of the datsuns on this website illegal (which is ridiculous). But again, that is the risk we run with these cars. There really isn't much you can do but vent and try to make the cops happy.

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if you have time,,  go to court and plead down most of the time they lower ticket substantially ,, make sure you mention your in college , away from home.  and try to fix what`s getting you pulled over ,, before you go to court..

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All of this was avoidable. Let me guess the bad exhaust was after winding it up in a parking lot or obviously speeding but the cop had no proof. So he pulls you over and does the next best thing. Not having seat belts is bad, having seat belts and not wearing them is stupid. Same with mirrors... Please officer, pull me over.


$750 for $50 worth of fixing.... I'm assuming the loud muffler would pass notice when you slow down. Fix that shit and keep a low profile. Don't attract attention to yourself.


I dont really consider 41 in a 35 speeding. It is. But thats splitting hairs to me. I dont have side mirrors, but i had some mirrors with me that i showed the cop that i have been planning on putting on and havent been able to yet. Also my seatbelt is non existant because i need to put lap belts after making the truck a vert top. But a 150 for 5 over, 150 for not having rearviews, and 150 for a seatbelt which is only a safety hazard for myself. And no chance for a fix it oppurtunity is silly. How can someone fix the problems with there vehicle, if they owe so much to the state. If these tickets could be dropped by solving the problems i would be happy. In Idaho a seatbelt ticket is 10 bucks.

41 in a 35 is the cops way to telling you something. When you fuck up they start piling the shit on you. Not having a seatbelt is not just a hazard to you. Imagine being side swiped and you are thrown over to the passenger side of the truck.... who's steering and braking as you careen into the opposite lane. Always look for the worst case scenario. Mirrors are no good sitting under the seat. Pay and learn from this.

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Sorry man but this was all you I've had plenty of tickets in the past, now with a clean record I'm careful my area is infested with dick cops just don't give them a reason and they will let you be.


Who wouldn't wear a seatbelt I never get why some people don't wear them they are there for your safety. I see so many people on there phones more than anything it's illegal here I'm sure everywhere else and people still do it. Don't be a fool man take care of all the obvious and maybe you can have some tickets dropped or lowered.

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Another reason for seatbelt laws is that injuries and fatalities tend to rise sharply for those not wearing a seatbelt in an accident, increasing payouts by insurance companies when coverage applies.  Everyone's rates are affected by total company/industry payout.

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Exhaust ticket happened going15 in a 20. 4 cops were in a front yard talking to a crack head looking guy right down the street from my house. As i past one of the four cops jogged out tohis cruiser sped up and got on my ass and i was pulled over on my street directly in front of my house.

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I think most of us will agree there is A LOT of hypocrisy with police. Unfortunately they will most likely win if you took then to court simply because they are the police. It may not be fair, but you will still wind up with a ticket.

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Sick, I love you man, but Datzenmike is right.  Pay, learn, and fix your truck.


I drove the 510 around with a high compression 20B and a glasspack.  That's IT.  It hurt my ears when I got on it, inside the car.  And I still never had one problem with Johnny law.  If I saw them coming, I'd drop the rpms and just cruise right on by.  If your exhaust is too loud, fix it.  End of problem.  If it's purposefully too loud, bullshit your way out of the problem. (Did that once with a very nice Oregon cop who pulled me over and asked if I had ANY muffler at all.  I said, yes officer, it has a glasspack muffler right about mid-car.)


41 in a 35 is speeding.  That's simple.  I go max 3 over if I don't want to worry about a ticket.  And even then, if they want to, they will pull you over.


Also, don't forget, vehicles are recognizable.  A convertible top Datsun of which there are probably only 1 around in your area, maybe 2?  That's going to get noticed.  The more and more you get pulled over, the more that sticks in the computer.


Seatbelts are basic rule of thumb.  Even a tattered seatbelt is still a seatbelt.  They've had those laws since what, the 60s?  C'mon man, fix that shit!


Here's your game plan:  Put mirrors on, install seatbelts, and make your exhaust quieter.  Do this BEFORE you go see the judge.  Take pictures, bring them with you to court, and explain courteously to the judge that you have fixed all the problems with your truck and you would appreciate his help in lowering the fine.  If you show proof of fixing, and some humility, you might even get the judge to throw out the others and just make it a simple speeding ticket.  This is EXACTLY what you should do.

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I am going to be the old guy here.


YOU have a bad or non existent muffler.

YOU were not wearing seat belts.

YOU did not have mirrors.

YOU were driving 41 in a 35.


Now, YOU have a reputation with the cops in your area.  I am sure they all know YOU by now.


It is not the cops fault. IT IS YOU!


If you want to stop supporting the local police, it is up to you to change.

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i agree with danielc...


fix the shit on the truck or get rid of it..


why do you think i have a turbo muffler, and a license plate more than a foot off the road surface and other 100 other bullshit things ive had to do... ive been there done this all already..


why follow that same path.


hate to say it, but pay it off, put a muffler on it, and get it safe...


fuck, man....

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Here's your game plan:  Put mirrors on, install seatbelts, and make your exhaust quieter.  Do this BEFORE you go see the judge.  Take pictures, bring them with you to court, and explain courteously to the judge that you have fixed all the problems with your truck and you would appreciate his help in lowering the fine.  If you show proof of fixing, and some humility, you might even get the judge to throw out the others and just make it a simple speeding ticket.  This is EXACTLY what you should do.


This is exactly what you should do, exactly. It may or may not help but the cop will remember you tried. This goes a long way towards him forgetting about you..... and he can't give you a ticket for that shit again.

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I dont really consider 41 in a 35 speeding. It is. But thats splitting hairs to me. I dont have side mirrors, but i had some mirrors with me that i showed the cop that i have been planning on putting on and havent been able to yet. Also my seatbelt is non existant because i need to put lap belts after making the truck a vert top. But a 150 for 5 over, 150 for not having rearviews, and 150 for a seatbelt which is only a safety hazard for myself. And no chance for a fix it oppurtunity is silly. How can someone fix the problems with there vehicle, if they owe so much to the state. If these tickets could be dropped by solving the problems i would be happy. In Idaho a seatbelt ticket is 10 bucks.

How many mph over the posted limit do you consider speeding ? i can tell you from experience ( 23 tickets by the age of 19) that driving habits are the biggest factor in getting a ticket.I havent had a ticket in 25 years.Keep your vehicle as legal as possible and they wont have a reason to write you up.

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