When I bought my RL411 the previous owner had it swapped to a roadster 5 speed ... RL411 5 speed swap ... Then shortly after the swap it got wrecked, but not too badly and then I picked it up. I got it back on the road pretty quickly (and thanks to MikeRL411 for some help with that) and I get it out from time to time, but I still haven't painted it. Go here if you're interested to see how I managed to save my car ... Rally Bluebird
I never drove one with the BW automatic and I'm sure they're fine, but I can tell you the 5 speed is a real blast. I love the RL411 because it's simply a great little car. It runs like a top, plus it's easy to drive and you can park just about it anywhere. When Mike say's they are reliable - you can believe it!