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Shooting at Clackamas Town Center - Portland Area

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My wife, daughter and granddaughter were at the mall, right below the food court at 3pm.  My GD got really fussy, so they decided to leave.  Pulled out of the parking lot at 3:10.  Think about it too much, it can mess with your mind!

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Looking a the picture of that kid, you just wonder what the fuck went wrong in this kid's brain?  He doesn't look like a crazy asshole, looks like just a young kid.  And to shoot innocent people too, that's what gets me.  It's one thing to have a grudge against someone, at least then there's some explanation for the actions.  This, there's not much.  Just one kid going berserk.

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This may step on some toes.   It might even get this thread locked, because some are going to see my thoughts as political.

I believe we sowed the seeds of this current state of affairs in 1973, in the supreme court.  They ruled abortion was legal. 


What does that have to do with the shooting at Clackamas Town Center, and now the elementary school in Connecticut?  This.  It cheapens human life.   We now have two generations that have grown up with the belief that it is OK to abort babies.   


There are probably a few that are thinking right now, "religious nut case".   Hear me out, please.   When the human egg is fertilized by a sperm, all the DNA is in place to make a human life.  Sure, it needs nurturing and care for 9 months, and 18 years to become legally an adult, but the potential is there.    To abort the fetus, or the lump of cells, or the baby, whatever you want to call it cheapens human life.


So if human life is no longer set apart, or unique, or to put a religious tone on it, sacred, because our highest court has ruled that way, what is so wrong about the senseless violence that we see today?

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This may step on some toes.   It might even get this thread locked, because some are going to see my thoughts as political.

I believe we sowed the seeds of this current state of affairs in 1973, in the supreme court.  They ruled abortion was legal. 


What does that have to do with the shooting at Clackamas Town Center, and now the elementary school in Connecticut?  This.  It cheapens human life.   We now have two generations that have grown up with the belief that it is OK to abort babies.   


There are probably a few that are thinking right now, "religious nut case".   Hear me out, please.   When the human egg is fertilized by a sperm, all the DNA is in place to make a human life.  Sure, it needs nurturing and care for 9 months, and 18 years to become legally an adult, but the potential is there.    To abort the fetus, or the lump of cells, or the baby, whatever you want to call it cheapens human life.


So if human life is no longer set apart, or unique, or to put a religious tone on it, sacred, because our highest court has ruled that way, what is so wrong about the senseless violence that we see today?



Yeah because forcing a impoverished human being to raise another human being in abject poverty is good for all of us...




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I belive all these mass killings are not all just random acts. There is a puppet master behind the curtains. To me its way to fishey to believe these "seemingly normal people" are getting a hold of guns and  going yep today im going to go kill people and then myself, just how great is that! There was just recently a show about mind control and turning people into assasians and it can be done. To me theses killings are just too perfect for the Obamoid Communist party and there thurst for absolute power. We are seeing the pages of the book 1984 come to life. First it will be our guns, then our homes, call me crazy if you wish.

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No, there is no puppet master, there is no satan pulling strings.


There are root causes but none of them matter at this point because there is little that can or will be changed.


There is good and there is evil and the general breakdown of society allows evil to flourish and of course evil has been institutionalized for a long time in this country.


Violence has always been with us, but like everything in this day and age, and in concord with technology it has been finely honed and media allows these people who commit these acts to wield immense psychic influence over us in the form of fear.


Also to clear things up there seems to be semantic confusion between "mental illness" and "psychic illness".


To me mental illness is the unkempt guy on the street corner yelling at the traffic, no harm to anyone but himself as his mental faculties are in disarray and he cannot control himself.


Psychic illness is something we don't really address as it seems to be untreatable.


These people can masquerade as normal, maybe a little "off". Ted Bundy comes to mind.


This school shooter was psychically ill (sick in his soul or spirit, that intangible something that links humans) and as such was free to break the social compact and engage in satanic (evil) behavior.


Normal people, even extreme people for the most part do not break the social compact, they have enough innate empathy to not go ballistic.


Remove empathy, and all bets are off.

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Can't believe this ain't locked yet.


Guns or no guns,


Sane or insane,


Prolife or prochoice,


America is broken.



You all need to sit down at your kitchen table with a cup of coffee, a pen and a piece of paper and write a list of ways you are going to personally do your part to fix it.

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Can't believe this ain't locked yet.


Guns or no guns,


Sane or insane,


Prolife or prochoice,


America is broken.



You all need to sit down at your kitchen table with a cup of coffee, a pen and a piece of paper and write a list of ways you are going to personally do your part to fix it.

If you would read Revelations then you would realize that you CANT do anything to fix it.  It will be like this from now on.  The only thing you can do is be ready and help others around you be ready for christs return.  This school shooting is only the beginning.

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Jay - "Read your bibles sir!  There's all sorts of fucked up shit in there.  Like what?  Like did you know Jesus was a jew?!"


P.S.  Did I smell ghetto....sniff, snifff snifffffff.....braden? ;)

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The east side is getting pretty bad... he could have easily gone to a crowded area on the west side though.


Dumbass kids these days.  Have no sense of responsibility for their own actions.




That's what the young have been doing since the beginning of time. Don't you remember being a teen or young adult? Maybe you still are? It's a fact of youth that they (hopefully) learn on the way to adulthood.


If you add in mental defect as well.....



If you believe in Christ, well good for you. It's like a form of Karma .... if you are good you will gain goodness. Nothing wrong with these harmless dogma. Good is better than evil..... two concepts unique to the human animal mind. Unfortunately many (hell most) evil doers are never punished and effectively get away with murder. Oh.... they are punished in the after life? Well good to know! I feel so much better now. Maybe the after life is simply a human construct to reward goodness in this life and a net to catch evil that got away an punish it. Seems to me that true evil doers are not bound by the same belief that they will be punished later. Makes living now more enjoyable/bearable if those who do believe everyone is equal and will get what they deserve. And why shouldn't you believe this? Because the alternative that life ends with death.... that there is no 'reward', is so unimaginably horrible that we tell ourselves otherwise. A form of mass hysterical blindness.



Rather than worry about the after life, concern yourselves with your actions that affect you and your fellow man for the good, in the here and now.

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