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Minty Fresh 510


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My name is Tristin and although Im not new to building cars, I am new to Datsuns I joined this forum months ago in the hopes of buying a B210 sedan I saw listed on here, but unfortunately I wasnt able to purchase it. Ive liked Datsuns for awhile and finally was able to pick one up in good condition for a great price. Its in awesome condition for its age, though its not perfect. There is a bit of surface rust in some areas and the paint if faded in most places, but there is no rot. Rockers are 100% complete, no floorboard holes, no trunk rust. For her age, shes great. I have some plans for her in the future, but the first things that are going to get take care of with be maintenance related and some of the more important aspects.


Current Issues:

No weather sealing on doors

Heater is crap (I live in Washington... its a must)

Stalls on hard accelerating from a stop

Dash lights are half blown

Ignition is loose (twists when you want to start the car)

Front seats are shredded

Rear seat cover needs replaced (foam and springs are perfect)

Carpet is wicked dirty

Stereo is non-op


Future Plans:



Wilwood BBK

SR Swap (not sure which version yet)

Aussie rear Venetian blind

Aussie sun visor

JDM fender mirrors

Center console

MKI duckbill


Im not going to get crazy with it, but I would like to update the vehicle to current times. Once I get cracking on the maintenance it should be a great DD as Im going to use it when I go back to school in the Summer. Im going to try to keep everything original looking if possible and only change things if I must. Im going to try to keep the original paint color, interior colors, no garish front bumper colors, no ridiculous fender flares. Clean and simple is the way I like it. Anyway, here are the pictures as it currently sits. I just returned from a 3hr drive to pick her up. Enjoy and stay tuned!



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Yeah it was... It was actually on about 7 months ago as well. I emailed the guy asking about it and we both gor really busy so nothing went through. I almost bought a TE27 Corolla, but it was sold out from underneath me and I gave up on car hunting. I randomly was on Portlands CL and saw he reposted this 510 again. I messaged him again and within a couple days I drove down and picked it up. Hes an awesome guy... he owns 7 4drs. I think 5 2drs, and a wagon. He mentioned some of them were for sale because he has 18 cars total, but I loved this green and had to have it.

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I've tried getting ahold of that guy many times. He won't get back to me

Well if youre still interested I can pass on a message...


Hey silverdale! I'm in Bremerton. I'm glad to hear you don't have plans tear it apart. nice lookin original you have. all i would do is put wheels on it and MAYBE a 5 speed swap.:thumbup:


We should meet up sometime. Yeah, Im not looking to tear her apart, but I may actually keep it auto. Im thinking of moving to Seattle and the 45-50* hills are not fun with a manual. Plus, since its already auto Id like it to stay that way... we shall see though. Im not sure if I can swap in an SR and keep the column shifter.

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I saw that one months ago and was *almost* going to buy it and he was willing to deliver it to me but I couldn't justify the price after seeing the body flaws and honestly I personally couldn't see past that sun roof! Well that and I found something else local to me so it was a no brainer for me. It is pretty clean overall, funny how he maid no mention of the seats being all ratty to me when I asked about the interior's condition! LOL.


If it didn't have that sun roof I probably wouldn't have waffled on it and bought it, but glad it's in good hands now!


Provide us more pics!!!


Here's some pics he sent me:





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Yeah, the sun roof kind of threw me off... Im still undecided, but I figure with a little clean up I can live with it. Im not sure when you talked to him, but the seats could have been in better condition when you talked to him. He said he just recently removed the rear cover to get them redone but then got too busy. Oh well. Either way Im going to make the best of it... I love her!


Thanks for more pictures!

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Yeah, the sun roof kind of threw me off... Im still undecided, but I figure with a little clean up I can live with it. Im not sure when you talked to him, but the seats could have been in better condition when you talked to him. He said he just recently removed the rear cover to get them redone but then got too busy. Oh well. Either way Im going to make the best of it... I love her!


Thanks for more pictures!


Yeah I'm sure you'll clean it up and make it your ride with time. I was talking to him about 1-2 months ago. He seemed like a straight shooter, he sent me pics and we were on facetime on our iphones and he showed me the walk around. It was kind of blurry but it was still better than nothing since I wasn't anywhere near him to come up and see it.


Don't forget...MORE PICS, that's what we like around here! :P

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So I went out for a mini-cruise and I picked up lunch. I added to add a few things to the list that need to be taken care of. I have three things right now that need to be take care of close to immediately:


Stalls with acceleration


Loose ignition

Weather seals


The previous owner said that he rebuilt the carb and I trust his skills, but he still could figure out what the issue was. Basically from full stops, the car gets close to stalling with normal use of the accelerator. It seems that normal speed causes it to stall out... so once I notice its about to stall, I just release the pedal, and try again. Ive gotten used to it, but Id like for it to always work lol. Plus I know if my girlfriend ever has to drive it, she wont get it. I still have the original seatbelts and once to car stalls I have to turn it back on which means I have to undo my belt since it doesnt stretch like todays belts. Then, since my ignition is loose I have to hold the body with one hand and then with the other hand turn the key. Its a wicked pain in the ass. Any ideas on the stalling?


Also, anybody use vintagerubber.com weather seals? Its a decent price for an OEM fit instead of scavenging seals from other cars. For anyone that has, will the wagon seals work for the sedan? Im assuming the doors are the same size.

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Yes the wagon seals fit the 4dr. Well everything besides what is behind the rear doors.


Im using thailand door seals from ebay, figured they dont see a lot of sunlight (what kills the seals). And then the windows rubbers are a must, channel felt was the best upgrade I did!


As for the stalling. My auto did that whenever it was cold. I hated it. So I went manual. Check timing too, new points, condenser... check for a wobbly shaft on the dizzy. Its amazing what a wobbly shaft will do to an engine.

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Yes the wagon seals fit the 4dr. Well everything besides what is behind the rear doors.


Im using thailand door seals from ebay, figured they dont see a lot of sunlight (what kills the seals). And then the windows rubbers are a must, channel felt was the best upgrade I did!


As for the stalling. My auto did that whenever it was cold. I hated it. So I went manual. Check timing too, new points, condenser... check for a wobbly shaft on the dizzy. Its amazing what a wobbly shaft will do to an engine.


Awesome. Ill order them and hopefully they are not as hard as some of the other makes. I heard a few aftermarkets were too hard for the doors to close. Ill report on my findings... Where did you find the window seals/channel felt?



Are you going to the meet in Tacoma on the 18th??


The stalling thing sounds like a bad accelerator pump in the carb to me.


Im going to try to make it... I dont have any plans then so as of right now, Ill be there with the car. I know it was brought up in the thread, but is it the 11th or 18th. The 11th is the second Saturday of February.


Thanks for the tips on the stalling guys, Ill look at some manuals and see if I can fix it. I dont quite know my way around a Datsun engine, but I guess I have to learn sometime.

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