68Goon: No problem I thought you might like to see a stock-ish group of photos...but to answer your question yes it's stock but for some reason my dash is not a 68, I've learned since buyign it that it's a 69 dash, now I don't know if that came that way from the factory since they did funny things back then (like install different years parts on transitioning cars) but it is a stock dash. :)
Scooter Stuff: Sadly yes they were Camaro seats, I say sadly because I didn't know it at the time when I took them off to replace with stock Datsun seats and I sold them on Craigslist for WAAAAAAY too cheap. It wasn't until after I sold them in no time at all that I look into why I got so much interest, that I realized I could have gotten a LOT more for them...oh well. :P