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thoughts and prayers please

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Hey folks come here to ask for thoughts and prayers for my grandpa and my family. Thursday afternoon at around 3pm my paw paw went for a walk and got lost in the woods. We looked all night for him had helicopter and dogs searching and could not find him so we called the search off around 3am and resumed at day light. Then it started to rain at 5:45am Friday and it rained until about 7:30am and we found him at about 7:45am. He was wet and cold, wore slap out and slightly hypothermic. We had an ambulance on stand by in town so when we brought him out the wood there was no delay in him getting medical attention and they rushed him to the hospital. Once they got him to the hospital they were trying to warm him up and they did a cat scan and found a hemmoraghe in his brain and recomended he be transfered to another hospital with a surgeon on call for the weekend. After the cat scan his mood changed and they had to sedate him cause he was kicking and frailing about and he has pretty much been out of it ever since Friday at about 10am. He was admitted into icu at West Jefferson Medical Center in New Orleans and spent a day and a half in there and yesterday they moved him into his own private room. He has not been responsive other than curse words ( he is not a curser ) the hemmoraghe is in the part of his brain that control his communication skills so they say it is likley the side effect of the hemmoraghe. They have had to restrain him to the bed to keep him from unpluging himself. They tried to put a feeding tube in him today but he resisted so much they couldn't do it so he has not eaten anything solid since Thursday at lunch but he has been able to suck down some ensure out of a straw which isn't much but better than nothing. They seem to think the hemmoraghe is what caused him to get lost. We own around 170 acres and he walks it all the time and this has never happened before and where he was found was about 2 miles from the house if he had walked directly there so we figure he walked about 3 miles total. Now he is 87 and we understand he has lived his life but this isn't how we want to lose him so if y'all could pray that he gets his peace of mind back and doesn't have to much brain damage from this it would really mean alot to my family and I. Now my uncle mentioned that for all we know he in his mind he is still lost in the woods so today i took a bunch of pictures of the house, yard,cows and the pig we have so my mom could show them to him if he happened to open his eyes long enough to focus on anything thinking maybe it would let him know he is in a safe place and he can relax. So once again keep him and my family in your thoughts and prayers please we need it.


edit when someone replies i will +1 their post to not clutter it up with my replies cause i plan on showing my mom this thread

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One thing you must keep in mind, Frodo~ and be sure to share this with the family, is that once damage has occured to that part of the brain the patient can say things that are crueler than one could possibly imagine. Prepare your family and loved ones for this event, and teach them that it's the damage talking, and not the man!


My father had two major strokes, and many TIA's (trans ischemic attacks) after that, and even after being prepared by the nursing staff some of the things he said cut like a knife. Harden your heart to his words should they stray~ and honor the man as you would've at any other time. The love WILL get through~ even if it doesn't seem so.


No one knows what God has in store~ PawPaw (and you) included. I offer my prayers not so much to him~ for whatever path God's chosen for your grandpa the wheels are in motion it seems~ his battle being physical. Rather, I lift up my prayers for you and your family for whatever changes are beset before you. Love and support eachother to the best of your abilities through these (and all) tough times. Put your trust in Him, and He will fill your life with blessings.


May his road to recovery be straight and swift~ and may your family's burdens be lifted as on an eagle's wings.


My prayers for you and yours I ask in Jesus' name~ AMEN.




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I feel bad for you and your paw paw. I hope he gets better, but read twice the post above mine.^^^

He hit the nail on the head. My Dad has been bed ridden for over 7 years. It's no fun for him or any of us.

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Prayers for Paw Paw and your family. When this happened to my grandmother, she mostly remembered things from her childhood. Kept escaping our home and walking miles to the farm where she grew up. We used pictures from 60 years prior to bring her back. Good luck and patience for your family. It is not easy. Remember the good times and consider it a blessing to have had him in your life.

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