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am I being a dick?

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Am I being a dick?


When accepting paypal I only ship to verified paypal addresses. I seem to have caught some flack for doing such but I'd assume any buyer would want a seller to have their info verified as well from paypal.. Just as I'd like my buyers to have such.


Seriously is that being a dick? I don't think it is.

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Well its chill.. but unfortunetly for me my Paypal Addy is different from where i stay.. Ive been Screwed a few times with that where i put please send to "This addy" and the seller still sends it to the other addy... But its reasonable for u to do that..

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If people have changed their addy, they need update it with paypal. It really involves just telling the bank your address has changed and then telling Paypal the same.


I know a LOT of businesses that simply will not even bother sending it somewhere other than paypal.

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I always ask if the address is current. And I wait until the paypal amount processes completely and is in my bank account BEFORE shipping. (Unless I know them.)

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Paypal wont send money, if theres no money to send. You have to have the money in your paypal account, or "backup" account, meaning your bank account to send the money. If the money arrives in your paypal account, they had the money and was able to send it.


Soon as i get the cash in my paypal account i ship the product out. I use a tracking number on everything and double check the address of the buyer. I ship it wherever they want. If they give me the wrong address, tuff tits.. If they say it never showed up, well they have the tracking number and can deal with it. I would help out if there was ever a problem, but to this day this method has not done me or a buyer any problems.


Shitty part is, it takes 3-4 days from the money to go from paypal to my bank account. With todays technology, it shouldn't take but a few seconds...

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I sell toys on ebay. As soon as its in my paypal, I ship. I also will accept a USPO money order and a USPO money order only. When I get that, I ship as well.


Cover your ass unless you know them. Paypal is weird with the rulings.


At least with ebay, you have the rating to go off of. Im only 523, but im fixing to ask a seller to send my bro a shirt for his bday. As he lives about 900 miles away, I would like them to drop ship it for me.


All someone can do is ask....


If they want it bad enough, they will comply.



My two centz.



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You can't unsend money, so as long as you've received it and have proof you sent it to the address provided, whether its verified or not, you shouldn't have any problems. If you move around a lot it can be a hassle getting verified all the time. I still use my parents as a permanent address for the bank and stuff, so my address isn't verified.

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My friend once sold something and paypal was used. Buyer started a dispute and Paypal gave my friend no money...


Anyways, I use my bank through paypal. Bank doesnt give them my address. I have had up to 3 addresses in paypal at once. I could always choose where I wanted to ship the item to.


Note: Changing address in paypal does not change address in ebay. Ebay imports address's from paypal. You must edit your address's in ebay.

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My friend once sold something and paypal was used. Buyer started a dispute and Paypal gave my friend no money...


Anyways, I use my bank through paypal. Bank doesnt give them my address. I have had up to 3 addresses in paypal at once. I could always choose where I wanted to ship the item to.


Note: Changing address in paypal does not change address in ebay. Ebay imports address's from paypal. You must edit your address's in ebay.


That's why I video tape any packages I get. Twice I've had ebay packages be obvious wrong items. Bricks instead of brake calipers was my favorite. PayPal was actually about to fuck me until I sent them the video showing the UPS guy handing it to me, me opening it, and me showing the camera the bricks.

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I have not had paypal do a E check in a while. My paypal balance is ZERO...but when I buy it takes it right out of my account. I have not waited the 3-4 days in a while.


Paypal wont send money, if theres no money to send. You have to have the money in your paypal account, or "backup" account, meaning your bank account to send the money. If the money arrives in your paypal account, they had the money and was able to send it.


Soon as i get the cash in my paypal account i ship the product out. I use a tracking number on everything and double check the address of the buyer. I ship it wherever they want. If they give me the wrong address, tuff tits.. If they say it never showed up, well they have the tracking number and can deal with it. I would help out if there was ever a problem, but to this day this method has not done me or a buyer any problems.


Shitty part is, it takes 3-4 days from the money to go from paypal to my bank account. With todays technology, it shouldn't take but a few seconds...



Protect your ass...that way you dont have to worry about someone hacking their account and shipping it to their address.

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I verified through Paypal with a bank account a few years back...My Paypal account was hacked and my account cleaned out. Paypal did two things to correct the situation and return my money - Jack and Shit.


Luckily my bank put the money back in my account while they went after Paypal...What an ass pain that was.


Never again will I put a bank account in Paypal.

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