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Holy shit!!!!!!


I was workin in my car yesterday, just cutting metal and welding, finished at about 3:45 pm, well around 4 pm my left eye started watering and began to get a little red.


I figured it might have been a little flash burn from the welding so I just toughed it out and got some eye drops. Well all dang day today in training at my new job it kept getting way worse.


So once again I just toughed it out all day, their was no way I would call in, well it got so bad that I went to the ER after work.


Turns out I had a very small piece of rusty metal lodged in the green color part of my eye, and to make matters worse the rust was spreading.


So they strapped me down, made me keep my eyes open while they used a drill and dug into my fucking eyeball, then after that oh so pleasant experience they jabbed a needle into the drill hole in my eye to suck out rust and the metal shard lodged in my eyeball.


Wow man it was really bad, it reminded me Of clock work orange, but thank god I can afford health care


I was wearing my eye protection and everything, now the wife wants me to get fully closed eye gogles to work on my car, I'm in a lot of pain, but I had to refuse the pain medication, I have to much training for my new job to take it regular anyway.

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I work in a bodyshop and would suggest you get one of these, they are a life saver. And to everbody out there if you even think you got some metal in your eye GO TO A DOCTOR, toughing it out is not worth losing an eye.



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I have had to go to the eye doctor 3 times in the last year and a half to have metal dug out of my eye, the last two times were in dec. 2010 and mar. 2011, the last time he said, "weren't you just in here for that, oh it was 3 months ago". I tuffed it out also, got it in my eye sat. afternoon, had it removed monday morning, didn't bother me when my eye was closed the last time, the time before it bugged me when the eye was closed. He told me the last time I was there that he had an emergancy number, I told him it didn't hurt that much. The last time I went in to check the eye out after a couple days to make sure there were no problems, he decided to tell me about all the scar(plural) I had, there were 5, I have only went in for 3. I have to tell you this, if you know it is metal in your eye, go to the eye doctor ASAP, as you know, metal rusts fast in your eye.

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Man, getting stuff in your eye is the worst.


Last winter I was working on my friend's Volvo. It was a 73. It only had 50k miles on it, and I was doing the brakes, so I figured the brake fluid ought to be changed, too(looked to have never been changed!). It was black as it could get. I changed the pads, and flushed the brakes, but after a test drive, I found the front driver's side caliper to be freezing up. I removed the caliper completely from the vehicle, detached the hose and turned it over to let the fluid drain out. I then sprayed brake cleaner inside to swish it around and try to clean the gunk and rust that was causing the caliper to seize. Turned it over, and the worst concoction you can imagine oozed out. Figuring I needed to try this again and clean it up as good as I could, I continued until the fluid that came out was a little less sludge and more fluid. After a couple times doing this, I thought I would try to install the caliper. I tried to compress the caliper with a clamp, but it was now solid. Now leaning over and applying more torque to the clamp, it began to move a little. One more turn, and it completely gave way, and the brake cleaner/rust/grime/40 year old brake fluid shot from the caliper with FORCE. Where did it go? You guessed it; directly into my left eye. I could feel the pressure like a geyser flowing right into my socket.. kinda felt like getting poked in the eye with a little finger. Then I had "the wait", you know, the seconds before when time slows down, and you KNOW that it's going to be excruciatingly painful, but the nerves still haven't alerted that part of the brain yet.

It came on like a wave of surfers riding the tides of hell, straight into my cornea. I dropped to my knees and let out an involuntary wail. I've never felt pain that MADE my body react by making sounds, so this was a bit unusual. I've been burned, bitten, smashed, punched kicked, punctured, sliced, melted, and trampled. This by far takes the cake as the most pain I've ever been in. I rolled around and debated digging my eye out with a screwdriver. Seriously. I could only see a blur, and it was getting dark. I fumbled for my phone and hit redial to call SOMEONE. It dialed my girlfriend who lived 30min away. She was off in a flash and I was there to wait. I took a single picture of the eye before she got there.


Vision now was somewhat returning to my right eye, but the left was still compromised. It was blurry, and I couldn't stand the sight of light. I covered my head with a jacket and sat in my car and waited. The pain was indescribable. When my body had adjusted to the pain to where I could function, I went and started cleaning up my tools, organizing things. I had time to get the caliper back and mounted before my girlfriend arrived.

She scolded me for not wearing safety glasses(rightfully so), and took me home. I hopped into the shower and tried to wash the eye out. The burning intensified again. Shit. I had to wash it out, but my body wouldn't even let me. I could deal with the pain, but I couldn't even force my body to let me continue washing it out. I got out of the shower and my girlfriend came to look at my eye. She said that she could see layers burned off of the eye.. it looked like if you had peeled an orange in certain spots, but left the peel on others. I was sure I would be blind in that eye.

The following day I woke up, not blind, but still fuzzy. It wasn't til a few days later that the pain stopped, and my vision returned. Didn't mean to jack your thread, figured it was an appropriate time to tell a story :)


Glad you got that stuff out. You only get 2.. eyes, that is.

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Fuck me, that's no fun. People always give me shit for wearing goggles and gloves when I work on stuff. Hell, I even drag safety goggles to pull and save if I'm going to be under a car or banging on stuff.

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So they strapped me down, made me keep my eyes open while they used a drill and dug into my fucking eyeball, then after that oh so pleasant experience they jabbed a needle into the drill hole in my eye to suck out rust and the metal shard lodged in my eyeball.





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that is awesome times, I usually get metal in my eyes at least once a year. sometimes teh flakes land on your eyelashes and when you blink or rub your eye it goes into your eye. the best is when its off the grinder cause then it burns into your eye which is just effin sweet(not really)


good job on getting it dug out tho, you NEVER want ot leave it in your eye/eyes


at least at my eye clinic where I go there is some cute girls that work there haha


and for me, I refuse to go to teh ER room for any eye thing, I will only go to the eye clinic because that is the only thing they do. on some things I just dont trust doctors just trained professionals in that field

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When the doctor worked on my eye he would numb it, then told me to put my forehead against the machine and then to look into the viewer and focus on the dot of light, when he would cut the metal out of my eye, I would see the dot wiggle/vibrate, I didn't feel anything, but I knew he was touching my eye with the scalpel, but I thought it was best not to think about it. One of the funny things he said was that the hole he just cut into my eye removing the piece of metal would fill in over time, right then I thought about the last doctor that said that to me about my leg he had just stitched up, "that hole in your leg will fill it time", it never has filled all the way, but it was a really big hole, rototiller tines chew up everything they can get a hold of.

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I feel you pain boss. In a two or three month span I managed to get metal in my eyes three times. You know its bad when the eye doc knows your name on the third visit. And yea, you get the "you need to wear eye protection" lecture EVERY TIME. They never believe you when you say you WERE wearing it. I was lucky enough to miss my cornea each time, but the last one left me with a pretty cool scar on my eye. Its right on the edge of my cornea and distorts the edge a little.


Yea, rust starts to form almost instantly. And double yes, it kinda just feels like you have dust or something in your eye and it weeps a lot. My eyes started to get sensitive to light. Never had the pleasure of the eye drill. My doc used mad skills to lift the metal (along with most of the rust) off with a swab.



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