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Member identification thread

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So with this most recent canby i realized its hard to kno who everyone is. or who's car belongs to who. so throw up a pic of ur self with your car. or a pic of urself and ur car. dont be shy! I will go first!!


This is me and my girlfriend jessica on the right. right there at canby!




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So, what if you were'nt at Canby?....still post it? Cuz I'd have to get my wife outta the kitchen and have her take an oic......I keed :P

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I'm choosing to withhold my face until I meet some of you f@#$%rs in person. My truck isn't far enough along for glamour shots yet. So, y'all will have to wait in patience until the truck is ready.


Don't get yer hopes up too high. I'm not very photogenic. But, hopefully my truck will be.


As for the rest of you, bring the oics. I'd love to have some ammo for the next photochop contest.


I believe the last few have been lacking due to folks getting ready for canby.

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We somehow don't have any actual photos of us with the truck.... outside of it. So, here's what I could piece together.


Us..... (Brodster and myself. In a still shot from the GoPro on the way to Canby)



Our truck



Brody and our truck, loaded up, headed home from Canby


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Here's the latest with me and the family with the Coupe, thanks to Jeff (Icehouse) for taking such a great pic!! sorry no pics of me and the Sunny truck yet.....guess I need to do that soon...



Haha, this thread has served its purpose! I was wondering who this was!! :lol: This was in the middle of the timelapse of the engine swap on Siqx20's truck.



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