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Ricer Sightings

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As for me starting arguements, who is the one trying to start one now? Pot calling the kettle black?

You need to grow up and put on your big boy pants and stop crying like a baby and instigate a flame war everytime someone simply doesn't agree with you. I never said a damn thing to you!


 isn't reporting my post defined in these two sentences.....hypocrite much?

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joe cool, do u have to make it your personal conquest to argue with everyone....i  dont think i ever seen a post u made that was positive.....and that comes from a guy that drinks the haterade regularly...



This. I agree with it. And I see the same thing in many threads.

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self admitted pot....  i said  that ... its not suprising that u were perma banned from infamous.....fwiw...its not starting a argument if i simple post facts...i never dissagreed with u ,  in fact i have stated before that ricers sighting need to be mre rice.....i see alot of your posts traveling down this road.... kinda like i need to work on my typing maybe u should work on your wording... thats all .....


u were in pugs thread ripping him for selling his project....with little to no reason other then u blame him for your ban on infamous....



lol i start shit?....... ok ... im glad u noticed for not noticing....


You not only need to learn to type, but your dumb ass needs to learn to read. I never said shit to that asshole. NOR YOU. But you come here and there and stick your shit covered nose in my business and start something with me. My being banned from that dump and here is none of your damn business and irrelevant to this conversation. Do you even know the real reason I was banned there. No. I was banned because I took the side of a friend instead of kissing Pugs fat ass. HE started the shit with me, but unlike YOU I am not an ass kisser who backs down. On the internet OR IN REAL LIFE. Unlike you internet tough guy! Get a life, and mind your own business.



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This. I agree with it. And I see the same thing in many threads.


And you are another instigating internet troll who likes to come into someone elses conversation and start trouble.


Fucking teenage boys act all tough... ON THE DAMN INTERNET.

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fwiw .......when u report a post the mods will look into it ..... then when they do they will see what u posted and take the situation into context.....so u might wanna chill on the "hey u wanna fight stuff...." and i think cuss words are ok as adjectives and nouns but using them as commas and periods might be excessive...but im not telling anyone how to internet......u can learn on your own ... my five warning posts learned me to internet quite weller...the suspensions were more to teach me a lesson....lolz..... see u soon but prolly not before a week ...lol....


fwiw x 2 i dont report people so if it does happen u unfortunatley did it to yourself...my skinz is plenty thick fer interwebz


can vouch... izzo not teen ....he drinks and makes bad decisions legally

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You not only need to learn to type, but your dumb ass needs to learn to read. I never said shit to that asshole. NOR YOU. But you come here and there and stick your shit covered nose in my business and start something with me. My being banned from that dump and here is none of your damn business and irrelevant to this conversation. Do you even know the real reason I was banned there. No. I was banned because I took the side of a friend instead of kissing Pugs fat ass. HE started the shit with me, but unlike YOU I am not an ass kisser who backs down. On the internet OR IN REAL LIFE. Unlike you internet tough guy! Get a life, and mind your own business.



totally see your point that u were bullied into ban on infamous....those jerks all wanting to not be yelled at or called names ... whats with those guys......friggin internet jerks

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AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAhahahahhaha. I am far from a troll.  Maybe you are a troll trying to point the finger to take attention away from yourself.


The statement I made, is true from what I have seen. It may not be true all around.  Also, I am not a teenage boy.  You can quit the internet tough guy act now...  Your insecurities are coming thru and showing.

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Is this another case of sandy vagina?



Now back to the rice


It has two spoilers


next to the ricer 'merica 'maro is a jeep with a bush-cheney sticker on the back glass. directly below that is a ralph wiggum sticker.........subtle sarcasm :rofl: ???

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nah, i worked as a finish carpenter for a few yars, and one day on the way to the home depot i struck up a convo about starwars...



long story short we left with some 16ft boards and had them out the back like an X wing fighter. And as the law dictates you must have those damned red flags after X number of feet of hangover....



ur comment just brought that old memory back is all. good for the lolz and the old times

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