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Fisch's - RATSUN animated art

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Y'all know I have a few different styles of art. (Kidsbooks - grown up Sci-fi Fantasy) But I have been working on an animation look the last week or so. Which is a fine single-weight line, exaggerated proportions, flat color.


I've been so busy I haven't been here as much as I would like :( , but it is a innovative period for me and I need to run with it.


But you guys have been on my mind, so I thought I'd do something for the 610ers while at the same time, chasing this thing.


So without further ado, here's 610 Sue!


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Fisch, I haven't as yet spoken to you directly because you're kind of an idol to me and I feel a little unworthy. I had dreams of becoming a successful illustrator as a young man. Even went to a few semesters of art school. I couldn't really cut it in college financially so I went into structural fabrication. Like my Dad and whole family. It's worked out pretty well for me. I plan to be a supervisor by age 30, 1 and a half years from now. Point is, your style is so similar to mine that I regularly show your work to my wife as an example of what could have been. It's kinda crazy that I saw you on a datsun forum ( I thought I was the only datsun fan in the world previously). But yes, your animated style is both good and artistically sound. Go with it. You rock. And if you want my advice ever, I'd be flattered to give you advice on your art. Ask and I along with ratsun will tell you if it ever sucks. Dueces.

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An artist is only as good as his inspiration, and you guys inspire the hell out of me!


I have been toying w/ painting that kid on the door of my beater 510! Kinda makes sense on a lot of levels. Not only can our cars get broken bones when playing too rough, but they can break us too! (Though I think he needs a little hammer in his hand.)


Usually I am not into cartoons on cars (i.e. the infamous Jimmy Nuetron 510), but this is kinda vintage retro japan art kid. So it sorta fits.


But in this case it is even funnier because she is a girl w/ a BFH and her car was a bad little boy that needed to be beat! :lol:

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HA that is awesome Javin! But you know datsun owners are poor! She sinks all her sammi money into the 610! :D


I like 610 sue. She is freakin HOT. The 610 guys are gonna love ya Fisch. I bet Bonvo messed his pants just a little. :lol:

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