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zerow last won the day on February 13 2010

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About zerow

  • Birthday 02/28/1978

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Moreno Valley, California, USA
  • Cars
    1973 Datsun 610 Sedan, 1975 Datsun 610 Sedan, 2012 Toyota Corolla (parts delivery)
  • Interests
    Working on cars and drawing
  • Occupation
    Urban Planner

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  1. Door seals for the sedans/wagons, yes. Wrap the seal around the top and down both sides. Leave the cut end at the bottom, and put a drinking straw in the center and use an old soldering iron to seal the two ends together. You will need to use the trim clips that come with the Infiniti and poke a few new holes (use an ice pick or scratch awl) to line up with the holes in 610 doors.
  2. zerow

    Zerow's 610 4-door

    Good Evening, Greg! As you know, sedan 610s are one of the more difficult Datsuns to find parts to repair/revive. If I may ask, is the door simply not salvageable or is it missing altogether? Most of my sedan bits are accounted for, but I certainly can point you in the right direction for insight and part options. I will check out your projects on IG. My handle is williamwoerz on IG.
  3. zerow

    Zerow's 610 4-door

    Yes, I am back! The Facebook versions of Ratsun have been where I reply to more frequently. For those not in the know, let me give some recap of activity: 1) Graduated from with my degree in Urban Planning with Minor in Geographic Information Systems (I can plan cities and draw pretty maps). That was June 2016 2) Went on cross-country trip with family that summer to unwind from school. Came back in July 2016. 3) Was prepping for job hunting, and had some severe pain (more than usual) in my back from my injury sustained in 2003 in Iraq. August 2016. 4) Had MRI, found that the herniated disc "came apart" with fragments causing all sorts of pain and discomfort. September 2016. 5) Hung up my tools and waited for the surgical date in March 2017. 6) One year of recovery and physical therapy. I have a kick ass job and look forward to some ch-ch-ch-changes to Betsy, so stay tuned. 7) It is good to be alive, walking, and ready to take on projects within the limitations of my recovery.
  4. zerow

    Zerow's 610 4-door

    By the math, I figure I can get a healthy eight-some going. ?
  5. zerow

    Zerow's 610 4-door

    As soon as I come up the next time, you're riding shotgun. Let's RIIIIIDE!!!
  6. zerow

    610s unite!!!!!!

    Mighty? No. Student Status still going for this quarter. And the next quarter. I may be seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Oh look, something shiny!
  7. zerow

    610s unite!!!!!!

    That is a clean sedan. Makes mine look...cheap...
  8. Yes, the 610 windshields and back windows are glued in.
  9. Narrowed my 610 by the same amount.
  10. I await the day the California smog laws move the year forward for me to finally get a '77 810 sedan. So. Many. Ideas...
  11. ^^This guy... LOL :rofl:
  12. zerow

    Zerow's 610 4-door

    Gotta keep them ALL happy... B) ;)
  13. zerow

    Zerow's 610 4-door

    Wow...a year since I posted here? I should be banned... Not really, but just saying. Here are some recent shots of Betsy...and she has a new sister now. Nissan Jam! Sisters...
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