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What should I do about my goon sticker?

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. Only problem is I don't know who complained or was offended.


No one complained. The person that said that didn't have the balls to stand up and say "you hurt my feelings every time you drive into work." Put a notice up on the company bulitin board.....



To all employees RE: offensive windshield sticker


I have been asked by management to remove the sticker on my station wagon window as it has been deemed offensive by other employees. The ofending sticker is in referance to my wagon, wagoon or just 'goon. It says "GOON SQUAD" and represents myself and a loose brotherhood of Datsun station wagon owners no different than a Camaro or Mustang owners club. In no way is it intended to mean more than that I am a proud Datsun wagoon owner. Here is a chance for you to understand my position and hopefully remove your objection with management. Alternatively, I am a reasonable person and would like nothing better than to discuss this publically with you if you like.

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Guest DatsuNoob

God damn this is exactly the kinda shit that goes on at my place of employment (aircraft manufacturer in WA, take a guess if you dont know). Everyone has a bitch or a complaint against somebody else, but never have the balls to address it reasonably without involving management or HR. Gossipy bullshit everywhere too. My prev work partner went out on stress leave and now sits at home and drinks beer all day. So another co-worker in my shop goes on FB and sees his activity and feels the need to give us all an update and mud sling the guy every night during lunch break. One day I had enough of the bad mouthing, so I spoke up and asked him why the hell he's so concerned with other people's business when he is in his 50's, bald, fat, toothless, single, and lives at home with mom and dad still. Like he has his life in any real order :rolleyes: He told me to shut the fuck up and so I asked him what would happen if I didnt. He asked me if I wanted to keep my job, so I asked him if he wanted to "put your teeth back in before you raise your voice at me, you're embarrassing yourself" He said to stfu so I repeated myself. He got on the horn and phoned the boss saying I threatened his life and got me into hot water with HR over somehting that was never said. Lying pussy bastard. This is his 2nd attempt at my job with a lie. I found out he called in this weekend cause he fell off a ladder a hurt his little elbow :crying: awwwwwww.... I guess Karma really is a bitch :lol: I guess what I'm trying to say is, there are pussies all over, in every workplace, that can dish out complaints or shit talk and cant take some when it comes back their way. Either that or they deny having any involvement in anything bad they do to avoid confrontation or reprimand. I CANT STAND THESE KINDS OF INSIGNIFICANT CHICKENDICK LYING WASTES OF FUCK, they shouldnt exist, and are a waste of oxygen too IMO. Their mothers should have swallowed them.



oh yeah, Chopper has always been someone I truly admire. Dude speaks the truth.

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Come at it from different fronts. I like the idea of not removing it until the other people with "offensive stickers" removes theirs first. I also like the Idea of making a stink about your 1st amendment rights. They are just being closed minded. Everyone finds something offensive. At the end of the day, dont remove it.

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2eDeYe' date='18 October 2010 - 08:04 AM' timestamp='1287414281' post='368802']

Sometimes I wonder if I still live in America... :rolleyes:

Lets see The mayflower came here to escape religious persecution. Today good luck having a different religion your going to get shit no matter what religion u are.


The boston tea party, was against taxes from england. Well look how taxed to shit we get now by our own government.


The land of the free. Bull shit anymore, now that we even get told what kind of stickers were allowed on our cars.


This is still a great country, but its nothing like what it was supposed to be. I always say i believe our fore fathers wouldnt be proud, they would be sad to see what they worked so hard to achieve go to what we were trying not to be.


This country has turned from everything it was founded on. Why, the rich, the greedy, and the politicians. It sucks :( but i still love living here, its better than living almost anywhere else.

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If someone that has no power over you tries to tell you what to do, tell them to eat a dick. You still have rights.


Don't you dare even try to pacify them by making any addition or subtraction from YOUR sticker on YOUR car.

I'd print off copies of the first amendment, and when these P.C. wet blankets try to threaten, brow-beat, and tell you what to do, simply go to your glove box, pull out your envelope, and hand them a copy of the first and most powerful of our hard fought rights. "Read this" is all I'd say. Give em something they can't argue with.


Rather than placing another sticker below/beside/above in order to satisfy these pricks, you should make up a "1st Amendment or GTFO" sticker.

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If someone that has no power over you tries to tell you what to do, tell them to eat a dick. You still have rights.


Don't you dare even try to pacify them by making any addition or subtraction from YOUR sticker on YOUR car.

I'd print off copies of the first amendment, and when these P.C. wet blankets try to threaten, brow-beat, and tell you what to do, simply go to your glove box, pull out your envelope, and hand them a copy of the first and most powerful of our hard fought rights. "Read this" is all I'd say. Give em something they can't argue with.


Rather than placing another sticker below/beside/above in order to satisfy these pricks, you should make up a "1st Amendment or GTFO" sticker.




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Still not seeing the Asian community getting riled up over this...

If an actual Asian person is offended and complained, the you can talk/reason with him and explain goon/gook aren't one in the same.



I mean for fucks sake, an ASIAN created the sticker! HAAHHAHAHA :lol:

You can run and tell that homeboy, home-home-homeboy!







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I had a lot of WW2 vets giving me shit

r e s p e c t

my grandpa was @ pearl harbor and it took quite a few years for him to come to terms with my love for datsun


once explained, most fully understand and a few even appreciate the effort.



kind of like me painting my impala like a ZERO!

ONLY if you kamakazi it!!! :fu:



I get pretty scared/offended when I see a 70's station wagon...yeah. Pretty big badasses driving those things :lol:

the gOOn squad is already in your town!


be sure your tetnus shot is up to date!



kevin put a kkk stiker on there ...

my ex name starts with a K, so does her 2 sisters = license plate in the 80's "team KKK " no fuckin lie!!!

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as far as work goes, unless there is something in THEIR literature describing what is NOT permitted on THEIR property ... salute em as you enter & leave the offices to back to work :fu:



IF you get revlieved of your duty, do the 'new american' thing and sue!!! :rolleyes:





fuckin crybabies! :angry:

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