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What should I do about my goon sticker?

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Aside from work there has been a few asian people around town finding it offensive and saying it is putting them down. I thought it was bad when I had a lot of WW2 vets giving me shit for the paint job


Did they care to elaborate? Why would it be offensive to the Asians? I am trying to figure out why its offensive to the Vets too :unsure: I can find no reason in my searchings on the internets!

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i found this on urban dictionary had to laugh



Goon Squad


A group of slightly sketchy males, who drive fast even in shitty cars, wear aviators, blast music and smoke.


The difference between these men and bros (besides the smoking) is that inside members of the goon squad have hearts of gold.

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i found this on urban dictionary had to laugh



Goon Squad


A group of slightly sketchy males, who drive fast even in shitty cars, wear aviators, blast music and smoke.


The difference between these men and bros (besides the smoking) is that inside members of the goon squad have hearts of gold rust.

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go to HR, you have freedom of speech here in America


"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."



there is nothing hateful about the sticker and no reason to remove it.

there just saying it because someone complained and GOD FORBID! someone bitches at a school



go to HR and tell them it stays and why, if they still insist inform them that they are impeding your first amendment rights.

and that if they dont allow you to keep it youl be calling your lawer and the press because there trying to impede your right to free speech

gotta harden the fuck up when you do it too, make sure they know your fuckin serious.







fuck, I mean the first amendment lets pice of shit nazi's say what they want...... you can have a sticker about your car.



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Guest kamakazi620

go to HR, you have freedom of speech here in America


"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."



there is nothing hateful about the sticker and no reason to remove it.

there just saying it because someone complained and GOD FORBID! someone bitches at a school



go to HR and tell them it stays and why, if they still insist inform them that they are impeding your first amendment rights.

and that if they dont allow you to keep it youl be calling your lawer and the press because there trying to impede your right to free speech

gotta harden the fuck up when you do it too, make sure they know your fuckin serious.







fuck, I mean the first amendment lets pice of shit nazi's say what they want...... you can have a sticker about your car.



Or better yet,get ahold of the "nazi" group in your town and tell them of your dillema have them march for your freedom and get the local news involved like this.........

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well i'm liking all the comments. I agree with the talking to HR. I plan on doing that. How it offends the Asians, I still don't know I couldn't find any info on that.I do hate the only god stickers and the Jesus fish. It is pushed to much. I thought religion was not allowed to inter-fear with school. I talking with one of the teachers and she told me the video the class was going to watch had to be modified due to some children who can't watch stuff on the theory of evolution. I think that is crap as well. If little johnny son-of-a-bitch has a problem with that stuff or the parent. Take them out of class for it. do not deprive the other children of seeing it. I thing that is B.S.. I don't know why the war vet hate the car. maybe it's cause it reminds them of the war. who knows. I plan on adding the "wagons" under the sticker and driving it right to the parking lot as usual. I won't park off campus. Thanks for the wiki update as well. I just hate all this P.C. shit. that's why you can't say Christmas in schools anymore. It is Holidays now. :angry: Thanks guys and gals for the imput.

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Because they are too fucking stupid to know the slang term is GOOK-not "GOON".



Not to mention I thought it was also a play on the TV show the 'Mod Squad', or was it 'Goonies'- Either way they were both pretty ethnically diverse!

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Guest DatsuNoob

Everyone knows a mobster assassin's vehicle of choice is an old Jap wagon. Havent you guys seen the Sopranos? Kevin, you're so thug. :lol: I spoke with my work partner last night about it, right after my 1st post. He's Korean and could see no reason for asians to be offended by the term "goon". We got into a big discussion about the decline of society and how people have been molded into whiny shitheads, pussification of the entire country's youth to be more specific. We dont point out the failures of our kids to have them strive for excellence, every kid gets a trophy in organized sports no winners or losers, spanking is child abuse, men are supposed to be more 'sensitive' yet get resented by their women for being perceived as weak, etc. I could go on and on and on. This is one more example of someone's whiny faggotry that contributes to making this country a disgusting place to exist.

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Everyone knows a mobster assassin's vehicle of choice is an old Jap wagon. Havent you guys seen the Sopranos? Kevin, you're so thug. :lol: I spoke with my work partner last night about it, right after my 1st post. He's Korean and could see no reason for asians to be offended by the term "goon". We got into a big discussion about the decline of society and how people have been molded into whiny shitheads, pussification of the entire country's youth to be more specific. We dont point out the failures of our kids to have them strive for excellence, every kid gets a trophy in organized sports no winners or losers, spanking is child abuse, men are supposed to be more 'sensitive' yet get resented by their women for being perceived as weak, etc. I could go on and on and on. This is one more example of someone's whiny faggotry that contributes to making this country a disgusting place to exist.


Harden the Fuck up America

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Well noob you are right. Our society is trying to turn everyone into whiny pussies. I wish it was still the 50s when you could beat the shit out of someone for being stupid then walk away. Not worrying about being sued and thrown in jail of course. Just settle things and be done. Only problem is I don't know who complained or was offended.

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