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What should I do about my goon sticker?

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I have this issue with work and a few people around this shithole known as Vancouver. Apparently The "Goon Squad" sticker is a derogatory term and also a gang affiliation. So I have been asked not to drive the wagon to work unless the sicker is taken off. I guess the "American Bastard" sticker was fine but not the goon one. Aside from work there has been a few asian people around town finding it offensive and saying it is putting them down. I thought it was bad when I had a lot of WW2 vets giving me shit for the paint job, this seems to be worse. So any thoughts from the Ratsun crew? :huh:

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Well where I work everything is P.C. so not to offend anyone. I never knew it was anything bad. I looked it up and yes it is derogatory and yes it is a gang affiliation but that's not what this is representing. No one seems to get that. I had them look up this sight and find the goon squad stuff. So they know but I guess it is all in how it's perceived. I was told if I were to add "wagons" to the end of it or under it then it would be ok. I have never had issues with any car for anything before. So it is new to me.

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Guest DatsuNoob

GEEEEEESUS!! Dont people have enough shit to bitch about these days? This is exactly the kind of P.C. pussy uber-sensitive bullshit that drives me nuts! I'd love to give the fucking wimp who reported you a piece of my mind. Fuckers need to harden the fuck up!! Damn, this got me hot :angry:, I dont know if it's the absence of THC flowing through my veins or what, but I'm pissed. I cant stand whiny little pussies who infringe on other peoples right to free speech and freedom of expression. Not like it's a fucking swastika, an SS, or a god damn confederate flag for fuck's sake! SHIT!

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meh, id just add 510 wagon under it or something



thats the very first large goon squad sticker ever made, special order, cant get rid of it :lol:




fuck those douche bags

Exactly I plan on adding the extra words under it so it will be fine.


GEEEEEESUS!! Dont people have enough shit to bitch about these days? This is exactly the kind of P.C. pussy uber-sensitive bullshit that drives me nuts! I'd love to give the fucking wimp who reported you a piece of my mind. Fuckers need to harden the fuck up!! Damn, this got me hot :angry:, I dont know if it's the absence of THC flowing through my veins or what, but I'm pissed. I cant stand whiny little pussies who infringe on other peoples right to free speech and freedom of expression. Not like it's a fucking swastika, an SS, or a god damn confederate flag for fuck's sake! SHIT!

I would like to know who started it too. The only problem is I work at a middle school, so it could of been a parent or teacher or who the fuck ever was offended. I hate stupid B.S. like this as well. They have enough to worry about there without the car.

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Tell these phucking morons to walk out in the middle of the street,fall down and go phuck themselves.The term "goon squad" has it's origins in Hollywoods gangland movies(30s & 40's)as another term for Hit squad.Nothing racial or ethnical about it.And then you can show them a picture of themselves.Liberal.jpg

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Its your rights, not theirs. They cant do anything about it, especially since its nothing derogatory and refers to a WAGON GROUP. Id get a ratsun.net sticker and put the web addres right under the goon squad logo, so if people get pissy you can say, go to the fucking site, its a car forum. If they want to pull this shit at your work, walk around, im sure someone has a god only, or a my kid is a honor student sticker that offends you deeply. And since people want to keep god out of school, someone shouldnt have that sticker on their car. Being a douche can go both ways. Sorry if this jumps around, but i just woke up, but this is the kind of shit that really pisses me off. Im getting tired of people trying to tell you what u can and cant do just because it offends them. Grow some fucking balls and stop being such a pussy. I bet the person that complained is the same type of person that pushed to have god taken out of the pledge of allegiance.

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i don't mean to offend anyone with my following comment but I don't really like the Jesus fish and religious stickers on cars. I don't like people pushing their religion on me. I don't know that I find it offensive, but like say the Darwin fish that is like evolving. I'm sure that offends religious people too but is anyone required to remove their fish logos? There are stickers for political views. Some differing views can be offensive to some people (douche bags usually). People are entitled to put those things on their car. It's your property. Do what you want

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I would have to agree with Jass and Dan! You should go thru the parking lot and find all the religious or ANY other cars that have markings that are not the way you see it! May be able to get them to let you park there, or make the rest of the people clean up there shit aswell. "I will remove the Goon Squad sticker if you have these stickers removed from these other cars that could be construed as offensive" Or just start parking off the property, they cant make you do anything then! Cause the only thing they can really do is say you cant park on school grounds. I Hate the PC shit that seems to be ruining the fun and laughter in this country!


We could also get wikipedia to add us to the goon squad definitions on their site, then you could prove what it represents!

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What the fuck??? Put Gook Squad on it and watch the shit fly!!! Fuckin assholes.



Next time anything is said, threaten to call the media, and an attorney. Your civil rights are being trampled on so fucking flip out big time on their asses. Do it once, do it right and go big! Threaten to stir the shit and they'll back off like whipped dogs.

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I am kinda surprised the Veterans have a problem with it. I get that they get upset when they see a rising sun, (though I could argue that one.) But your paint is honoring vets rather than making fun of them. I guess their issue is it is an american fighter plane on a Japanese car? I am curious how many folks have gotten pissed about the paint compared to how many have liked it. Problem is people usually only speak up to complain rather than complement.


Lets see:


Rising sun = people get pissed.


US fighter plane = people get pissed.


Maybe we should find a Polish fighter plane design? (Do the Polish have Fighter planes?)

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When I was in high school (I was weird then too) My senior year I got a Flask for my birthday from a friend, had my initials on it and everything! Was using it as a water bottle in school. Had a couple teachers say that I cant have that in school, and I calmly said that I could (Its not in the handbook) Eventually the principal called me down to his office and this followed.


Him: You cant have that flask in school!

Me: Why not? Its not in the handbook.

Him: Cause they are for liquor.

Me: But its just water, here smell!

Him: I dont think you would come to school with liquor in a flask.

Me: Then why cant I have it in school?

Him: Because they were made during prohibition to sneak liquor around when it was illegal.

Me: What about cargo pants?

Him: What do you mean?

Me: Cargo pants were made for army personnel to carry extra GUNS and WEAPONS into battle, yet they are allowed in school?

Him: Well if I had multiple instances where students were using cargo pants to carry weapons into school, then I would not let them into my school!

Me: How many students have you caught bringing liquor into school in flasks?

Him: Well None....

Me: Then you cant tell me I cant bring it!

Him: <_<

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Guest kamakazi620

I am kinda surprised the Veterans have a problem with it. I get that they get upset when they see a rising sun, (though I could argue that one.) But your paint is honoring vets rather than making fun of them. I guess their issue is it is an american fighter plane on a Japanese car? I am curious how many folks have gotten pissed about the paint compared to how many have liked it. Problem is people usually only speak up to complain rather than complement.


Lets see:


Rising sun = people get pissed.


US fighter plane = people get pissed.


Maybe we should find a Polish fighter plane design? (Do the Polish have Fighter planes?)

Being half Polish myself the answer is No,no fighter planes!! Hell poland dosen't even have Ice cubes cuz they lost the receipe

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put a big piece of masking tape over the "goon" and write "censored by the man", or "freedom of speech is gone" on it.



make a point of installing and removing tape in the parking lot.






or go talk to HR and tell them you feel you are being unfairly singled out.

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And another thing, what about all the hot rodder club plaques!


Ooo promots drinking and driving



Awww promotes Spousal Abuse



Germans? Need I say more?



Vikings? Supporting Raping and Pillaging?



Supporting Hobos?



Supporting sinners!



Supporting all knowing overloards who enslaved people!





And finally, if you really want to piss people off.


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