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WTF stupid pig!

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i have a old basketball sitting in my front yard and if someone is flying down the street... oops i kick the ball out in the street, that'll make them think twice about speeding down my street again.




i do the same thing with on old rubber dodge ball

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lol me and a friend are waiting for them to leave later like they always do and then were going to make it right cool.gif


I'll explain later what I'm going to do.









Oh and I edited the "T" word ph34r.gif

Edited by metalmonkey47
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lol me and a friend are waiting for them to leave later like they always do and then were going to make it right cool.gif


I'll explain later what I'm going to do.









if its illegal dont explain it here, these are still public forums remember ;)




buuuuut..... if some random unknown assailant thats not you happened to do something that was worth some lolz...... get pics :lol:

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My neighbors kid fly's around way to damn fast. The other day i woke up, got a shower, and was getting lil danny into his car seat, and i see a flashing light outside. Its a cop sitting outside my house, im like what he hell have i done? Well he was at my neighbors. Earlier that morning i had heard banging sounds and junk, but they constantly work on cars over there. His front was all smashed, ans his bumper held on by zip ties. Well turns out the kid hit and ran 2 cars lol, that were parked on the side of the street. This kid is a dick constantly, we think he keyed my moms car when she was staying with us. I was putting danny in the car, and the cop came over and started asking me some questions. I told him they were working on his car this morning, i could hear it since my bedroom window is always open. I got to watch him get handcuffed and put in the police car :) made me happy to see some karma come back on someone. Some cops do their job right, while others dont. Sucks when and if you have to take things into your own hands.

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don't forget ski masks monkey ,,,, cause it's cold ;)



Yes, it is quite cold outside in the dark corner of the neighborhood where there are no street lamps to keep me warm ph34r.gif


if its illegal dont explain it here, these are still public forums remember ;)




buuuuut..... if some random unknown assailant thats not you happened to do something that was worth some lolz...... get pics :lol:


Oh yes, I won't do anything because I'm a good Christian boy hairy.png


But once upon a time, my friend dumped nitro meth and alcohol into some assholes gas tank along with some chlorine and the next day, the guy couldn't quite figure out why his engine wouldn't run right an suddenly detonated. I thought it sounded kinda cool, but i would NEVER do that. hehe



Edited by metalmonkey47
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Oh did I mention the people that live at that house tow cars in at night and repair them for people and then tow them out? Yeah, they're illegally running a car repair business blink.gif And they suck ass at it.


I figure, someone ought to give them a REAL problem to fix cool.gif

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My neighbors kid fly's around way to damn fast. The other day i woke up, got a shower, and was getting lil danny into his car seat, and i see a flashing light outside. Its a cop sitting outside my house, im like what he hell have i done? Well he was at my neighbors. Earlier that morning i had heard banging sounds and junk, but they constantly work on cars over there. His front was all smashed, ans his bumper held on by zip ties. Well turns out the kid hit and ran 2 cars lol, that were parked on the side of the street. This kid is a dick constantly, we think he keyed my moms car when she was staying with us. I was putting danny in the car, and the cop came over and started asking me some questions. I told him they were working on his car this morning, i could hear it since my bedroom window is always open. I got to watch him get handcuffed and put in the police car :) made me happy to see some karma come back on someone. Some cops do their job right, while others dont. Sucks when and if you have to take things into your own hands.


Theres lots of cool ass cops. In fact, i know most of the local cops. I just don't get why these two cops are total DICKS.

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Can i call you V, for vengeful. :)


Its nice when u get the cool cops, but he was a sheriff as well. And he was PISSED OFF and the kid, extremely pissed off. He even kicked the kids bumper on his car. I was loving it, both me and my good neighbor have new kids, we dont really want when they get older to be paying outside and get hit by this tard. Ive been half temped to go out one night and go to home depot, and make a speed bump going down our alley. :)


If you do do anything, be careful. I say pick up some termites and let them loose on their house.

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I like to carry a big stick, but usually go for the smallest tool in the box.






For some strange reason there's a lot of slow leaks around here...







haha!! thats the best weapon right there!


take the core, but its always very courteous to put the cap back on... lol

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Guest DatsuNoob

Have any of you guys tried a game of "Cardboard Kitteh" to deter speeders? You simply trace out a cat shape onto a piece of cardboard, paint it black (if you wanna get fancy you could scan an image and glue it to your cardboard), glue 2 nickels in place of the eyes and set it out in the middle of your busy street. It's pretty fun, especially if cardboard kitteh becomes 1/4" steel plate kitteh :lol:

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Take hard boiled eggs, soake them in vinegar for 3 days so they turn into a kind of rubber egg due to the membrane thinning. The nice thing about the eggs in the tank of a truck is when you drive, it doesnt happen right away, it takes its time and the egg sucks into the gas tube and blocks it so the truck is as if it ran out of fuel. Give it a few mins trying to figure out wtf is happening, and then the egg will lift and hey it can run again, for a few minutes. Takes a while for the egg to degrade as well.

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