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I never leave my Yellow car out of my sight!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just because. not that they will break my window but leave a KEY Scratch cause they hate 510s!!!!!!!


start driving the beater 510!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! anywhere you have to leave a car park in the masses



Must have been the "DG" hat you had in there.

Also Stereos attract unneeded attention also. That why I wanted the Am/FM stock Hitachi. Nodody wants them.

Edited by banzai510(hainz)
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Nice thing about Az.They changed the law to read like the law in Texas-we can use deadly force to defend property.Did i mention i LIKE Az.?


Don't they have a law in Texas that reads something like ( He needed killin )

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guns are loud and messy.......bludgeoning is much more satisfying! I say we get Datsod to make us up some custom billy clubs with the ratsun logo standing out on it......so when the MF'r wakes up in the hospital, he'll still have a little reminder of who not to mess with.


.....but don't get me wrong.......I'd be perfectly fine with the SOB ending up dead!!


I've always like AZ....you've just added one more reason!! :)

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guns are loud and messy.......bludgeoning is much more satisfying!


It takes balls to fight straight up and bludgeon that's the prob lol.


Idk the way I was raised and the way NJ law goes on the subject its force equal to force. If some unarmed tweeker breaks into a house and the owner blows him in half with a 12 gauge there is a problem. I can really understand the other side I just guess I'm a little(a lot according to some states) more moderate on the subject.

Edited by 72240z
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I'm sure my "real" reaction would be different, but in my case...it's not so much "balls" as it is a general disdane and hate for most humans...google misanthropic...you'll find my picture :) I've said it before.....I don't care if it's a hubcap of mine, it's still more important to me than that theif's life!!!


Speaking of balls.....what takes balls would be for that low life to suck it up and make a real effort at getting his life back instead of taking the easy way out and stealing someone else stuff. I actually don't have as much prob with the completely down and out stealing....but the ones that steal just cause it's an easy way to get stuff....they ought to be shot on site. As for tweakers...as soon as it's proven they're using ....shoot them....I'd rather pay for bullets than rehab! When I served on a grand jury for a month...I even told the district attorney(while we were talking about the crime problem)...."Remington makes a solution for that!!" He got a good chuckle....especially since I was wearing my postal shirt :) Now that I think about it.....the post office is the second largest employer....if everyone of us carried a gun, that would almost double our military power....and it would all be state side :) Kinda scary.....there's a lot of whacko's working for the usps!!!! :)

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If some unarmed tweeker breaks into a house and the owner blows him in half with a 12 gauge there is a problem.


thats why I just aim for the shins. he'll live, but he woulnt forget why he should stay the fuck away from my house

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The retired cop who owned the pistol range I used to use said because of that equal force bit if that situation happens he can sue you. Idk if that's true or not though but it would be pretty f'd up.

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guess id better aim a little higher then :lol:


That's what the retired cop used to say all the time. "if you have to shoot make sure you kill him, if he falls outside drag him in." Idk lol

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Guest DatsuNoob

Well, a good Mossberg shotgun is readily available at the $150+ range. I'm just glad to see they only made off with the hat, and not the whole car. Still sucks, I know how it feels. Almost dont want to drive it for a while huh? I had someone break in once for 2 dollar bills on the center console while at the hardware store. I agree with Dislexicdime, sometimes better to leave her unlocked. People are stupid desperate these days, I went to the zoo this last weekend with the family, and they had extra people at the gates telling people there had been a higher rate of car thefts/break-ins, and not to leave anything of value(or anything really) out in plain sight, and this is at the friggin zoo! People everywhere! I dont get people.

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i agree with klotz on the bludgeoning, much more satisfying. went to visit family in port hadlock saterday and about 10 minutes after we left we get a call from the "grandmas" that a kirby vacuum sales man tried forcing his way in, i turned the datsun around and hit hyper drive and all i could think about was how i was guying to bash the guys skull in., wasn't there when we got there so i tried to get a desciption and check around the area. no luck for me but plenty for him. none the less we called the sheriffs and reported it.


when people doen't respect others, i loose all respect for their human kind.

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I say we get Datsod to make us up some custom billy clubs with the ratsun logo standing out on it......so when the MF'r wakes up in the hospital, he'll still have a little reminder of who not to mess with.

its most effective when he looks in the mirror and can(maybe) read it (since the imprint was reversed ;) )

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I'd cap a mudda-fugga! Sucks, dude! Probably some tweeker. They steal the stupidest shit... had the same thing happen in my Z almost to the T. Rummaged through everything and only stole some gloves. Be sure to keep an eye on your credit and stuff. A lot of tweeker's steal Personal Info and sell it... had a law enforcement buddy tell me about this: They go through glove boxes and steal your info and they sell it to these ID Theft Rings. True story. Google it.

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Be sure to keep an eye on your credit and stuff. A lot of tweeker's steal Personal Info and sell it... had a law enforcement buddy tell me about this: They go through glove boxes and steal your info and they sell it to these ID Theft Rings. True story. Google it.



They steal your registration cards too that way they know where to go to get a second chance at what they missed the first time, Sucks Dillon at least you had the parts to fix it quick


I hope your lady friend was sympathetic to your grieving needs :lol:.unless she was just a friend in that case pay no attention to the last sentence :D



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Silent alarms are the way to go, with a radio signal to your keychain, OR a setup like what I'm writing: phone data card in a laptop in the car that shoots me an SMS message whenever anything happens to my car, INCLUDING a photo of the driver's seat from the center console. It's a pretty solid system overall. I'm considering adding GPS data as well, so if the car is ever moved, I can find out where it is, and there's a good chance that I have a picture of the driver.

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Shit! why not buy a fucken undercover police bait car. Some gps tracker is enough for me. Take it! Take it to your chop shop or to your home etc. I'll call the cops make a plan and take everyone down. Simple!



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guns are loud and messy.......bludgeoning is much more satisfying! I say we get Datsod to make us up some custom billy clubs with the ratsun logo standing out on it......so when the MF'r wakes up in the hospital, he'll still have a little reminder of who not to mess with.


.....but don't get me wrong.......I'd be perfectly fine with the SOB ending up dead!!


I've always like AZ....you've just added one more reason!! :)


hehehe i have a billy club that was once part of a strut :D the chrome rod that sticks out the actual shock part well it has a nice bit at the end thats for the seal the makes a nice end to a billy club it now lives right next to the drivers seat in the car :P

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hehehe i have a billy club that was once part of a strut :D the chrome rod that sticks out the actual shock part well it has a nice bit at the end thats for the seal the makes a nice end to a billy club it now lives right next to the drivers seat in the car :P


lmao, you know I keep a ka24de upper timing chain in my d21, call it the sleeping pill. Fucking gear heads.....

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