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ratsun pets, we know you got-em, now show-em

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Ok some of you saw my turtle's screwing oics , (go to other projects alleycatgarage so cal shop)Well anyway the eggs started hatching a few days ago ,so most people never see California desert turtles this small, when hatch they are folded in half and flatten out with in a couple days ,they only get like 14" across full grown, native to Mohave and Sonora deserts only ,endangered,I have adults and babies from like last five years , tried to get a teacher to take one to school and show his kids ,too much responsibility he said ,anyway here is your oics of day olds for you science minded peeps. These live to be 120 years old so I only have re-homed to people with small kids that are also science minded .104_1980.jpg[url=http://s1183.photobucket.com/user/Alleycatgarage/media/104_1978.jpg.html]104_1978.jpg[url=http://s1183.photobucket.com/user/Alleycatgarage/media/104_1979.jpg.html]104_1979.jpg

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This post is a little belated...but it's been just over 13 months since I lost my dog to cancer. (RIP)




It took me that long to get over losing him.. but at last, 13 months later to the day.. I finally got another dog. I rescued him from the Florence humane society. He has been at the shelter for over a hear because Florence is a small coastal retirement community. Old people don't like big dogs, let alone pits. Anyway, here are the pics.  






His first car ride in over a year.. The hour long ride from the coast to Eugene.



Here he is trying to figure out how the dog door works.



Figured out the dog door, now guarding the door.



Tired after a long day of guarding things.



Falling asleep standing up.




So far.. it's been interesting rescuing an adult dog. He apparently has some mild separation anxiety. He has found a bag of cough drops in the house and shredded the bag all over the carpet. But didn't touch any of the drops(score). He found a Birkenstock and placed it in the yard. Didn't chew it up. He spends most of his day putting snot marks on my front window waiting for me to get home. He has tested the durability of my wood fence. Test was successful and it turns out the fence is a complete pile of shit. He pushed some boards off it and walked through it. Long story short he got another car ride..from the police, down to the city dog kennel and another one from me back to my house.


He hasn't been an angel that's for sure.. but he hasn't been awful either. He walks great on a leash, he hasn't even barked even once.. at all. He's friendly to everyone. I've only had him for 6 days and he has a lot more settling in to do. As for now.. I'm off to buy a bunch more chew toys so my house doesn't get destroyed.


Oh yeah, and he's getting used to his new dog food. Even with a slow mixture.... the house smells like a wicked dog fart. It will wake you up from a dead sleep.

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This post is a little belated...but it's been just over 13 months since I lost my dog to cancer. (RIP)


 It took me that long to get over losing him.. but at last, 13 months later to the day.. I finally got another dog. I rescued him from the Florence humane society. He has been at the shelter for over a hear because Florence is a small coastal retirement community. Old people don't like big dogs, let alone pits. Anyway, here are the pics. 


His first car ride in over a year.. The hour long ride from the coast to Eugene.



Congrats on the new pup, he's adorable!  I have to admit, I REALLY miss having a big baby of a dog.  Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love our Pug, but a large breed is in our future again... that's for sure.  Good luck working out his quirks.  I know that it took my big dude that I adopted 11+ years ago a bit to break some of his habits that came from him being a wandering stray before landing in the humane society that I picked him up from. Sounds like he's got a solid foundation though :thumbup:

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Congrats on the new pup, he's adorable!  I have to admit, I REALLY miss having a big baby of a dog.  Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love our Pug, but a large breed is in our future again... that's for sure.  Good luck working out his quirks.  I know that it took my big dude that I adopted 11+ years ago a bit to break some of his habits that came from him being a wandering stray before landing in the humane society that I picked him up from. Sounds like he's got a solid foundation though :thumbup:

he has already developed some bad habbits. started digging and stealing stuff and bringing it outside and shredding it. hes not liking being left home alone. starting next week hes starting 8 weeks of training. i bought a massive dog crate that ill put infront his dog door so he can play all day outside and come in out of the cold for a nap. at the same time.. the tv remote are safe.


once he settles in, we'll give him another shot at roaming the house. he definitely has separation issues.

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he has already developed some bad habbits. started digging and stealing stuff and bringing it outside and shredding it. hes not liking being left home alone. starting next week hes starting 8 weeks of training. i bought a massive dog crate that ill put infront his dog door so he can play all day outside and come in out of the cold for a nap. at the same time.. the tv remote are safe.


once he settles in, we'll give him another shot at roaming the house. he definitely has separation issues.

Good idea on the crate.  Hopefully he comes around and works with you to get him comfortable, and happy.


Also, my big guy, Diego, was a digger.  If he's not a picky eater, try feeding him carrots.  I've read that they help soften their nails, making digging less satisfying on the ole paws.  Naturally, Diego wouldn't eat the carrots  :sleep: 

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Good idea on the crate.  Hopefully he comes around and works with you to get him comfortable, and happy.


Also, my big guy, Diego, was a digger.  If he's not a picky eater, try feeding him carrots.  I've read that they help soften their nails, making digging less satisfying on the ole paws.  Naturally, Diego wouldn't eat the carrots  :sleep:


yeah i think he will come around. And he's not picky. He likes carrots, apples, strawberries.. I walk him twice a day. He's a sniggler though so we've been working keeping space while at home. Giving him confidence to lay by himself. this is my first rescue so its a learning experience for both of us.

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Dog ate a bag of chocolate chips. We knew something was up when he was bright red and his heart was pounding. That being said.. he got his first trip to the emergency vet. And today is his first day with his crate.

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yeah i think he will come around. And he's not picky. He likes carrots, apples, strawberries.. I walk him twice a day. He's a sniggler though so we've been working keeping space while at home. Giving him confidence to lay by himself. this is my first rescue so its a learning experience for both of us.



Hopefully you core the apple and remove the seeds.

They contain a form of cyanide....very bad for dogs

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Damn, hope hes ok!


Vet forced him to eat this charcoal stuff to help stop his stomach from absorbing the toxins. He is doing good now.


We'll see how his first day of crate use went. I hope he doesn't get pissed and annihilate my back yard. Better the back yard than the house though.

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Bummer to hear about him making the trip to the ER vet.  That's never good, or cheap.  Our last Pug use to eat fucking EVERYTHING!!  We tried some different methods recommended online to get him to throw up after chugging down almost half a bottle of 3-in-1 oil, a pound of chocolate and various other things throughout his 8 years....  Nothing ever worked, but he never got sick from anything he ate.  He'd just scarf it down and go on his merry little way.


Hope the crating went well!  And hopefully he only destroys the yard and not any part of the actual house if he's in Captain Destructo mode... :mellow:

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My dog ate a box of rat poisoning on top of many other horrible things. anything that has seeds is bad for dogs. but i have never seenn one get sick fro. Eating fruits. like mine went a whole summer practicaly living off pairs from the tree in our back yard... glad your pup is doimg better though draker!

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Bummer to hear about him making the trip to the ER vet.  That's never good, or cheap.  Our last Pug use to eat fucking EVERYTHING!!  We tried some different methods recommended online to get him to throw up after chugging down almost half a bottle of 3-in-1 oil, a pound of chocolate and various other things throughout his 8 years....  Nothing ever worked, but he never got sick from anything he ate.  He'd just scarf it down and go on his merry little way.


Hope the crating went well!  And hopefully he only destroys the yard and not any part of the actual house if he's in Captain Destructo mode... :mellow:



Wow.. oil too? weird.. 

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