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Status Updates posted by Will

  1. Went on a job interview - the older woman who was interviewing me saw my Datsun tie-tack - she used to teach mechanic lessons and drive a 510. I hope that means I got the job.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Cleopatra Jones

      Cleopatra Jones

      You're in. I once got a job cause the lady I interviewed with's daughter was going to school for design. I had just graduated.

    3. Will


      A friend gave me the pin a long time ago - she was my brother's ex.

      Brother: "...but she never gave me any gifts!" Me: "you drive a Volvo."

    4. Will


      Got a job offer today - THANKS DATSUN!

      710 - you're getting a new coat of paint.

  2. Whoever got to the B210 at the Newark wrecking yard and took the mirrors and stuff, I totally got the screwdriver you left behind. It's pretty cool.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. itsabby!


      more details!!!!!

      phillips or slot?

      we need to know

      to spread the word



    3. pondking
    4. Will


      I'm afraid my camera would explode if I tried to photograph it. It is glorious.


  3. Datsun ownership has prepared me to assemble IKEA furniture. I know I have the metric lockwashers to make it so this junk doesn't rattle apart.

    1. MicroMachinery


      My bed rattled apart. Mattresses on the floor FTW.

    2. flatcat19



  4. The '73 240Z at the pick-n-pull still had its hazard switch. Yay! ...though someone had already taken the knob. Rats.

  5. My girlfriend also though that spending a Saturday morning at the junkyard sounded relaxing. She's a keeper.

  6. Just saw an old person driving a bone-stock 1200 coupe to the grocery store. I think I'm going to like the west coast.

    1. Draker


      Yeah, no big deal

    2. 420n620


      better start packing a camera and post in sightings. Hope you enjoy your stay.

  7. Removed and re-installed the 710's transmission in a gas station parking lot... it lives!

  8. Anyone in the chicago area with 280zx transmission parts? I'm near Gary, and something i'm my throwout bearing system has crapped out.

  9. Anyone have an a/c system for a 710? the start of my cross-country trip has me thinking about adding some coldness to the car.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. MicroMachinery
    3. Will


      I think I'll be getting to SF a few days after Canby ends! (...if only it was the SECOND weekend in June...)

      Thanks for the offer RedBanner - that'll be the perfect excuse for a trip up the PCH. The 710 needs a bumper sticker from Confusion Hill Gravity House.

    4. bonvo


      if your going to go pick it up from redbanner let me know maybe i can meet ya somewhere and snap some pics

  10. Looks like the Datsun will be getting to San Francisco at about the same time that Canby is ending. Oh, if only it were happening the THIRD weekend in June.

  11. Looks like the 710 is going on another cross-country trip in early June, back to the Bay Area. This time my Dad is coming along for the ride - he's almost 65 and has never made the coast-to-coast trip.

    1. RedBanner


      Fuck cali, early june is canby yo!!!!! Come up here doit doit doit!

    2. Will


      When does Canby happen? I don't see it on the website calendar.

  12. I'm moving to the Bay Area in a month and a half... maybe I will make it to Canby this year. There is going to be one of those, right?

    1. TENDRIL


      yes... drive up withus sacto guys


      meet at james's

  13. Bumper straightening/rechroming recommendations? also, only a**holes don't remove their trailer hitches before parallel parking.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. sedition88


      NP, ask for Charlie

    3. zerow


      Not your fault, I am assuming. Did you get the clown's information? Go to your local Nissan dealer and ask their body shop. Stick it to the idiot!

    4. hitch


      I've discussed this in every hitch install shop in six states. The consensus is that due to busted shins, these vehicles are frequently keyed. Serves them right!

  14. While watching a Japanese movie from 1981, I saw a 510 crash into a first-generation Celica. Tragedy.

  15. I didn't want to give my phone number when I bought a fan belt at Autozone, so I told them my number is "555-1212." The clerk told me that in their database, that number belongs to John Wayne, and he drives an '86 Camaro.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ariascarlos1990
    3. flatcat19


      My reply would have been I am John Wayne, bitches!

    4. jrock4224


      an then pooped off a few rounds inthe air and hollared yee haw

  16. NAPA says the closest exhaust flange gasket is in Spokane. He says: "Spokane, Portland, lots of them over there." Pacific Northwest - stop bogarting all of the gaskets.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. laotsu
    3. bonvo
    4. Will


      I have been applying to jobs out west for the past few weeks - I should be out there by May at the latest!

  17. I just moved the Datsun into a parking spot that is the farthest from houses and trees that might fall onto it.

  18. This matchbox distributor is living up o the hype, so far.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jayden71


      drop it in and FUHGETABOWTIT

    3. Will


      The car came with a Petronix, & I'd been using it that way for the past year-and-a-half - finally got around to swapping the parts and it idles much better!

    4. jrock4224


      best mod i put on my l16....even better then the weber...

  19. After spending all summer in storage, the 710 started right up. Now it's time to address a hundred little things before driving up to Ottawa.

  20. ...just handed in my graduate thesis. Now I'll finally have some free time to work on the 710!

    1. RedBanner
    2. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      "Phuck school"


      Good work.

  21. New Year's Resolution: I will never ever make the mistake of removing my cam towers ever ever again.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. DAT510


      lol have to get the towers line bored then


    3. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      Lol ... seems we all learn one way or another

    4. Sealik


      Removed them many times...no issues. Just make sure they are installed properly with the dowels and torqued to 12 ft lbs

  22. Winter break from school! Time to put in a new engine!

  23. Reputation: 1? That's not neutral. Somebody likes me!

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