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Status Updates posted by bananahamuck

  1. Site won’t let you delete your status now .. so we got that going for us. 

    1. MikeRL411


      Nor will it update your age like mine.

  2. Confucius say: Man who checks out woman's package, doesn't always work for UPS.

    1. RedBanner


      Confucius say: girl who rides bicycle upside down, has hairy crackup. 

  3. A big thanks goes out to Scooters for sneaking over the border and delivering my "package" Saturday,,, thanks man!!. 

  4. I'm not sure who the sadist was that thought up a Weber emulsion tube numbering chart but here's to you sick bastard

    1. DHale_510


      It's not about you. These Weber jets were all originally developed for specific cars. The emulsion tubes were numbered chronologically by application. They also a rather insensitive adjustments. We usually just run around whatever tube we have in there. You probably do not need the tubes for a Lamborghini 12 cylinder for example.


  5. What?? No more Blazer basketball updates??

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. flatcat19


      Still got that dial-up in tumwater, eh? This joke should have happened a week ago.

    3. bananahamuck


      I think someone needs to get a better phone calendar app.


      April 21st was just last Saturday,,,,


      NOT a week ago


      Couldn't post was recovering from all the arguing at the Datsun BBQ that morning

    4. flatcat19


      I knew it was over after game 3. Calendar worked perfectly fine there, you sports-nut.

  6. Thanks Chester and Tdaaj for giving me a hand getting that tranny out of that 720 4X4 this morning ,,, would have been a nightmare without chew guys

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. flatcat19


      Tranny party at Nanners!

    3. tdaaj


      Welcome, we are thinking about a short cruise tonight on some local backroads to "break" chesters 620 in after i get off work.

    4. Bleach


      :) Good work Tdaaj

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. bananahamuck


      There should be a Ratsun big Lebowski drive-in movie night.

    3. KoHeartsGPA


      Shut the fuck up, Donny.....

    4. HOGIE


      Make it happen, and the Datsun's will come!

  7. 1977 620 at auction $25. bucks right now ,, pictures show 5speed written on tail gate,, ends in about 17 hours from now (6:30 pm PST) https://abetter.bid/en/34628496-1977-datsun-pickup

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. HOGIE


      its gonna cost me a lot more than $25 to pick it up

    3. bananahamuck


      sell the god awful camper for 5 bucks to someone that needs a chicken coop.

    4. KoHeartsGPA


      I would drop that off at the state scale near Hwy 99....they don't have a coop there ;-)

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Phixius


      Anthony Bourdain...

    3. Phixius


      God damnit... because of him, I still haven't had a

      Caipirinha.. even after befriending a Brazilian. ..

    4. bananahamuck


      You catch the one where he went to Tangiers ,,, those old dudes were just chillin

  8. Who's going through the international district and can pick me up a couple spring rolls??

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. bananahamuck


      I have some frozen ones in a bag!! I want freshly made








      and i want one now!!




    3. EastBay521


      make a tutorial on how to make them

    4. bananahamuck


      Make?? I didn't get this fat by taking the time to learn how to make food,,, and i'm not changing now.

  9. Can't we all just go back to hating Rick like the olden days??

    1. bananahamuck


      Cuz he's the real dick here..







      Am i right??






      you know i am.





    2. flatcat19


      We're dicks. He's an asshole.

  10. I like boats like your mom likes men,,,, twin screw

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. flatcat19


      Gatoslocos presents WaterSports 2017!

    3. EastBay521


      you cant say youre not into it if you haven't tried it

    4. KoHeartsGPA
  11. Does anyone know if this wheel bearing kit is still avaliable thru Nissan, local wasn't helpful yesterday.. http://www.datsun-roadster-parts.com/index.php?id=542

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. bananahamuck


      They are cheaper but they have a pretty spooky credit card ordering system.


      Or statements like this


      From time to time we have made mistakes on freight amounts and have been back billed for freight charges by UPS & FEDX for a greater amount that was charged on the invoice. In these cases we will supply the billing document to you with the additional charge that was made to your credit card.




    3. bananahamuck




      Please try to avoid using your cell phone to place a order as address numbers, street name etc. are sometimes difficult to understand over the cell air waves. If you do use your cell phone you may face a $10.00 address correction fee on your credit card bill. Take note that we always repeat the address with 1st time clients.

    4. bananahamuck


      $10. charge for them having to actually listen to what you are telling them seems excessive to me

  12. You know what would be cool??

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Fat510


      Cryo-frozen Walt Disney reanimated in zombie form

    3. DAT510


      that washer :)))

    4. Mattndew76
  13. I bet those starving children on TV wish they had some vinegar.

  14. Whoever is trying to text me,,, my phone is on the fritz,, the message comes in ,, but i can in no way read it. ..... haven't been able to in a couple weeks

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. bananahamuck


      Oh,, i'm about to rotate that fucker way more times that 180 by the time it hits the ground.



    3. Scgreen620


      Maybe you need to clear your messages

    4. bananahamuck


      All cleared and i even re-booted(?) the dang think.


      All that got me was ,, now it gets worse service somehow.

  15. You know if someone was to have a meet inEverett/Marysville in January i could probably wobble my piece of shit up there. Just sayin

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. 510freak
    3. bananahamuck


      Wow with the huge response,, you would think i asked for a Portland area meet or something..

    4. 420n620


      1st time here ? lol

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