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Status Updates posted by Tristin

  1. Man, I love when people think they have gold for sale... I hope you like your junk collecting dust since youre never going to get your asking price.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Cleopatra Jones
    3. Fat510


      Rick saw avatar?

    4. mhub91


      Lol, i'm not jelly at all about 510s. I'm not into them, to be honest. I just like laughing at people who think they have gold. And, yes... $5k may be the market value... if you're high as fuck. They're all ovef CL for $3k and nobody is buying them!

  2. In the final running for a new job. Excited because its both a design job and a car job...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Tristin
    3. bananahamuck


      Good luck i have been running from work for years now.

    4. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      Hope ya get it good luck and congrats.

  3. Its time for a second Datsun... must find a 521.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Burabuda


      after you buy #2 and get it not running then buy #3 ...

    3. DatMo


      I saw the sickest 520 on my street today which I rarely ever see datsuns


    4. Kirden


      I think Burabuda has it right. My 620 has been down for a while, B210 has never ran since I had it, and I'm looking for a 1200... Gotta stay focused and finish the B210 first though.

  4. Finding a manifold stud kit locally is proving to be a pain.

    1. Eagle_Adam


      hardware store near me had them - ace hardware

    2. jrock4224


      yup sdmd right sce s the hardware place ....... I gank stainless shit from them 24/7

    3. Tristin


      Sounds like Hooligan has a set through work. Oreillys has a bunch of them, but nothing it seemed was the right size. All SAE shit. Ill check ACE, thanks for the tip!

  5. Wiring is giving me a headache. I just want to drive the car... need to be ready for Sunday.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tristin


      Ha no thats fine. I just disconnected everything in a hurry and forgot to make what was what. All the manuals are for 70+ and 69s are wired differently with different colored wires. Im also making notes for a color diagram as well as dimensions and parts to make a brand new harness. It was just more work than I was anticipating tonight. I got it under control now.

    3. erichwaslike


      youre making a color diagram and you just started unplugging stuff without marking it.... amateur

    4. Tristin


      I started the diagram and wasnt planning on finishing it right now. Too much on my plate... but yes... not marking plugs before disconnect is a very noob move. Ive got the car running again which it wasnt for a bit, but still have no turn signals. Im missing a green female spade somewhere.

  6. Watching a little Airwolf.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Tristin


      Yep, Blue Thunder came out a year or two prior if I remember right. I just remember seing Airwolf first. Probably the reason why I liked Airwolf so much was that I grew up with Thunder in Paradise (although only one season) and the boat was similar to the helicopters in technology.

    3. jrock4224


      mmm blue thunder...i built a blue thunder out of legos sans 1986

    4. loungin112


      the only thing better than A-team and knightrider....airwolf. Just saw it was on Netflix....I'll have to add to my favorites.

  7. Your inbox is full... would you mind PMing me when youve cleared it? Thanks!

    1. hurricane14


      also looking to get in touch. looking for a carpet kit. thanks.

  8. Time for bed. Ive been working at the computer all day so my head hurts.

    1. jrock4224


      um fuck no i got shit on my mind iand i need a shoulder bro

  9. Man, its so nice outside... I wish I didnt have so many indoor projects to do. Id rather be outside right meow.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DAT510


      very carefully....









    3. freetheoranges



      example: "why so cereal?"

    4. Tristin





      And to answer your question, I drew it pixel by pixel.

  10. Im thinking its time for some Taco del Mar... Im starving.

    1. crackerjack69


      Hell yes. Think I'll get some too.

  11. Your messages seem to be full man... want to talk a bit of shop.

  12. Gah, didnt get around to cleaning the car. Looks like Im waking up early tomorrow.

  13. I think your inbox is full... I wanted to send you a message.

  14. Good luck... some of the older bases are hard to find, but once you get one customizing it pixel by pixel is the fun part.

  15. I made it. They have stock cars available online and I manipulated it to look like my car (well, when its done) in MSPaint. They are called pixel cars.

  16. Ugh, I took a nap today which lasted way longer than it should have. Im just finally getting tired... I better force myself to sleep though.

    1. Phlebmaster


      sleep is over rated

    2. INDY510


      get really drunk???

  17. Apparently its easier to turn the windshield washers on when theres a knob telling you where they are. Anyone have one laying around I could buy?

    1. metalmonkey47


      turn the wiper knob and watch for magic lol

    2. Eagle_Adam


      for what car/truck?

    3. Tristin


      dont even have a knob... thats the problem! But I cant seem to turn it, I can only pull the stem for them to work. Its a 1969 510 Sedan.

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