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2 hours ago, tr8er said:

This whole thing is fucking ridiculous.  The Warsaw pact was an international security agreement.  Russia is literally just taking over countries with disgusting war-crimes in a country that agreed to disarm in exchange for protections.  That brazen disregard for human kind is not something we should be entertaining in the 21st century.  If they succeed they significantly expand their mineral rights, their port access for Navy operations, their manpower for soldiers, and finally their military equipment as they recently invested in a significant volume of defense armaments.  Every time some shithead led a militant expansion it started small and continued to grow.  We've been watching them do this for far too long.  We should have stomped them out when they fucked Georgia.


The guy who wants to end NATO is not about to end Putins reign of destruction.  And every move he takes successfully only strengthens him while lessening his resistance.   I've been against almost all of our military engagements in my life.  This is the most warranted involvement we've seen.  And I don't know if you guys have been on discord watching some of the soldiers uploads but fuck that shit.  those soldiers need to get quartered.  

A friend of mine was killed helping Ukrainians fight, we were roommates for a few years. He was an American citizen and veteran. (He was recently (posthumously)  awarded the Ukrainian medal of honor) I am not opposed to involvement in Ukraine and believe that Putin's actions demonstrate mental instability. No one has been able to provide a good military, economic or strategic rationale for the Russian invasion. 

My reservations about war with Ukraine e.g. Russia, is it would be a real war. I do not think the USA has the stomach or budget for it.  

Nothing was gained in the Middle East because my nation lacked spine and resolve. Making that mistake with Russia would be fatal, or more likely, China and Russian become frenemies, destroy the economy, America enters a depression and eats itself, the United States is divided into territories mostly Hispanic. 

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4 hours ago, frankendat said:

A friend of mine was killed helping Ukrainians fight, we were roommates for a few years. He was an American citizen and veteran. (He was recently (posthumously)  awarded the Ukrainian medal of honor) I am not opposed to involvement in Ukraine and believe that Putin's actions demonstrate mental instability. No one has been able to provide a good military, economic or strategic rationale for the Russian invasion. 

My reservations about war with Ukraine e.g. Russia, is it would be a real war. I do not think the USA has the stomach or budget for it.  

Nothing was gained in the Middle East because my nation lacked spine and resolve. Making that mistake with Russia would be fatal, or more likely, China and Russian become frenemies, destroy the economy, America enters a depression and eats itself, the United States is divided into territories mostly Hispanic. 

That’s awful about your friend.  No good rationale for bloodshed.  Sorry.  

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10 hours ago, tr8er said:

That’s awful about your friend.  No good rationale for bloodshed.  Sorry.  

He died a hero, helping others escape Russian bombs and artillery fire, when the building, where he stopped to take shelter was hit. When we lived together he was young and I rode him for being a skinny little punk. I helped push him into the military, as it paid for my college and he didn't know how he could afford college. He took to it like a duck to water and went much farther and accomplished much more in the military, than I ever did. e.g. Special Forces/Green Beret.

I ran into him a few years after we moved out (the house we were renting was sold). He had always been taller than me, but I was working out and bigger, not anymore. His posture was better, he put on at least 70lbs, most of it muscle. He wasn't skinny, he was driven and definitely not a punk. He had the G.I. Bill, a paid off Harley Fatboy and was going to travel  Europe, while he sorted his next steps. I am against "pre-packaged tourist crap" and when I went overseas, I did it with a backpack and a Euro rail pass. He did something similar. Somewhere in there Russia invaded Ukraine and his plans changed. 

I call him a hero, because he risked and ultimately gave his life for strangers, he saw needed help. The Russian army was rolling through Ukrainian villages and even the few Ukrainians that had old rifles, were not organizer for resistance. Some didn't even know how to shoot. It was a massacre.(Three cheers for the "gun culture" of the United States and the 2nd Amendment)
He hooked up with a group providing training and support and was evacuating an area under artillery fire, when killed.

In every sense, it was an honorable death, a good death and that might be the best a mortal can wish. If he would have called me from Europe, before going to fight, I would have tried my best to talk him out of it. It wouldn't have mattered, because he was a man.


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3 hours ago, frankendat said:

He died a hero, helping others escape Russian bombs and artillery fire, when the building, where he stopped to take shelter was hit. When we lived together he was young and I rode him for being a skinny little punk. I helped push him into the military, as it paid for my college and he didn't know how he could afford college. He took to it like a duck to water and went much farther and accomplished much more in the military, than I ever did. e.g. Special Forces/Green Beret.

I ran into him a few years after we moved out (the house we were renting was sold). He had always been taller than me, but I was working out and bigger, not anymore. His posture was better, he put on at least 70lbs, most of it muscle. He wasn't skinny, he was driven and definitely not a punk. He had the G.I. Bill, a paid off Harley Fatboy and was going to travel  Europe, while he sorted his next steps. I am against "pre-packaged tourist crap" and when I went overseas, I did it with a backpack and a Euro rail pass. He did something similar. Somewhere in there Russia invaded Ukraine and his plans changed. 

I call him a hero, because he risked and ultimately gave his life for strangers, he saw needed help. The Russian army was rolling through Ukrainian villages and even the few Ukrainians that had old rifles, were not organizer for resistance. Some didn't even know how to shoot. It was a massacre.(Three cheers for the "gun culture" of the United States and the 2nd Amendment)
He hooked up with a group providing training and support and was evacuating an area under artillery fire, when killed.

In every sense, it was an honorable death, a good death and that might be the best a mortal can wish. If he would have called me from Europe, before going to fight, I would have tried my best to talk him out of it. It wouldn't have mattered, because he was a man.


Bummer you lost a good friend, and a very good man at that. You're right, he died the best way possible, helping others. It earned Ukraine's respect and gratitude, and mine too. Puting his life on the line is an extraordinary act of courage and commitment to protect and serve. He's a hero in any book and rode a FatBoy to boot.. BTW, my uncle Robin was a Green Beret and did 4 tours in Vietnam. The only thing he talked about was the pranks he played on the senior officers.


I hope the costly lessens gained from open ended wars, and financial policies that brought down the global economy is what informs our strategy in supporting Ukraine. Compared to the mess in Iraq and chasing Bin Laden around Afghanistan, spending 1/6000th as much by contributing 1/4 of the international support for Ukraine. Small price to cripple Russia's military and economy, turn China agains Vad's crazy mess, put the war back in his snide face, and all without our sending troops. Before betting on how long this proxy strategy lasts, I'm waiting to see allied response to that Russian P-dog bombing military support infrastructure in Poland (a NATO and EU country). Is the Red bully testing our collective spine and resolve, or suicide by clandestine means? I pray for the latter.


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1 hour ago, paradime said:


I hope the costly lessens gained from open ended wars, and financial policies that brought down the global economy is what informs our strategy in supporting Ukraine. 



I fail to see the big picture, which undermines my willingness to die. So many things are 100% different from far away, rather than up close. I have worked with illegal aliens, many times, gleened potato fields with them as a child and would never be a narc. I would also man an M-60 on the southern boarder and kill anything that crossed the line.


Putin proved his lunacy by invading a country that he already owned. So, we have a lunatic with control of a massive army and a nuclear arsenal. There is much behind the scenes, or that is what I hope. Otherwise, why is America fucking around and not taking him out? The USA is poking the bear, we could even agree that Russia poked (the world) by attacking the Ukraine first--but, Ukraine wasn't part of NATO--so who is stepping over the line? 


My friend saw destruction and pain of innocent people and could not, not help. Is that a luxury available to a nation? How far are you willing to go to stop Russia? I believe Putin is willing to go at least tactical nuclear if not global thermal nuclear war, sanctions, sternly worded letters from the UN mean nothing. Only the USA has the power to hold Putin back, but the cost would be extreme, maybe the earth. Would you feel like your country and by extension you lived with honor and not feel bad, if the USA stopped the invasion of Ukraine, Putin launched against America we retaliate and you sit with your children and your friends watching the sky go from orange to black, the last time.


And I am not even completely opposed to that scenario, I have much respect for my friend. I try to step out from the shadow of the flag and be a bit pragmatic. In the event, the "final battle" fails to materialize, bills will still come due and life will continue.  I want my government to have a plan to insure the USA benefits in actual, physical, tangible ways, from risking the lives of Americans and the fate of the world. When lady liberty was inscribed "give us your tired......" it was understood those in such straits did not wish to remain, in that state. In the same way, support and loyalty from those benefited from aide was a given. At present, neither are guaranteed. I want these former "ideals" in writing and benefits for America assured. Actually, it is a bit sick and sad, that typing out such things is necessary that America is villain and the butt of world satire, the flag burned without repercussion. Before I,  or I advocate for others, put their ass on the line, I want to know there will be payback. 


If that is too much to ask--fuck 'em 

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Some interesting perspective on military spending. Russia's 2024 fiscal year budget is $415 billion and 34% of it, or $141.1 billion is military. HTF is that sustainable? The US FY budget is $6.5 trillion and 12.9% of it, or $841.4 billion goes to military spending. That doesn't include the Black Budget for military research and covert oppositions, so I would imagine the real figure is much higher. 

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5 hours ago, Ooph! said:

I'm having a difficult time understanding how she could still have a chance to win




I'm with you. I'm having a hard time figuring out why they chose her. There had to be somebody better. Maybe they know the win is already in the bag ? I'd rather have Pelosi or Schumer for a President over this idiot.

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8 hours ago, john510 said:

I'm with you. I'm having a hard time figuring out why they chose her. There had to be somebody better. Maybe they know the win is already in the bag ? I'd rather have Pelosi or Schumer for a President over this idiot.

Damn, that is dark. 

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2 hours ago, frankendat said:

Damn, that is dark. 

Better to have somebody with a brain and experience whether I agree with their side or not. Harris doesn't have much of a brain. I'm not at all like the Trump hating crowd who would rather sacrifice and suffer than have him as President. I feel it would be better for the country if Harris weren't President period. And her sidekick Walz ? what an absolute joke that guy is. Imagine those two at a meeting with the worlds leaders. 

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18 hours ago, Ooph! said:

I'm having a difficult time understanding how she could still have a chance to win



She can't win. Gonna get slayed during the debates. Tulsi gabbard obliterated her when she ran for P and now Tulsi is working with trump on the debate stuff.. It's gonna be Peewee Herman Vs Tyson level embarrassing. She's gonna get riled up and come unravelled. The world is going to see her not be able to defend the last 3.5 years of runaway economics, poor defense planning, abandoning her post as boarder authority, abandoning our troops in Afghanistan, zero policy on fighting phentnyl soaking into every corner of our country, education system that lets kids graduate without being able to find their own state on a map, her health care plan has no logical or economic sustainability. She risen to this level solely from external support not merit or capability. She's sat back doing nothing but taking pay checks from us with no real responsibility or accountability so far but shits about to get real. Even Hillary shit her panties trying to debate trump and she can actually handle business. I Have $100 says she goes down in the first 20 minutes. another 100 says there will be tears! Its go time and trump is seasoned.


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28 minutes ago, gh0stwerx76 said:

She can't win. Gonna get slayed during the debates. Tulsi gabbard obliterated her when she ran for P and now Tulsi is working with trump on the debate stuff.. It's gonna be Peewee Herman Vs Tyson level embarrassing. She's gonna get riled up and come unravelled. The world is going to see her not be able to defend the last 3.5 years of runaway economics, poor defense planning, abandoning her post as boarder authority, abandoning our troops in Afghanistan, zero policy on fighting phentnyl soaking into every corner of our country, education system that lets kids graduate without being able to find their own state on a map, her health care plan has no logical or economic sustainability. She risen to this level solely from external support not merit or capability. She's sat back doing nothing but taking pay checks from us with no real responsibility or accountability so far but shits about to get real. Even Hillary shit her panties trying to debate trump and she can actually handle business. I Have $100 says she goes down in the first 20 minutes. another 100 says there will be tears! Its go time and trump is seasoned.


Damn I hope you're right. 

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40 minutes ago, Dguy210 said:

Joseph Stalin Quote: "Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything ...


“I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them too obnoxious, I break them. I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do.”



Edited by gh0stwerx76
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48 minutes ago, gh0stwerx76 said:

She can't win. Gonna get slayed during the debates. Tulsi gabbard obliterated her when she ran for P and now Tulsi is working with trump on the debate stuff.. It's gonna be Peewee Herman Vs Tyson level embarrassing. She's gonna get riled up and come unravelled. The world is going to see her not be able to defend the last 3.5 years of runaway economics, poor defense planning, abandoning her post as boarder authority, abandoning our troops in Afghanistan, zero policy on fighting phentnyl soaking into every corner of our country, education system that lets kids graduate without being able to find their own state on a map, her health care plan has no logical or economic sustainability. She risen to this level solely from external support not merit or capability. She's sat back doing nothing but taking pay checks from us with no real responsibility or accountability so far but shits about to get real. Even Hillary shit her panties trying to debate trump and she can actually handle business. I Have $100 says she goes down in the first 20 minutes. another 100 says there will be tears! Its go time and trump is seasoned.


I love your confidence, wish I had some.

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14 minutes ago, gh0stwerx76 said:


“I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them too obnoxious, I break them. I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do.”




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Do you guys ever really listen to his rally’s ?

Hes incoherent at best .

Multiple bankruptcies 

Social media company - going bankrupt 

No Fortune 500 companies endorsing him though they have endorsed every other Republican candidate . Why? Because his financial policies will make the economy doesn’t work . 
Ranting hate doesn’t make policies 

And I’m a moderate common sense guy . Don’t care for the crazy left stuff . 
How about some normal stuff . 
if not - enjoy your cult 🙂

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55 minutes ago, Madkaw said:

Do you guys ever really listen to his rally’s ?

Hes incoherent at best .

Multiple bankruptcies 

Social media company - going bankrupt 

No Fortune 500 companies endorsing him though they have endorsed every other Republican candidate . Why? Because his financial policies will make the economy doesn’t work . 
Ranting hate doesn’t make policies 

And I’m a moderate common sense guy . Don’t care for the crazy left stuff . 
How about some normal stuff . 
if not - enjoy your cult 🙂


You sound like broken record. 

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On 9/6/2024 at 6:22 PM, frankendat said:

I will be first to admit my Ukrainian experience was superficial, but it was more real than what is shown on television. I met Ukrainian unabashedly proud of their Russian heritage. Could they have been saying that (forced) for the benefit of the Americanski's? Sure, who is to know. I worked with some Georgians that hated and I mean HATED Russians. 


But the kicker is what I have posted before, Putin is off his rocker. Russia "stored" their warships in Sevastopol. Ukraine was basically Russian. Maybe the Ukrainians were fed up and there was some behind the scenes stuff which the world is not privy. Thinking the fall of Ukraine means the death of free market is silly. Ukraine was Russian for a long time and the free market was not impacted, the rest of Europe did not fall. I don't think Russia has the military for a full on WWIII, but I know they will not hesitate to use tactical nukes-Think Harris has the balls to play that game? Even Sun Tzu would say fighting is inevitable at that point. There is a chance a woman leader would be all the extra needed for Putin or some Arab to launch a small nuke into Europe or America, destabilize the Great Satans and test her. The only respectable response would be total destruction of your enemy in a firestorm that would frighten Sodom and Gomorrah. And as mentioned in prior posts, we bomb it, we rebuild it, we own it. Because the United States of America is the greatest on earth, I would not oppose a program for the conquered to earn back their autonomy. Or we could make soylent green out of the losers and end world hunger, either way, I will sleep like a baby. Just get after it, turn the focus of America outward and stop self harm, have the youth sharpen their skills and swords outside to protect the USA. I know many who participated in the Middle East wars, some happy, some sad, some unconcerned, some mad, but all of them, even the pissed off ones, came back with an appreciation of the life that is offered in the United States. 


As for the Canadian Commies, they are all bark. If the world starts splitting up into teams, then I am sure our chilly Northern Neighbors will snuggle up to Uncle Sam like a good bitch. For all the socialist shit up there, they know who butters their bread. Now, if America eats herself and is allowed to fall, like the Democrats demand, then I do not doubt with the new super exchange rate of the CAD, buses from Canada will be showing up and whoring out everything that was great in the United States until we are broken and wasted. 


Saying appeasement does not work. Fight Putin now or later. The longer you wait the harder to do it. Ukrain was Russian but like most people they want freedom, hell the US became because of that universal and basic want. If nothing else whip has ass and contain him. He won't live forever so let the clock run out on him but don't give him an inch.


Already told you he can't use nukes. The entire world would turn on him including many Russians. Nukes only work in small places with concentrations of the enemy. No sense of destroying parts of a country you want that badly.

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On 9/6/2024 at 7:59 PM, john510 said:

You have got to be fucking kidding me. You bring up the Steele Dossier ? Seriously what alternate reality do you live in ? I'm trying to not be condescending but WTF ? That was fabricated made up shit paid for by Clinton. And nobody denies it now that they were caught ! And you think a Trump supporter is gullible and eats up his shit ? And just a reminder, Adam Schiff is a liar.


Christ where do you think he learned that from???? Trumps lies and exaggerations are monstrous and at the same time pathetic. 

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