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       I also see that we've (once again) hit the National Debt Ceiling,and

WE HAVE TO RAISE IT IMMEDIATELY!!!. The republicans want the Government

to quit spending so much money,but the Democrats say that we have an EMERGENCY,

& can't do that.

           WHAT is wrong with these people?


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I also heard on the radio that in addition to the 5 mil, ALL debts would be erased.  Those who don't qualify for the 5 mil would get a salary of $95k for 250 years.


If that actually happened, could you imagine how fast prices on everything in SF would go up?


What about the Latins, Asians, and other minorities?



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On 6/10/2020 at 11:59 PM, Steve240z said:

It is the most Liberal sport in America and seemingly aligned with conservatives.

#1 - All the cars are the same

#2 - They throw out a yellow flag all of the time to let everyone catch up

#3 - And what heck is the free pass?



Also they do nothing but make left turns.

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4 hours ago, Thomas Perkins said:

One thing wrong with USA.Them Democrats are messing up the world and the Republicans are letting them.With everyone's extra money,buy machine guns.Be ready,it's coming.And lots of ammo.

Amen. Gun control occurs slower under repubs but they never reverse any of it either. Dubya Bush didn't repeal the 1994 assault weapons ban. He just allowed the ten year built in "sunset" to occur. He flat said if congress had renewed the AWB he'd have been happy to have signed it back into law. FYI, for all you folks who are calling for more control some of us gun nuts agree with you (to an extent). Lying on a background  check to a gun dealer automatically triggers a call to the FBI who can prosecute the liar vigorously if they so desire.  Feds almost never choose to prosecute though despite the fact that many who lied on the form go on to commit mass shootings with weapons they later obtained illegally. You wanna drastically reduce gun crime? Demand the feebs prosecute those who lie on background checks and mass shootings will decrease. 

Edited by a.d._510_n_ok
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Yes actually enforce the laws that are on the books. Why make new ones if you aren't going to enforce the existing ones? Wait that leads to mass incarceration of a certain demographic which leads to cashless bail, early release reduced sentences, ect. I think the solution to overcrowded jails is simple. Build more jails!

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Could mental illness be a large contributing factor for extreme irrational thoughts, and violent behavior? Is there a price for growing isolation, declining quality of life, and denying there's a mental health crisis in America? No I don't see guns as the problem, but I do think we are.




I think we've equal and opposite reaction'd our way into political stalemate and no one's trying to untie that knot. Both sides are intrenched behind absolute intolerance of differing thoughts and ideas. On one hand it's buy more guns, build more jails, blame the other side for the mess, and prepare for armageddon. On the other it's ban all guns, defund the police, blame the other side for the mess, and PC their way back to Eden. Fuck all that shit because this tug of war is not about solving problems effecting We The People, it's about serving corporate interests at our expense. 



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Without some facts I'm going to assume that mental illness is about the same for every country with perhaps those countries that have experienced war and conflict and having little in the way of a safety net for veterans maybe having slightly higher numbers? Well if you have the ability to decide that fuckitall I've had it, or lacking faculties to decide, your fallback position is to strike out at everything and go for maximum damage or effect, you select the right tool for the job. Lets see, a pointy stick is just not going to cut it. Need something portable, maybe concealable, kills as many as possible, effective at close range, universally easy to acquire, (bought, stolen or maybe even a hand me down from dad) even easier to use. What could that be.........   

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3 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Without some facts I'm going to assume that mental illness is about the same for every country with perhaps those countries that have experienced war and conflict and having little in the way of a safety net for veterans maybe having slightly higher numbers? Well if you have the ability to decide that fuckitall I've had it, or lacking faculties to decide, your fallback position is to strike out at everything and go for maximum damage or effect, you select the right tool for the job. Lets see, a pointy stick is just not going to cut it. Need something portable, maybe concealable, kills as many as possible, effective at close range, universally easy to acquire, (bought, stolen or maybe even a hand me down from dad) even easier to use. What could that be.........   


The F it all you describe sounds like the hopelessness of depression. For being the ultimate economy and global military power, our mental health system in the US is completely broken. And with the pandemic it's gotten even worse, a'la 3rd world broken in much of the country. Pre covid, while shit was falling apart, I think we learned to put the "new norm" blinders on and pretend it's adequate. I'm telling you from experience in the field, it's nowhere near adequate. Add paranoid end of days rhetoric, and guns to that mess, shit gets real.

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     They should take all that money & benefits they give to the illegals here,

and direct it to programs that help LEGAL Americans.

       In Humboldt County (CA),the Liberals answer to the homeless problem

is almost always "Give them free housing - it's a right",when what a lot of them

really need mental health help first. 

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paranoid end of days rhetoric, and guns to that mess, shit gets real.

This^^^^^^. I have a friend I visit for a couple of days every couple of years. We spend the days tinkering in his shop on some old cars then take a boat ride around the lake he lives on. Good times.  He wants to watch a certain show in the evening (this case on fox news) and at the end of the show he is a wound up asshole wanting to solve all the problems by shooting everybody. I point this out to him and that the host would never let the facts screw up a good story and he says he realizes that but the next day at the same time he is back in front of the tube getting wound up again. Both sides have found a way to create a way to use anger and isolation to pit people against each other and drive up ratings while cramming an endless but highly profitable comercials down their throats. When one side creates an atrocity the other jumps up in self righteousness until one from that side flips thier shit and creates another atrocity. This is basically gang warfare of left and right wing beliefs. Who knows what the reasoning is behind these peoples atrocities but we can't trust the media to give us a strait answer if it was handed to them on a silver platter. I strongly believe they are a large part of the problem.

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