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I wouldn't say full of shit. It's You Tube for fuck's sake, you can claim anything you want on You fucking Tube and people believe it. I have no trust that these 'engineers' are who they say they are, actually worked on the towers or are just espousing their own opinions on the subject. The emergency crews and civilians are also not experts on much outside their jobs but can also have their own opinions. Doesn't make them factual nor true. This was a one time event or first time event of such proportion that emotions get exaggerated.


Everyone believes what they want to believe.

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1 hour ago, datzenmike said:

I wouldn't say full of shit. It's You Tube for fuck's sake, you can claim anything you want on You fucking Tube and people believe it. I have no trust that these 'engineers' are who they say they are, actually worked on the towers or are just espousing their own opinions on the subject. The emergency crews and civilians are also not experts on much outside their jobs but can also have their own opinions. Doesn't make them factual nor true. This was a one time event or first time event of such proportion that emotions get exaggerated.


Mike, you haven't watched the video. How can you honestly say if you believe it or not. You could look up those engineers if you wanted to. Their names and credentials are in the video. But you won't watch even if it's just to hear another opinion on what happened. 

Edited by IZRL
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Engineers make mistakes and they can be wrong. They are trying to explain why their creation, which was designed to not fall down, did. Couldn't possibly be something they did so must have been an elaborate demolition scenario. See bottom of the last paragraph...  


So your belief is that someone (probably would have to be dozens of people) rigged both towers with explosives without anyone noticing a thing? Then planes flown into them somehow as a misdirection? That's a bit complicated and over elaborate. What's your theory on the planes? Remote control? Perhaps coordinated with a terrorist attack? 


Occam's razor states that where there are two or more possible explanations the one with the fewer assumptions is the most likely to be true. The simplest explanation is most likely to align with the truth. This also applies to planning, the more elaborate the more chances for failure. Simple... believable. that a 157 ton aircraft loaded with fuel is flown into building and building is destroyed.



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4 hours ago, datzenmike said:

So then yes, he is a MAGA lunatic.

No, I said "mentally ill wackjob" Trump people don't light themselves on fire. No sane person lights themselves up. Where do you get that from ? More of your irrational speculation ? 

Edited by john510
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9 hours ago, datzenmike said:

So then yes, he is a MAGA lunatic.


Donated to whacko leftist organizations - Check

Got his pictures taken with Bill Clinton - Check

Bought the T-shirt - Check

Lights himself on fire = MAGA supporter - Check






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On 4/17/2024 at 10:04 PM, IZRL said:


Neither of these documentaries are the ones that i said I watched back in like 2010. Video one is the closest to the one I'm talking about. But both videos are worth a watch. 


The second video below might be part 2 of the one I watched. The one I watched was definitely removed. 


I know some of you are gonna say bullshit (Mike 😆). But at least you'll be able to see the point I was trying to make.  What the gov was telling us did not coincide with what emergency crews and civilians who were at ground zero that day were saying.



I watched these vids and it's nothing but anecdotal evidence constructed to support a presupposed conclusion. It's not how the scientific method works. If you want to see how the objective science of physics works, watch the vid I posted earlier and copied below. 


1. The emotionally charged eye witnesses of these events are subjective accounts, which are always unreliable. These were selected because they support the video's narrative of a presupposed conclusion.


2. None of the steal high-rise buildings listed in the vids you posted had the same external load baring frame construction. The center column was not structural. It was designed to house the elevators and utilities. 


3. The towers were compromised on two sides of the supporting structure, not one. On videos of the impact, you can plainly see that it blew out the opposite side as well.


4. The range of 800 to 1000 degree temperatures are Celsius, so 1472 to 1832 degrees Fahrenheit. Steel loses 50% of its strength at 1100F. With oil as an accelerant, a common house fire can reach 1400F. After an hour at 1400f, it's more than enough to make the tower's floor beams to sag off of the compromised external support frame. The immense falling weigh above to cascade straight down onto the floors below one after the other.


5. Without jet fuel, the fires at ground zero continues to burn even hotter for over three months. So yes there was more than enough burnable materials to support those fires..


6. The melted metal found at the bottom was not steal, it was the 10,000 tuns of raw aluminum used in their construction.


7. The secrecy surrounding the Pentagon and Building 7 investigations gave very little verifiable information, and opened the door for more speculation. The NIST and FEMA pinned the perfectly semitic collapse of Building 7 on cheep bolts used in its construction. Ridiculous at best IMHO as an untrained layman so I did some research. On the other side, there is overwhelming evidence and first hand accounts that Building 7 had preinstalled demolition charges and that's what caused its 47 floors to come down perfectly. Initial comments made by Larry Silverstein, the new lease holder, he said that he was in constant contact with US security officials who occupied the the building.and fire response at the site. After failing to bring the fire under control, they all decided to "clear out and bring it down". When he was directly quoted in news reports, his handlers made a statement that he was misquote, saying "bring IT down" was referring to the fire fighting efforts. Otherwise it would  negatively effect the insurance settlement if they said it was demo'd. The Govment investigations came up with the magic weak bolt theory. Although this is speculation, it is far more plausible. 


Now watch this.



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1 hour ago, paradime said:


4. The range of 800 to 1000 degree temperatures are Celsius, so 1472 to 1832 degrees Fahrenheit. Steel loses 50% of its strength at 1100F. With oil as an accelerant, a common house fire can reach 1400F. After an hour at 1400f, it's more than enough to make the tower's floor beams to sag off of the compromised external support frame. The immense falling weigh above to cascade straight down onto the floors below one after the other.




The steel outer supports were covered with spray on foam insulation of a 'mineral fiber material' avoids saying asbestos. Could be glass fibers? Also used on the floor trusses. Everything else was 'protected' by gypsum board. The fire rating was 1A and good for 3 hours.


Now that's for an expected normal paper and furniture fire on one floor and probably one room or office. A 158 ton jet hitting at 200mph? would rub much of the insulation off, wouldn't it?

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12 hours ago, Ooph! said:


Donated to whacko leftist organizations - Check

Got his pictures taken with Bill Clinton - Check

Bought the T-shirt - Check

Lights himself on fire = MAGA supporter - Check






Haha Mike. More of your distorted assumptions.

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On 4/19/2024 at 3:20 PM, datzenmike said:

So then yes, he is a MAGA lunatic.

That sure doesn't look like a question to me. Man up and just admit you were wrong. Now that we know he's not a MAGA lunatic what would you call him ? 

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2 hours ago, john510 said:

That sure doesn't look like a question to me. Man up and just admit you were wrong. Now that we know he's not a MAGA lunatic what would you call him ? 


Again.... I asked if MAGA man. Even used a question mark.

You denied it and said just another lunatic whackjob.

So I took that as being a confirmation.




Fuck GOPs get riled over fellow MAGA's mental issues. The guy in the picture is obviously not MAGA, he's Sri Lankan protesting

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4 minutes ago, datzenmike said:


Again.... I asked if MAGA man. Even used a question mark.

You denied it and said just another lunatic whackjob.

So I took that as being a confirmation.




Fuck GOPs get riled over fellow MAGA's mental issues. The guy in the picture is obviously not MAGA, he's Sri Lankan protesting


FALSE EQUIVALNCE in Play 10 yard penalty.


You are stating that the mere state of being MAGA is equivalent to a Lunatic and that is very obviously not true.

Demonstrably all evidence would point to the exact opposite with the majority of violence and insanity coming from those opposed to MAGA... you know "Make America Great Again". 

But as we have seen time and time again Liberals love to Project their own issues onto their opponents.


The guy who self-immolated was a Bernie Sanders supporter. In fact I have yet to see any MAGA supporter set themselves on fire at all, where as we are like 2 so far for Leftists (ex: Aaron Bushnell).

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He was never a MAGA or Trump supporter, just look at the picture. Does it look like NY outside the court? I ask if he's a MAGA man and everyone looses their shit.


If you are a MAGA supporter, that's great and worthy cause, by all means make America great again, but unfortunately if you are the type to be led astray by the nose, easily conned, follow the Pied Piper and enthralled by anything Trump tells you then yes there is something wrong with you. WTF happened to the Grand Old Party???????? The only thing worse than loosing to Biden next fall (and all that entails) is winning.

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