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2 minutes ago, Logical1 said:


Chuckle, my SKS is the same and I even have some shitty Russian steel cased hollow point rounds to go with it and an absurd banana mag!



SKS with detachable mag; my kind of historical machinery. 7.62X39 = bananna.

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1 hour ago, Logical1 said:

I am not a historical gun expect by any means! I just think the larger mag is a bit absurd!


It is what it is. That's one way to mod a stripper-fed SKS to detachable. I'm not an SKS x-purt, but I faintly remember something like an SKS56 that didn't have the big tang on the front of the mag; pretty rare as an export. The banana thing is a given when you go over ten rounds; a geometric requirement of the Ruskie round. I almost acquired an early Viet Nam bring-back at a show bout 30 years ago. It was pristine with BB papers but was stripper load as original with blade bayonet. Just couldn't work things out with the owner. 'Water under the bridge'.

Edited by difrangia
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2 hours ago, paradime said:


This may be a silly question but, on a private road, aren't there CC&Rs for residents that have clear regulations and consequences for breaking them? For me, the cc&rs are so F'n tight they can fine me for having the wrong garage door color, and can put a lean on my house if I don't change it. I signed the mortgage knowing this, so the bad is on me. 


I think it's time to fight fire with fire. If this guy's using his residence as a fabrication and exhibition space that's open to the general public, he needs a license to operate. He's also responsible for public safety requirements, security, and proper access. Sounds like you've reported these artsy fartsy public exhibition violations to your county's regulatory agency. Did you remind them that you reported this and if they don't enforce these laws here, and someone gets hurt, their injury lawyers will be coming after the city and county. I'm sure this asshole doesn't have homeowner liability insurance to cover that crap either. Have you investigated that path? 


You may not be getting justice from your city officials because the cruise industry's list of "local attractions" generates profits for local businesses and city revenue, as long as they "look the other way" instead of enforcing the law. Unfortunately, with DeSantis sucking the tit of the cruise industry, moving up the gov food chain to the state level seems like a $45k long shot. 


Here's some fire. It would be much cheeper and perfectly legal to install No Trespassing signs, along with a concealed beam alarm system around the inner perimeter of your property, with security camera's and a directional horn 50 watt piezo siren aimed directly at your neighbor's house. It could even be set up so you could control and monitor it in Maine. I don't know if this would get you the peace you deserve, but it might motivate your attention seeking neighbor and local law enforcement to take more responsibility for the F'ed up situation they created.



Yes there are about 10 no trespassing signs between myself and neighbors. We need them to protect ourselves. If you pass all the signs and then fall out of your golf cart hitting a private speedbump you can't  sue (maybe). I am not going to post up all the legal issues with this but it is overwhelming against the guy. But just like you can't stop porn because it is "performing art" I don't get the fact that everybody else's peace and privacy doesn't matter when "art" is involved. The good news is my wife will be out of town for a few weeks when I arrive back in Florida. No restraint, no filter. I am a merchant marine officer/sailor and can cuss a string of expletives that could make a 60 year old whore blush. Practicing now for the main event in late October. Diction, delivery and any kind of rebuttal will be well rehearsed.

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7 hours ago, thisismatt said:

How flammable do you think those paper mache things are?  Asking for a friend...

I have tested dissolving the foam with acetone, gasoline, ethanol, mineral spirits and styrene. No magic formula. Pellets pass right through and don't even leave a mark. These things will be around after cocaroaches go extinct.

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5 hours ago, bottomwatcher said:

I have tested dissolving the foam with acetone, gasoline, ethanol, mineral spirits and styrene. No magic formula. Pellets pass right through and don't even leave a mark. These things will be around after cocaroaches go extinct.


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6 hours ago, bottomwatcher said:

I have tested dissolving the foam with acetone, gasoline, ethanol, mineral spirits and styrene. No magic formula. Pellets pass right through and don't even leave a mark. These things will be around after cocaroaches go extinct.

Buy a paintball gun and go full Jackson Pollok on his shit. 

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On 8/9/2023 at 3:18 PM, paradime said:


This may be a silly question but, on a private road, aren't there CC&Rs for residents that have clear regulations and consequences for breaking them? For me, the cc&rs are so F'n tight they can fine me for having the wrong garage door color, and can put a lean on my house if I don't change it. I signed the mortgage knowing this, so the bad is on me. 


Here's some fire. It would be much cheeper and perfectly legal to install No Trespassing signs, along with a concealed beam alarm system around the inner perimeter of your property, with security camera's and a directional horn 50 watt piezo siren aimed directly at your neighbor's house. It could even be set up so you could control and monitor it in Maine. I don't know if this would get you the peace you deserve, but it might motivate your attention seeking neighbor and local law enforcement to take more responsibility for the F'ed up situation they created.



There you go..The link was in poor judgement. 




Edited by gh0stwerx76
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3 hours ago, gh0stwerx76 said:

LOL "inner perimeter"! bro, these dudes both live in 600 +/- sqft houses on parcels barely large enough to plant a bush on around the structures, 70+ year old Jeff Abbott isn't running a business, he has a hobby people talk about in their LIBERAL ARTCENTRIC community and on occasion brings a curious visitor or two where he proudly shows then what he's making. what you are talking about doing is ridiculous under these circumstances. Code enforcement can't be bothered because its a bullshit situation where they are so close to each other that you likely hear each others TV's also. All of this is blown WAY out of proportion. Our "pal" here bottom watcher is the same kinda guy who would snitch on the neighbor for having some buddies come around to help each other work on their Datsuns from time to time.  "Get off my lawn". What fuckin lawn? "dumps his yard debris", what fuckin yard? Lets call it how it really is @bottomwatcheras a conservative I think you absolutely  hate that he made a biden Harris on a golf cart sculpture you have to see when you look his direction and that somehow equates to an "ENTITLEMENT" of compensation to the tune of 45 grand. maybe you should follow Mikes advice and go beat that 70+ year old guy up...that seems similarly petty as what you are already up to..a speed bump on your one lane dead end alley thats shorter than my driveway. I think you are an absolute tool. the killer of joy. @thisismatt yes, deep six.





WTF are you smoking? You can regurgitate your political view here, what you can't do is post a link to another member's address (while he's in Main) because you disrespect his privacy. All you've accomplished here is to demonstrate how myopically ignorant you are. Obviously, you didn't even look at the google map image before pulling all this shit out of your ass bag. Get a fucking clue and remove the link from your post.

Edited by paradime
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Ever hear a song played over and over and over? Like at work where you have no control. Eventually you are worn down and even if you detest it you find after a while that it is less awful. You may even mouth the words mentally or lightly hum along because that's all there is. Well brainwashing is similar. 

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4 hours ago, paradime said:


WTF are you smoking? You can regurgitate your political view here, what you can't do is post a link to another member's address (while he's in Main) because you disrespect his privacy. All you've accomplished here is to demonstrate how myopically ignorant you are. Obviously, you didn't even look at the google map image before pulling all this shit out of your ass bag. Get a fucking clue and remove the link from your post.

Thanks but that was an interesting view from ghostworks. I have owned that home 22 years and it was a nice peaceful place. A few friends would not be an issue. Two tourboats stopping twice a day to drop off thier passengers  to scream and yell at the creepy are show he puts on blasting his theme music while swinging a 12 inch detachable penis from the tranny bartender behind the bar is a bit much. It is basically a long one lane driveway with no turnaround so the 50 cars a day have driven across the widows lawn at the end of road destroying it so it isn't just me paying a price. Actually there are 3 other neighbors splitting the lawyer fees so there are others feeling strongly enough to try and get their peace and privacy back. Anyways we will let this alone now. Carry on.

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This is the problem with a two party system. Ideally every voter, about 260,000,000, would have a say in how they are governed but it's condensed down from 260,000,000 to two. To say there's a compromise is an understatement.

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15 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Canada? How the hell would I know? I don't 'do' Canadian politics.

Maybe a lot of Canadians "don't do" politics and that's how you ended up with Trudeau ? I know what we have now (U.S.) is pretty bad but Trudeau has our guy beat by a mile.

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Again I don't know. Pretty bland up here. No one indicted (like elsewhere) but like everyone else, Sophie finally has had enough bullshit and left him. Probably stayed for the children, none of whom are crack heads either. So there's that.  

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1 hour ago, datzenmike said:

Again I don't know. Pretty bland up here. No one indicted (like elsewhere) but like everyone else, Sophie finally has had enough bullshit and left him. Probably stayed for the children, none of whom are crack heads either. So there's that.  

That guy being indicted is being indicted because they're afraid of him.It's a desperate attempt to keep him out of the White House.That actually scares me more than Trudeau would if he were here in the states.Some of things Trudeau says are pretty interesting but you won't see it in the mainstream media.You have to look elsewhere.I saw some video on Twitter of that guy.He basically said Democracy will only work if you follow his lead and do as he says.Crazy.

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