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5 hours ago, Ooph! said:


That I know of?

When Ronald Reagan was elected in spite of the country club Republicans, again when the House under Gingrich enacted the Contract with America and the rise of the tea party, and again when Trump was elected. I admit none of those instances created a societal red pilling but they did enlighten a lot of us to the wizard behind the curtain. 


6 hours ago, john510 said:

Ok so who's distracting now ? Is it the Democrats targeting a former President to distract us from Biden's abortion of a Presidency ? Or is it the Republicans looking into Biden's past dealings with Ukraine and China to distract us from the witch hunt.Which will never work by the way considering the left has the media on their side 90% .Do you see much about that in the news ? I do hear a lot about Trump being indicted for the 97th time.Should we blame it on politics or maybe blame it on the biased media ? 


8 hours ago, paradime said:


To get caught up in the weak ass puppet shit show, you have to overlook the naked corruption, and no transparency or accountability on your side.


One more time gentlemen, both money grubbing parties are whores owned and operated by the corporate wizards who put them in office. Corruption is the river that ranOsama  through Reagan's gun smuggling Iran Contra deal, the banking bitch Clinton's White Water deal + blow job lies against humanity, the moral hypocrisy that voided Newt's contract and his political career, the deregulation privatization Tea Party that was created and funded by corporate special interests, the big oil Bush's 3 wars in the Middle East with $billions missing in military spending + kick backs from Halliburton, Osama Obama's Iran nuclear deal + back door ransom payments, and poor old 45 is the only completely innocent administration in US history. The halls of Washington stink worse than a whore house at low tide. 

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16 hours ago, flyerdan said:

rolling up and down the dial looking for distant blowtorches like KTWO or KKOB. 

KKOB just over the mountain away from me. Now on AM and FM

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7 hours ago, paradime said:




One more time gentlemen, both money grubbing parties are whores owned and operated by the corporate wizards who put them in office. Corruption is the river that ranOsama  through Reagan's gun smuggling Iran Contra deal, the banking bitch Clinton's White Water deal + blow job lies against humanity, the moral hypocrisy that voided Newt's contract and his political career, the deregulation privatization Tea Party that was created and funded by corporate special interests, the big oil Bush's 3 wars in the Middle East with $billions missing in military spending + kick backs from Halliburton, Osama Obama's Iran nuclear deal + back door ransom payments, and poor old 45 is the only completely innocent administration in US history. The halls of Washington stink worse than a whore house at low tide. 


Can't tell one from another !!


Poster children for 'Term Limits'; not a fix but at least a feeble start.



Can't Tell One From Another.gif

Edited by difrangia
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6 hours ago, paradime said:




One more time gentlemen, both money grubbing parties are whores owned and operated by the corporate wizards who put them in office. Corruption is the river that ranOsama  through Reagan's gun smuggling Iran Contra deal, the banking bitch Clinton's White Water deal + blow job lies against humanity, the moral hypocrisy that voided Newt's contract and his political career, the deregulation privatization Tea Party that was created and funded by corporate special interests, the big oil Bush's 3 wars in the Middle East with $billions missing in military spending + kick backs from Halliburton, Osama Obama's Iran nuclear deal + back door ransom payments, and poor old 45 is the only completely innocent administration in US history. The halls of Washington stink worse than a whore house at low tide. 

You've finally seen the light and figured out Trump is completely innocent.LOL.He's not really that innocent but at least he didn't make a career out of fleecing American voters and selling out his country for financial gain.

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I have been eyeing this lately. 


Congress wants to put something together to exert more control over of the Supreme Court.  Justice Alito has come out and says that nowhere in the Constitution does it mention that Congress has the power to do so.  Of course, the usual suspects in Congress are now making claims they can and will do this.  


Ironically, none of the talking heads reference exactly where this authority comes from.  Will this ultimately end up as a case for the Supreme Court?



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For those not familiar with automotive writer and socio/political observer Eric Peters, I want to post a link to one of his latest interesting and insightful articles. This article has direct pertinence to the essence of this thread. If it catches your interest, visit his site and check out the many and varied auto/bike related articles, both vintage and modern. Even a Datsun or two mixed in and mentioned from time to time. For sure don't miss the 'Politics' button at the top of webpage.




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13 hours ago, datzenmike said:

No he did that to greedy share holders, students at Trump University, The Trump Foundation.....

You should research stuff before assuming anything.Other than Trump U nobody seemed to care about donating to his foundation or investing in anything Trump related.Companies he's involved with are actually doing fine so nobody got fleeced there.His foundation seemed to get donations from close friends of his.The way they ran it was the issue.Nobody seemed to care except the media and some Trump hater in New York.It wasn't until he ran for President that anybody cared.If you went to Trump U to get rich you weren't to bright to begin with.I feel bad for those people because they thought they would learn some secret way to get rich when they probably had no chance anyway.A college degree doesn't guarantee anything why should a course in real estate marketing guarantee anything ? 

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Well how may times has he failed, defaulted on loans and or gone bankrupt? Just about every venture. Any one investing or banks lending money must have taken a bath from this. As to the foundation, there were charges laid and it was made to close down. I admit if the investor was a faceless company or bank then no individual was 'hurt' or cared.  

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40 minutes ago, datzenmike said:

Well how may times has he failed, defaulted on loans and or gone bankrupt? Just about every venture. Any one investing or banks lending money must have taken a bath from this. As to the foundation, there were charges laid and it was made to close down. I admit if the investor was a faceless company or bank then no individual was 'hurt' or cared.  

And yet he's still rich.I wouldn't consider that failure.You get rich by taking chances.Sometimes you fail.

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He's be a multi billionaire today if he hadn't failed so much, and I'd agree he's rich, but he's lost far more than he's gained. Sometimes you take chances with somebody else's money.


On top of this he's a disgusting human being and you'll pardon me if I don't stand too close. To his credit he figuratively fucked Hag Clinton's career and with luck the Bidens also.  .

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4 minutes ago, datzenmike said:

He's be a multi billionaire today if he hadn't failed so much, and I'd agree he's rich, but he's lost far more than he's gained. 

Are you just making this shit up or did you get these facts from "The View" ? LOL

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My hatred for the peacocking Trumpster is not a new phenomenon. It stretches back to the 80s when he was an entitled attention seeking elitist democrat. IMO he's just a rich chicken with fancy feathers and a shit ton of lawyers to clean up his mess. If the guy's so rich, why would he want to be a reality TV host for 14 years? Unless it was to repair his business image after Atlantic City, Trump Air, USFL, and The New Jersey Generals. With Paul Manafort, Carl Rove, and Steve Bannon's help and guidance, he road that BS right into the Whitehouse.

Edited by paradime
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3 hours ago, paradime said:

My hatred for the peacocking Trumpster is not a new phenomenon. It stretches back to the 80s when he was an entitled attention seeking elitist democrat. IMO he's just a rich chicken with fancy feathers and a shit ton of lawyers to clean up his mess. If the guy's so rich, why would he want to be a reality TV host for 14 years? Unless it was to repair his business image after Atlantic City, Trump Air, USFL, and The New Jersey Generals. With Paul Manafort, Carl Rove, and Steve Bannon's help and guidance, he road that BS right into the Whitehouse.

Rich people are a strange bunch.Is Trump really any different than let's say George Soros,Bill Gates,Elon Musk,Mark Zuckerberg etc. ? Yes I know he's not that rich but... They seem to have endless energy and never stop.They also seem to want to stay relevent.I never cared for Trump myself.I always thought he's just another rich douchebag.I like him now because he shook up the establishment and pissed them all off.Can we agree that was needed and is still needed ? All these rich people do crazy shit.Myself,if I had that kind of money I'd tell the world to fuck off and enjoy myself without being involved in anything these people do.

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43 minutes ago, john510 said:

I never cared for Trump myself.I always thought he's just another rich douchebag.I like him now because he shook up the establishment and pissed them all off.Can we agree that was needed and is still needed ? All these rich people do crazy shit.Myself,if I had that kind of money I'd tell the world to fuck off and enjoy myself without being involved in anything these people do.


Absolutely agree with you John. It's what America needed in '16 and could do with now too. (he's still a douchebag and always will be) There's no rule that a curative medicine has to taste good.

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Bout sums up the 'New Normal', no ?? The grizzled White House 'Frequent visitor' horn-dog bum enjoying a 'Butt Lite' and a hot soak with a chum, quite likely in one of the WH cast-iron claw-foots. Can't make this shit up !!


Start the week with a little black-humor and don't fergit to pay Ur taxes, now !!



Not So Light, Bud.gif

Edited by difrangia
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22 hours ago, john510 said:

Rich people are a strange bunch.Is Trump really any different than let's say George Soros,Bill Gates,Elon Musk,Mark Zuckerberg etc. ? Yes I know he's not that rich but... They seem to have endless energy and never stop.They also seem to want to stay relevent.I never cared for Trump myself.I always thought he's just another rich douchebag.I like him now because he shook up the establishment and pissed them all off.Can we agree that was needed and is still needed ? All these rich people do crazy shit.Myself,if I had that kind of money I'd tell the world to fuck off and enjoy myself without being involved in anything these people do.

21 hours ago, datzenmike said:


Absolutely agree with you John. It's what America needed in '16 and could do with now too. (he's still a douchebag and always will be) There's no rule that a curative medicine has to taste good.


Trust me guys I tried, but I still hate Trump because he's not what I admire in conservative values. 


I agree that he's strange, but Soros, Gates, Musk, Zuckerberg, and Jobs didn't inherit their daddy's fortune, they built it them selves. I agree Trump has the energy to throw seeds in all directions, but by any objective measure, he's not a successful businessman. For instance, had he invested in blue chip stocks with the $420 mil he got from his daddy Fred, Donny's net worth would be more that 5X the $2.5 bil he's worth today. Had he invested it in Amazon, Microsoft, Tesla, Facebook, and Apple, Donny would be worth more than Warren Buffet right now. 


 Holding conservative values is one thing, but you're overlooking that Trump was completely in bed with the right wing establishment. As long as he appointed conservative judges, got Republicans elected, and rich people got richer, the Republican establishment backed his crazy shit show. So don't give me the "what the country needed" retinue when your side was doing the same establishment thing as the other. I've already heard the stories about the evil liberal establishment controls the entire legal system, and that the right has never persecuted a Democrat administration like this. Or I can switch to the liberal propaganda outlet and hear the same BS, so what's the point again???

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4 minutes ago, paradime said:


Trust me guys I tried, but I still hate Trump because he's not what I admire in conservative values. 


I agree that he's strange, but Soros, Gates, Musk, Zuckerberg, and Jobs didn't inherit their daddy's fortune, they built it them selves. I agree Trump has the energy to throw seeds in all directions, but by any objective measure, he's not a successful businessman. For instance, had he invested in blue chip stocks with the $420 mil he got from his daddy Fred, Donny's net worth would be more that 5X the $2.5 bil he's worth today. Had he invested it in Amazon, Microsoft, Tesla, Facebook, and Apple, Donny would be worth more than Warren Buffet right now. 


 Holding conservative values is one thing, but you're overlooking that Trump was completely in bed with the right wing establishment. As long as he appointed conservative judges, got Republicans elected, and rich people got richer, the Republican establishment backed his crazy shit show. So don't give me the "what the country needed" retinue when your side was doing the same establishment thing as the other. I've already heard the stories about the evil liberal establishment controls the entire legal system, and that the right has never persecuted a Democrat administration like this. Or I can switch to the liberal propaganda outlet and hear the same BS, so what's the point again???

Are you sure the Republican establishment backed Trump.He sure didn't get much support with the things he wanted to do.There's a long list of Republicans that turned against him.And you guys that say Trump would have been richer if he did this or that are just looking for something to say in a negative manner about him.It was his money,he did well with it and maybe playing the stock market wasn't his thing.You realize he could have been richer or flat out broke playing the market ? 

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