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The SOLE discretion is of the executive office and no other. The highest level of classification is the President of the USA and no other body holds a higher rank of discretion. The Archives is the curator of documents that IS under the direction of the Executive.


You are a fucking idiot when it comes to knowing the operations of the US government and its constitutional assigned powers.. 


DHP you have been a shit brain and continue to be one. Keep posting your bull shit opinion backed by opinions that suit you. Fuck off you joke. 

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44 minutes ago, dhp123166 said:



This has to be a troll. You are not even trying anymore.


The claim that the President gives a President the right to take any record and declare them personal is a glaring misrepresentation of the law.


The law, which took effect in 1981, requires the preservation of White House documents as property of the U.S. government.

Jason R. Baron, a former director of litigation at the National Archives and Records Administration, said that the notion that a president could declare any record as personal goes against the “very reason” the law was created. NARA is the federal record-keeper and the agency that repeatedly sought the documents kept by Trump.


Congress passed the act in 1978 in the aftermath of the Watergate scandal, when a collection of secret tapes that President Richard Nixon had considered destroying played a defining role.


The law, he and other experts note, clearly distinguishes between “presidential records” and “personal records.”


“The definition of ‘personal records’ is narrow, clear, and functional: it includes only records of a ‘purely private or nonpublic character’,” Peter Margulies, a professor at Roger Williams University’s School of Law in Bristol, Rhode Island, wrote in an email. “Any record that touches on information relevant to presidential decisions on foreign policy or national security is a presidential record. Period, end of story.”

Josh Chafetz, a professor at Georgetown Law, agreed, saying there’s “simply no way” the records described in the indictment against Trump could be considered “personal” under the act’s definitions.




The documents Bill Clinton had in his possession were considered "personal" and not "presidential" as they were materials related to the production of his autobiography.


The subjects of the Tre45on documents which are all marked "SECRET" or "TOP SECRET" can in no rational way be construed as "personal".


Even if by some remarkable leap in logic, these documents were considered "personal" and not "presidential" and the President was found to have been able to declassify while he was president ( which he self admittedly did not do) a number of the documents deal with nuclear weapons


Nuclear documents are a whole different ball of wax. Classification of these documents is by statute, not by EO 13526 or its predecessors. Specifically, these are classified directly via the Atomic Energy Act.


I stated it before and I will state again that the assertion that Tre45on had a right to keep these documents is, and in the context of this investigation, quite completely insane.


What is totally hilarious is that Tre45on is getting this erroneous advice from Tom Fitton who is the President of Judicial Watch and definitely not a lawyer.


In the " Politico" article you posted  above here is what Tom Fitton stated in 2012 at the result of Judge Bermans decision;


"We respectfully disagree with the Court," Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton told POLITICO via e-mail Thursday. "The idea that a president could spirit official recordings and documents out of the White House and that there is nothing that can be legally done about it is a misreading of the Presidential Records Act.  It is ironic that a law passed in response to the Nixon tapes controversy would allow Bill Clinton to keep tapes of his official actions secret and unavailable to the American people.  And it is shameful that the ‘most transparent administration in history’  would defend this gamesmanship.  We are considering an appeal.”


White man speak with forked tongue indeed.




Actually YOU are the troll here.  Mattndew76 is a long time member, but has apparently been away from Ratsun for a short period..........I was pleased to see him back today!!  That said, go back to the rock you recently crawled out from under.................😆

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15 minutes ago, dhp123166 said:

Triggered much keyboard warrior? Haha hilarious.


We'll see how it plays out in a court of law then.


In the meantime, you can go back to playing your video games like only a complete loser of an adult male does.


I actually don't play video games, TROLL!  I too, am a long standing Ratsun member (look, I'm labeled a "senior member" in my profile, just like YOU, troll!!), here for the Datsun stuff, but this thread has always been fun!  datzenmike always keeps us on our toes!  It is you, TROLL, that just recently showed up here on this thread................how do you explain that, TROLL? 😂 😜


And you are referring to the LIBERAL court of law?  Yup, it will get dirty, but that's how this weaponization of the whole system is playing out..............

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44 U.S.C. § 2203(a). The only reference in the entire statute to the designation of records as personal versus Presidential also calls for the decision to be made by the executive, and to be made during, and not after, the presidency. It provides: “materials produced or received by the President, [and other Executive Office employees], shall, to the extent practicable, be categorized as Presidential records or personal records upon their creation or receipt and be filed separately.


Tre45on did not do this during his Presidency as he admitted on tape.


Now I'm no fancy New York Lawyer, but Jack Smith is and Jack Smith knows this case very well, has already been through it, and him and his crack team of prosecutors are going to lay waste to any argument that Tre45on and his team of glorified ambulance chasers have.


Then it is up to a jury to decide and anything can happen there.



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That wasn't meant for you.

5 minutes ago, yenpit said:


I actually don't play video games, TROLL!  I too, am a long standing Ratsun member (look, I'm labeled a "senior member" in my profile, just like YOU, troll!!), here for the Datsun stuff, but this thread has always been fun!  datzenmike always keeps us on our toes!  It is you, TROLL, that just recently showed up here on this thread................how do you explain that, TROLL? 😂 😜


And you are referring to the LIBERAL court of law?  Yup, it will get dirty, but that's how this weaponization of the whole system is playing out..............


 My post was not directed at you TJ.

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What was really comical was on the Friday morning before the indictment was released later that day former Tre45on lead lawyer Jim Trusty was a guest on GMA.


His answers to George Stephanopoulos' questions about the then upcoming indictment were all casual, flippant and disregarding.


Then when the indictment was unsealed and he read it, what did Trusty and another lawyer do? THEY GOT THE HELL OUT OF THERE!!!!!


Yeah, that's a real indication of the strength of Tre45on's defense.


Incidentally, this morning Jim Trusty quit as lawyer for ANOTHER of Tre45ons lawsuits, this one against CNN citing "irreconcilable differences."


Maybe Trusty got tired of his client not following his or any of his other lawyers legal advice.




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1 hour ago, dhp123166 said:



This has to be a troll. You are not even trying anymore.


The claim that the President gives a President the right to take any record and declare them personal is a glaring misrepresentation of the law.


The law, which took effect in 1981, requires the preservation of White House documents as property of the U.S. government.

Jason R. Baron, a former director of litigation at the National Archives and Records Administration, said that the notion that a president could declare any record as personal goes against the “very reason” the law was created. NARA is the federal record-keeper and the agency that repeatedly sought the documents kept by Trump.


Congress passed the act in 1978 in the aftermath of the Watergate scandal, when a collection of secret tapes that President Richard Nixon had considered destroying played a defining role.


The law, he and other experts note, clearly distinguishes between “presidential records” and “personal records.”


“The definition of ‘personal records’ is narrow, clear, and functional: it includes only records of a ‘purely private or nonpublic character’,” Peter Margulies, a professor at Roger Williams University’s School of Law in Bristol, Rhode Island, wrote in an email. “Any record that touches on information relevant to presidential decisions on foreign policy or national security is a presidential record. Period, end of story.”

Josh Chafetz, a professor at Georgetown Law, agreed, saying there’s “simply no way” the records described in the indictment against Trump could be considered “personal” under the act’s definitions.




The documents Bill Clinton had in his possession were considered "personal" and not "presidential" as they were materials related to the production of his autobiography.


The subjects of the Tre45on documents which are all marked "SECRET" or "TOP SECRET" can in no rational way be construed as "personal".


Even if by some remarkable leap in logic, these documents were considered "personal" and not "presidential" and the President was found to have been able to declassify while he was president ( which he self admittedly did not do) a number of the documents deal with nuclear weapons


Nuclear documents are a whole different ball of wax. Classification of these documents is by statute, not by EO 13526 or its predecessors. Specifically, these are classified directly via the Atomic Energy Act.


I stated it before and I will state again that the assertion that Tre45on had a right to keep these documents is, and in the context of this investigation, quite completely insane.


What is totally hilarious is that Tre45on is getting this erroneous advice from Tom Fitton who is the President of Judicial Watch and definitely not a lawyer.


In the " Politico" article you posted  above here is what Tom Fitton stated in 2012 at the result of Judge Bermans decision;


"We respectfully disagree with the Court," Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton told POLITICO via e-mail Thursday. "The idea that a president could spirit official recordings and documents out of the White House and that there is nothing that can be legally done about it is a misreading of the Presidential Records Act.  It is ironic that a law passed in response to the Nixon tapes controversy would allow Bill Clinton to keep tapes of his official actions secret and unavailable to the American people.  And it is shameful that the ‘most transparent administration in history’  would defend this gamesmanship.  We are considering an appeal.”


White man speak with forked tongue indeed.



You know if you would just spell it out "Trump" and not act so immature and petty you'd get a little more respect.

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Whoever said that Tre45on is not funny is mistaken!


After his appearance in a Florida Court earlier this week, Tre45on made a stop at "Versailles" Cuban restaurant. While there he shouted, "Food for everyone!!!" which is normally construed as "You are getting fed by me for free!"


According to a source at the Miami Herald, Tre45on stayed for 10 minutes, which was not enough time for anyone to order anything, and then left.



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Jack Smith just filed an order in the Tre45on Mar-A-Lago case requiring that he not review any of the discovery material unless supervised by his counsel, and that he not disseminate any of the governments documents or information to anyone else by social media or otherwise or face severe consequences.


The defense already agreed.


Jack Smith et al= The Not Fucking Around Crew

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1 hour ago, john510 said:

Well Biden was younger and we didn't know what an idiot he really was at the time.At least I didn't.


Younger, like about 70???? up to 5 years past the usual age for onset of dementia. Perfect qualifications for a veep doorstop.  

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2 minutes ago, datzenmike said:


Younger, like about 70???? up to 5 years past the usual age for onset of dementia. Perfect qualifications for a veep doorstop.  

Well he wasn't the center of attention as VP so I guess his flaws weren't so obvious.I've heard that Obama once said "Never underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up" I don't know if it's true or not but it wouldn't surprise me if it was.

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1 hour ago, jbirds510 said:

LOL not even close, Dav is actually more conservative than most know, and very intelligent, this stool sample is incapable of critical thought entirely.


While that may be if you know him in person, I can only base my thoughts on what I have seen here. Which from what I have seen at least 90% of Dav's posts have been copy paste image crops of insanity off of random internet articles. It is just my opinion, but a thought or opinion formulated and written first hand with sources sited would be much more effective, compelling, & constructive to this conversation.   

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For a minute there, the conversation descended into the typical myopically oppositional shit throwing of the olden days, and senior members are still the worst of them. It's unfortunate, because it makes a position appear hyper sensitive, childish, and weak. 


My distain for Trump not withstanding, he dug his own grave here. That said, there's no rational reason for why Jim Trusty and John Rowley resigned. Everything else is just speculation. In the CNN case there is no ambiguity with Trusty siting "irreconcilable differences" as the reason he withdrew. Is there some inference to be made there? Who gives a shit. Trump's legal team is struggling to find a national security attorney who can attain a security clearance and help them navigate the Espionage Act charges against him. The problem is the laws are very clear, and true to form, Trump has incriminated himself by bragging about it on multiple occasions. Either side can blame all this on evil conspiracies by the other, but if you don't want to make a fool of yourself sooting your mouth off, you might want to consider what you're overlooking to defend your position. No one should get any slack here, but you fuck yourself if all you offer is idiotic insults when you don't like what someone is saying. 

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12 minutes ago, paradime said:

For a minute there, the conversation descended into the typical myopically oppositional shit throwing of the olden days, and senior members are still the worst of them. It's unfortunate, because it makes a position appear hyper sensitive, childish, and weak. 


My distain for Trump not withstanding, he dug his own grave here. That said, there's no rational reason for why Jim Trusty and John Rowley resigned. Everything else is just speculation. In the CNN case there is no ambiguity with Trusty siting "irreconcilable differences" as the reason he withdrew. Is there some inference to be made there? Who gives a shit. Trump's legal team is struggling to find a national security attorney who can attain a security clearance and help them navigate the Espionage Act charges against him. The problem is the laws are very clear, and true to form, Trump has incriminated himself by bragging about it on multiple occasions. Either side can blame all this on evil conspiracies by the other, but if you don't want to make a fool of yourself sooting your mouth off, you might want to consider what you're overlooking to defend your position. No one should get any slack here, but you fuck yourself if all you offer is idiotic insults when you don't like what someone is saying. 

I just have to ask.If the laws are very clear why do they only seem to apply to one person ? What would I be overlooking assuming that ? Frankly I think Trump was an idiot to take anything from the White House when he knew how he was being hunted down.

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Surely you're not overlooking the difference and parroting Trump conflating this with the Hildabeast's email server. He's the one who signed the laws that made it a felony to mishandle classified documents. Do you really want to get into this?

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