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7 hours ago, Str8jacket said:

Not sure how this will go down here but the reality is the US Gov has had their hand in starting every war for the last 80 years. Why would a war between Russia now and possibly China be any different?

The American people have been used as cannon fodder to make rich people richer, the only ones gaining from this latest war is rich fuckers, corporations and the US gov. Fuck it's the same play book over and over.

There is 6000miles of fucking ocean between you and Russia. How are they going to realistically get boots on the ground?

The only threat from them was their slow growing economic stability, still decades off being any issue, and the fact that the EU countries were trading heavily with them. Well the nordstream pipeline went and magically blew it self up? All Europe is fucked but the US oligarchy is making out like bandits. But not the plebs, they are being fucked just like clock work. 

"Shiiit, you gotta be rich in the first place to think like that. Ever'body know, the poor are always being f***ed over by the rich. Always have, always will." -Platoon

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11 hours ago, Str8jacket said:

Not sure how this will go down here but the reality is the US Gov has had their hand in starting every war for the last 80 years. Why would a war between Russia now and possibly China be any different?

The American people have been used as cannon fodder to make rich people richer, the only ones gaining from this latest war is rich fuckers, corporations and the US gov. Fuck it's the same play book over and over.

There is 6000miles of fucking ocean between you and Russia. How are they going to realistically get boots on the ground?

The only threat from them was their slow growing economic stability, still decades off being any issue, and the fact that the EU countries were trading heavily with them. Well the nordstream pipeline went and magically blew it self up? All Europe is fucked but the US oligarchy is making out like bandits. But not the plebs, they are being fucked just like clock work. 

Sounds like Marxists Communism 101. By no means am I saying my country is innocent or altruistic in protecting its interests, but that's the nature of Capitalism on a global scale. It's ugly as fuck, but your freedom is reliant on it, even if you're on the other side of the planet. Putin made this move, not us. Do you really think that turning your back on China and Russia would lead to peace?

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On 3/17/2023 at 4:30 PM, Ooph! said:


Uhhh -->

Democrat Anthony “Tony” DeLuca, Pennsylvania’s longest-serving state representative, was the choice in more than 85% of votes cast.





      So,was it dead people voting for a dead person?

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4 hours ago, paradime said:

 By no means am I saying my country is innocent or altruistic in protecting its interests, but that's the nature of Capitalism on a global scale.

 All countries strive for this and not just capitalists.. All wars come down to economics which in turn fuel politics. War is simply the extension of politics by other means

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5 hours ago, datzenmike said:

 All countries strive for this and not just capitalists.. All wars come down to economics which in turn fuel politics. War is simply the extension of politics by other means

As for "economic" war, I agree and would include religious wars masked as ideological conflict. The base economies of Russia and China are capitalist. Besides isolationist North Korea, I can't think of another purely "communist" country. In terms of economic military superpowers and other allied countries, we have capitalism on a global scale. That's what I'm referring to. 

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I hate to say this but our country is divided by 2 parties and if we were attacked.We would fight among ourselves on what to do.They would not agree on how to handle this.We should get together and prepare for what lies ahead.I live close to Fort Benning.I would go there and join them.They have all the firepower close by.It is coming sooner than later.We can't even stop a balloon before it get's here.China is building their military.Our's is very out dated.Plus that President opened the borders to make all our future become addicts.They will attack from the West.Our weakest point of entry.Who has the game plan wins...What would we do if China hit us from the West and Russia from the East.Run to Canada where Mike is.Can't go South...

Edited by Thomas Perkins
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42 minutes ago, Thomas Perkins said:

I hate to say this but our country is divided by 2 parties and if we were attacked.We would fight among ourselves on what to do.They would not agree on how to handle this.We should get together and prepare for what lies ahead.I live close to Fort Benning.I would go there and join them.They have all the firepower close by.It is coming sooner than later.We can't even stop a balloon before it get's here.China is building their military.Our's is very out dated.Plus that President opened the borders to make all our future become addicts.They will attack from the West.Our weakest point of entry.Who has the game plan wins...What would we do if China hit us from the West and Russia from the East.Run to Canada where Mike is.Can't go South...



China has no experience with war, when was the last time they went to war? What technology they have was stolen from the US. Likely they let them steal it so they know what they have. Also it takes decades to raise tacticians and generals/admirals/fliers. You can't teach war from books. There is only one way to gain experience and that is to DO! Now...  Who has been at war for the last what, 80? years? Who IS the expert on war???? Who has the best battle hardened army/navy/air force???? in the world???? Fuck China.

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But we only had political wars.We never had a war cause we were attacked.All Vietnam did was get our troops killed.My dad went over there twice,when he was there,we struggled,mom caught hell with raising us 3 little kids and having no dad at home which caused a divorce.Same with Iraq and Afghanistan.They were not wars.They were mind games.We went to other countries and had our good people killed.Now we are sending our money that is not ours to Ukraine.Look,people here are not joining the service no more.Would you.Hell no.Check this out,We were slaughterd.Have you ever watched it.John Long, director of education at the National D-Day Memorial Foundation, says that when the memorial was first being planned in the late 1990s, there were wildly different estimates for Allied D-Day fatalities ranging from 5,000 to 12,000. German casualties on D-Day, meanwhile, have been estimated to be between 4,000 and 9,000 killed, wounded or missing. The Allies also captured some 200,000 German prisoners of war. They were sent to Die.A friend at work lost his dad to Vietnam.No countries help us in need.As Hurricane tears up our country.Not one gives us aide.Not even Canada.Most stuff we buy is from China and other Asian counties.Why is that.I am not saying China is good,but they own us.Was D-Day good planning...We were shooting ducks out of the sky.Watch this.


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That was not a war.That was pay backs.We caused that.Getting into other counties business.The drone just got shot down because we are in war ,helping Ukraine by giving them supplies.They had every right to shoot it down.Why are our soldiers in the middle east and other countries,like South Korea.North Korea has every right to shoot it's missiles.We rather blow our money else where than help our own.

Edited by Thomas Perkins
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Read this..https://www.businessinsider.com/us-navy-sailors-are-cannibalizing-parts-to-keep-warships-operational-2023-2.Think we have the best,Think again...We are sending money to Ukraine but can't make parts for our ships.Bet it's just not the ships,bet it is everything else.They are making new ships but they are falling apart before they are ready to use.God bless America when war comes.Read this...https://www.navytimes.com/news/your-navy/2022/05/10/the-littoral-combat-ships-latest-problem-class-wide-structural-defects-leading-to-hull-cracks/.We are scrapping war ships that are only 4 years old cause of over pricing and people stealing government money and using cheap parts.https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/04/us/politics/littoral-combat-ships-lobbying.html Maybe they used Autozone's alternator's,lol.US Navy scraps NINE anti-submarine warships that cost $3.2 billion to make - some under three years old - because their technology is already obsolete. The US Navy will scrap nine warships worth $3.2 billion - despite some being just three years old - because their technology is already obsolete.May 13, 2022 Have you ever watch that Twilight zone episode that said that librarian was obsolete.Make sure you watch this...


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Does any one remember this.We ate our words and did the same freaking thing.We are very dumb.Then that nut in the White House let  people get killed when leaving.On this day back in 1980,another Democrat screwed up.If a War breaks out and a Democrat is in the White House,we are doomed.https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/carter-announces-olympic-boycott Eating too many peanuts and drinking Biily beer.Do you think he put peanuts in his beer  before drinking it.Probably gave him the farts.

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Edited by Thomas Perkins
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4 hours ago, john510 said:

"We never had a war because we were attacked" ????? Does Pearl Harbor ring a bell Thomas ? How about the attack on New York City and the Twin Towers ? Didn't that start a long war in the Middle East ? 


 What about the USS Main?


3 hours ago, Thomas Perkins said:

Read this..https://www.businessinsider.com/us-navy-sailors-are-cannibalizing-parts-to-keep-warships-operational-2023-2.Think we have the best,Think again...We are sending money to Ukraine but can't make parts for our ships.Bet it's just not the ships,bet it is everything else.They are making new ships but they are falling apart before they are ready to use.God bless America when war comes.Read this...https://www.navytimes.com/news/your-navy/2022/05/10/the-littoral-combat-ships-latest-problem-class-wide-structural-defects-leading-to-hull-cracks/.We are scrapping war ships that are only 4 years old cause of over pricing and people stealing government money and using cheap parts.https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/04/us/politics/littoral-combat-ships-lobbying.html Maybe they used Autozone's alternator's,lol.US Navy scraps NINE anti-submarine warships that cost $3.2 billion to make - some under three years old - because their technology is already obsolete. The US Navy will scrap nine warships worth $3.2 billion - despite some being just three years old - because their technology is already obsolete.May 13, 2022 Have you ever watch that Twilight zone episode that said that librarian was obsolete.Make sure you watch this...



So what? Obsolescence. It's inevitable if you want to be the best. Sell to 3rd world market. 

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Noones doing shit. Our government has made it pretty clear globally if anyone does shit well just collapse the USD and whole words eats a big dead dollar dick. The entire global economy is done just. like. that..What most dont know is they are likely going to do it anyway as we are past the point of no return with our debt. We have no intention of paying it back either..Well give them digital currency instead. good luck, save up a couple months food.. Its likely going to get a little bumpy.


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They still have some of Putin's SU-27s from when the Soviet Union broke up. As for intel it has everything NATO and the US knows. Heavy battle ships became obsolete because of airplanes, tanks are now obsolete because of drones.

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29 minutes ago, datzenmike said:

They still have some of Putin's SU-27s from when the Soviet Union broke up. As for intel it has everything NATO and the US knows. Heavy battle ships became obsolete because of airplanes, tanks are now obsolete because of drones.


Tanks are not obsolete, the same was said when anti tank missile systems were first deployed. The methods, tactics and expectations are obsolete and will change in response and tanks will remain on the battle field. 


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12 hours ago, Thomas Perkins said:

I hate to say this but our country is divided by 2 parties and if we were attacked.We would fight among ourselves on what to do.They would not agree on how to handle this.We should get together and prepare for what lies ahead.I live close to Fort Benning.I would go there and join them.They have all the firepower close by.It is coming sooner than later.We can't even stop a balloon before it get's here.China is building their military.Our's is very out dated.Plus that President opened the borders to make all our future become addicts.They will attack from the West.Our weakest point of entry.Who has the game plan wins...What would we do if China hit us from the West and Russia from the East.Run to Canada where Mike is.Can't go South...


Sounds like a pretty damn defeatist game plan to hide in Canada. I hate to say this Tom, but you grossly under estimates the combat readiness of the US military forces, and the insane firepower from 39 military installations in the Western states. Now tell me why you think Russia or China could get past the list below.


Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center - Twentynine Palms.

Marine Corps Air Station Miramar 

Marine Corps Base Logistics Barstow 

Marine Corps Mountain Warfare Training Center Bridgeport

Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton.

Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego.

Fort Irwin

Presidio of Monterey

Fort Lewis Army Base 

Joint Base Lewis-McChord

Fort Hunter Liggett

Sierra Army Depot

Yakima Training Center Army Base

Camp Murray Army Base

China Lake Naval Air Weapons Station

Point Mugu

Naval Air Station Lemoore

Naval Air Station North Island

Navy Seal Amphibious Base Coronado

Naval Base Coronado Island

Naval Base Point Loma

Naval Base San Diego

Naval Base Ventura County

Naval Information Warfare Systems Command

Naval Weapons Station Seal Beach

Naval Postgraduate School

Naval Air Station Whidbey Island

Naval Base Kitsap

Naval Magazine Indian Island

Naval Station Everett

Naval Air Station Tongue Point

Naval Weapons Systems Training Facility Boardman

Beale Air Force Base

Edwards Air Force Base

L.A. Air Force Base 

Travis Air Force Base

Fairchild Air Force Base

Vandenberg Air Force Base

Camp Roberts




Edited by paradime
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