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40 minutes ago, ratpatrol66 said:

Nope no way, I still think LHO was a pawn and it was an inside job. I went to Dallas in 2010, school book depository. The angle of the fadangle doesn't match up. Gotta see it for yourself. 


Remember when this game came out, played the crap out of it for quite a while trying to get it perfect (I think there was some kind of prize? if you did). Turns out to be abandonware at this point so can be downloaded for free.



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5 hours ago, a.d._510_n_ok said:

Here's the link, para. If you've never listened to Buckley before just be aware that his voice is an acquired taste kinda like Bob Dylan's. Carter was certainly a decent man and (even as a child) I do remember genuine enthusiasm for him when he won in 1976. On the other hand the man was literally attacked by a killer bunny rabbit in a canoe during his tenure as POTUS so maybe the spook factions installed the peanut farmer to show their russkie KGB masters just how weak the USA was in the disco/malaise era 😉

Oh yes, I know W. F. Buckley well. I was raised in a Republican home and recall my Dad watching his debates on a black & White TV.

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8 minutes ago, john510 said:

Trump's taxes have been made public and apparently it's not what the haters wanted to see ? With all of the hype generated I thought it would be a bigger story on all of the Trump hating networks.They can't even spin it as damaging.


The process is the punishment. The mere suggestion of criminality is often enough to sway the weak minded sheeple.    

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Myself, I think that tax return info should be protected under the 4th. Your income tax business is no one else's fuckin business. It should be available for private review by IRS of course and only if there is criminality should anything be disclosed, if at all. 

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Come on now, would you say the same for sleepy Joe's returns? It's not that simple when you're the POTUS. The predominately conservative Supreme Court ruled that our president's tax returns should be made public for obvious reasons. 

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Not obvious to me, though maybe there is a good reason. I'll assume the IRS keeps a weather eye on all returns. I also assume that scrutiny is also goaded by complaints by the public. If audited and passed, it's good enough for me, should be good enough for all. What you made or lost or got away with legally isn't for public consumption.


The only flaw is the IRS, like the FBI, becomes weaponized against political opponents.

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6 hours ago, paradime said:

Come on now, would you say the same for sleepy Joe's returns? It's not that simple when you're the POTUS. The predominately conservative Supreme Court ruled that our president's tax returns should be made public for obvious reasons. 

What's the obvious reason ?

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13 minutes ago, thisismatt said:

I guess the obvious reason would be to audit for politically influential income? Income that isn't necessarily illegal by IRS standards?

Yes that would be one reason.Too bad they went after the wrong guy for "politically influenced income" Trump didn't get rich by being a politician.

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18 hours ago, paradime said:

Come on now, would you say the same for sleepy Joe's returns? It's not that simple when you're the POTUS. The predominately conservative Supreme Court ruled that our president's tax returns should be made public for obvious reasons. 


The Supremes are not predominately conservative. At best, a few members follow their oath to the Constitution. Most are politicized hacks who inject their personal beliefs and bias into their rulings. Zero integrity, like most in politics.    

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18 hours ago, paradime said:

Come on now, would you say the same for sleepy Joe's returns? It's not that simple when you're the POTUS. The predominately conservative Supreme Court ruled that our president's tax returns should be made public for obvious reasons. 

I thought the SC ruled to let the Democrats peek at his returns not release them to the public ? 

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10 hours ago, john510 said:

What's the obvious reason ?


The obvious ones would be oversight to clarify and expose any impropriety such as foreign collision, inside dealing, and kickbacks outlined in the Emoluments Clauses in the U.S. Constitution. Think about all the financial, economic, military, and foreign policy levers the POTUS is pulling and the money flooding through that office. I can't think of a single valid reason why the voting public shouldn't know their candidate's income and accounts (foreign and domestic) isn't a conflict of interests for that level of responsibility. If someone needs financial privacy and can't be open about who's buttering your toast, they don't belong in that public office. Since the Magna Carta, the principle of oversight has been upheld, and now by the Supreme Court it's logical to uphold. Why should Trump or Biden get special allowances? 

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25 minutes ago, john510 said:

I thought the SC ruled to let the Democrats peek at his returns not release them to the public ? 


Disappointed, but I think you're right. This means they'll leak it out as yet another political weapon. I'm disgusted by politics. 

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23 hours ago, bottomwatcher said:

Funny thing is Trump seems to be the only one who lost millions by being president. The rest ex presidents seemed to come out like African dictators. 


Trump is also  the only president who ever lost friends after winning. Hollywood and journalists loved him before he won POTUS. He was abandoned by friends who'd had his back for decades. I'll always believe that it was an orchestrated event but have yet to hear was behind the mass backstabbing. 

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28 minutes ago, a.d._510_n_ok said:



My cousin-in-law was one of the main investors early on for Blockbuster.  He stepped down, sold his holdings, moved on to other investments............literally right before they crashed in the marketplace!


A few years ago, he asked me if I could find a 260Z exactly like what he bought new in 1974, had it until around 1979-80.  I found a 43k mile, original owner CA car, same color, same interior, same Appliance aluminum slot dealer installed wheels etc.............he was elated!  

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41 minutes ago, datzenmike said:

Blockbuster is a WW 2 term.


.........but it says "video"!!  Ha, is the drawing/logo the same from WW2? As usual, a "new" meme created from old ideology!! 😆

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2 hours ago, a.d._510_n_ok said:

Trump is also  the only president who ever lost friends after winning. Hollywood and journalists loved him before he won POTUS. He was abandoned by friends who'd had his back for decades. I'll always believe that it was an orchestrated event but have yet to hear was behind the mass backstabbing. 

He did go from Democrat to Republican and I'm sure that had something to do with it.We've all seen how crazy and irrational the liberals can be.Maybe he should run again as a Democrat ? He'd get all of his old friends back.LOL.

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