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Suppose as long as the masses have their superbowl,their celebrities,reality TV and other comforts like the plethora of other distractions the status quo remains. 


The "faithful" dyed in the wool political fanatics who think their candidate will "make the country better" are arguably THE most deluded of the entire set of demographics. 

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Is it the political process that's broken, or are the people just too fucking fat and lazy to do something about it?


The magic potion that keeps this POS political process running the way it does is the people have been divided. As long as the system keeps "we the people" at odds with each other, we the people will never be able to band together to fix it. We are sold on the idea that for one to win, the other must lose. In all reality, the political philosophies that actually define the two party system have been distorted beyond recognition. As complex as the world is today, these distorted ideals of Conservatism and Liberalism no longer serve the real problems facing this county.


While we have been distracted squabbling over BS divisive issues, our country is being ransacked. We argue about the size of government when we should be defending ourselves against the size of corporate influence in our political system. CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM NOW!!!!!  


As long as we are beating each other over the head with red and blue clubs we will have the shit show candidates we are seeing today. We the people must take back our political process, demand clear and open access to campaign finance records, and place a hard limit on how much any one individual, corporation, Union, or political group can contribute to any one candidate. We will only get the leaders we want if we fight together to take back our political system. There is nothing left or right, up or down, black or white about this, so why the fuck have we let corporations and Unions take it over? It's interesting that two outsiders, Sanders and Trump are getting all the attention, but I guess it should be no surprise, they also represent the most distorted and extreme opposing views. 


Divided we have fallen brothers. 

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Cliven Bundy was arrested upon arrival in Portland Oregon. His boys are being held here so the FBI moved on arresting him as well.....


The silencing has begun.


I can't find the link to the story but the FEDs have denied the captured the ability to appear in court. They are to be charged and tried without being able to be present in the court room.


Seems very fucked up

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Not saying McCain isn't a total tool, but in his 2002 memoir he wrote, "By the time I became a leading advocate of campaign finance reform, I had come to appreciate that the public's suspicions were not always mistaken. Money does buy access in Washington, and access increases influence that often results in benefiting the few at the expense of the many."


In a huge victory for the 1%, in 2010 the Supreme Court sided with Citizens United, (the most cynical name ever devised by "special" interests) which struck down the sections of McCain–Feingold that limited corporate and union influence in the political process, citing that citizens freedom of speech is protected under the First Amendment. The decision de facto defines a corporation, or union as individual citizens. The minority argued that the court made a mistake in allowing unlimited corporate spending, arguing that corporate and union spending posed a particular threat to "democratic self-government" in that working for a corporation, or belonging to a union should not subordinate the individual's political contribution to the few at the top. To this day, I can't believe conservatives didn't stand up for individual freedom in that situation. What a disappointment. At least liberals gave it glancing lip service as their pockets were being freshly lined.


Out of all the candidates prostituting themselves in this illection < intended, Bernie has been the most consistent, and outspoken about campaign financing, and the danger of Citizens United. Before you start trying to sell Donnie and his "self funded" campaign, as long as he's a front runner, the GOP will pay him back for every red cent he spends. Same stands true for the DNC and Hildy, as it was in 2008. Hillary spent millions of her own fortune in 2008, and she got every blue cent back from the DNC. If you think Trump is contributing his fortune to the cause of American prosperity, you don't know Dick about Donnie.

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An online news article from down here is reporting "The Don is in with a real shot at the US Presidency".


Mass migration to Straylia anyone?

I knew you guys were in a different time zone but i thought it was just 10 or 12 hours not 6 months difference.

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Cliven Bundy was arrested upon arrival in Portland Oregon. His boys are being held here so the FBI moved on arresting him as well.....


The silencing has begun.


I can't find the link to the story but the FEDs have denied the captured the ability to appear in court. They are to be charged and tried without being able to be present in the court room.


Seems very fucked up



Tried in absentia? 

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