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...and devout Christians don't do recreational drugs. Yeah maybe not hash. 76 virgins and only one dick? and 24 hrs? Then have to start all over again? I dunnow. Maybe after the first one they beat and stone the next 75 for being whores?



                          I think they need to do what happened in WWII.

Capture some of the terrorist Muslims,soak bullets in pig fat in

front of them,shoot one of them dead with the pig fat bullets,&

then let the rest go,so they can pass the word along.

                   I think that this would stop many of them.

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                          I think they need to do what happened in WWII.

Capture some of the terrorist Muslims,soak bullets in pig fat in

front of them,shoot one of them dead with the pig fat bullets,&

then let the rest go,so they can pass the word along.

                   I think that this would stop many of them.



From the Quran:


He has made unlawful for you that which dies of itself the blood and the flesh of the swine and that on which the name of any other than God has been invoked. But he who is driven by necessity, being neither disobedient nor exceeding the limit, then surely, God is Most Forgiving, Merciful


I think this would indicate that driven by starvation or to save yourself you would be forgiven for consumption of pork by Allah.

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I think they need to do what happened in WWII.

Capture some of the terrorist Muslims,soak bullets in pig fat in

front of them,shoot one of them dead with the pig fat bullets,&

then let the rest go,so they can pass the word along.

                   I think that this would stop many of them.

This fable attributed to Gen. Pershing in the time after the Phillipine-American war early last century has been debunked as fiction.


But then why let truth get in the way of a good story eh?

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I think they need to do what happened in WWII.

Capture some of the terrorist Muslims,soak bullets in pig fat in

front of them,shoot one of them dead with the pig fat bullets,&

then let the rest go,so they can pass the word along.

I think that this would stop many of them.

And have them laugh at you? Pork is only a sin if eaten intentionally. As well, a Muslim may eat park is dire necessity. Good job releasing the enemy

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Benjamin Netanyahu: 'Israel Will No Longer Fund UN Institutions'


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has rightfully had enough of the United Nations' hatred for his country:


Netanyahu made his first comments since Friday's UN Security Council vote, Saturday night at a ceremony celebrating the first night of Hanukkah.


Netanyahu told the crowd that he was there to comfort everyone following the UN's decision.


The decision was "shameful," the Prime Minister repeated multiple times.


"The Security Council decision calls Israeli land occupied and that is just shameful, the decision calls the Western Wall occupied land, it is shameful," Netanyahu said.


You'd think that an anti-Semitic organization like the UN and its institutions don't want any "Jewish money," but the opposite is true. They're systematically attacking the Jewish state but still demand Israeli money. Well, no longer, Netanyahu says. From now on, Israel will stop funding UN institutions. If they need money to fund their anti-Israel activities, they'll just have to beg the Arab world for........



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And have them laugh at you? Pork is only a sin if eaten intentionally. As well, a Muslim may eat park is dire necessity. Good job releasing the enemy

Ill guess a pig/infidel bullet would make you a martyr , but these hacks would not be lineing up to take one


But then why let truth get in the way of a good story eh?


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What's up with Israel bashing ? They're the only country over there that wants peace and won't attack innocent people or countries.They're greatly outnumbered population wise and by how much land they have and yet continue to exist.As far as the Middle East goes,it's a country that just wants to be left alone unlike others in that region that want all non-Muslims dead.

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What's up with Israel bashing ? They're the only country over there that wants peace and won't attack innocent people or countries.They're greatly outnumbered population wise and by how much land they have and yet continue to exist.As far as the Middle East goes,it's a country that just wants to be left alone unlike others in that region that want all non-Muslims dead.



 Well, IMHO Israel has become a little to big for it's britches. Even militant. Sponsoring them over the decades has cost the US dearly. Talk about biting the hand that feeds you.

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