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Hillary just wrapped up a campaign rally in Florida, lasted 8 minutes. Some people on twitter claiming they were invited to attend for $10/hr. 

Fairly small turnout to begin with..






trump's rally.. happening now.



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Soooooo, even I will concede (according to my own analysis of many! Online reports) its looking inreasingly likely Murica is going to have a Female Prez.


Im more pissed about losing the fitty I have on the Don becoming Muricas head honcho.

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How the hell do you meet a guy via email?

Sorry, he came over and bought a SD22 diesel head from me that I had on Craigslist, we talked for a while about diesel stuff, then talked more about political stuff and computer stuff like the Tor browser, then he left.

A little later he sent me that link to that page via email  along with his email address.

He is really into home made bio diesels, he burns just about anything, right now he is burning a used transmission fluid/used oil/veggie oil blend, it smelled like french fries while his engine was idling in front of my house.

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Sorry, he came over and bought a SD22 diesel head from me that I had on Craigslist, we talked for a while about diesel stuff, then talked more about political stuff and computer stuff like the Tor browser, then he left.

A little later he sent me that link to that page via email along with his email address.

He is really into home made bio diesels, he burns just about anything, right now he is burning a used transmission fluid/used oil/veggie oil blend, it smelled like french fries while his engine was idling in front of my house.

Right on. My entire work fleet runs on B100. We've been 99% biodiesel since 2005. Aside from hoses getting soft before their time, it's been trouble free. 2 Mercedes Sprinters, 3 Dodge Rams. 1 Ford flatbed.

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Right on. My entire work fleet runs on B100. We've been 99% biodiesel since 2005. Aside from hoses getting soft before their time, it's been trouble free. 2 Mercedes Sprinters, 3 Dodge Rams. 1 Ford flatbed.


He was really into home made bio fuels, I told him it was just too much effort for me, I read all about them years ago.

He is the first person I ever met that owned an SD series engine with a stock diesel engine power steering package, his wasn't even being used, it didn't have a belt on it, I asked him if he wanted to sell it(power steering package), but he declined, I should have offered him the head for it now that I think about it.

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Soooooo, even I will concede (according to my own analysis of many! Online reports) its looking inreasingly likely Murica is going to have a Female Prez.


Im more pissed about losing the fitty I have on the Don becoming Muricas head honcho.


The state sponsored media is pushing Hilliary hard and we have a lot of dumb voters. But you can tell from the campaign events alone.. not many people like her. But that along with all the election fraud being uncovered every day... makes it really hard to win an election. There are too many people, that have done too many bad things in power. They cannot have an outsider step in and put an end to all of it. If the Clinton Foundation is blown open... the world will lose it's shit.

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The state sponsored media is pushing Hilliary hard and we have a lot of dumb voters. But you can tell from the campaign events alone.. not many people like her. But that along with all the election fraud being uncovered every day... makes it really hard to win an election. There are too many people, that have done too many bad things in power. They cannot have an outsider step in and put an end to all of it. If the Clinton Foundation is blown open... the world will lose it's shit.

I am no fan of Clinton, but how are all of those "conspiracy theories" working for you?

I think the saddest part of the comment is that Trump has made you believe that he is going to put an end to all of it.  Just remember he's the one back in 1997 who said he'd run on the Republican ticket because "you people" could be made to believe anything he wanted, which unfortunately for the country seems painfully true.

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I am no fan of Clinton, but how are all of those "conspiracy theories" working for you?

I think the saddest part of the comment is that Trump has made you believe that he is going to put an end to all of it.  Just remember he's the one back in 1997 who said he'd run on the Republican ticket because "you people" could be made to believe anything he wanted, which unfortunately for the country seems painfully true.


First, I'm a registered Democrat. Trump did say that, he was also a democrat at the time. He's said a lot of other dumb shit too. I acknowledge the fact his last name is not Jesus Christ Jr, III.


Second, is pay to play a theory? No.

              is lying under oath a theory? No.

              is sending and receiving classified information, including but not limited to above top secret SAP programs to a personal server to avoid FOIA requests a theory? No.

              is the fact that the campaign repeatedly and illegally communicated and coordinated with SuperPACs a theory? No.

              is the fact that the campaign directly colludes with the "hacks" from the main stream media planting stories and approving stories before they are published a theory? No.


I could keep going.. But if you would like I can link you directly to emails verified by google DKIM to be 100% authentic, sent to/from Clintons campaign manager in related to any one of these. Or released FBI documents from FOIA requests. While I agree there are a ton of conspiracy theories out there, there are too many actual FACTS that cannot be disregarded as fan fiction.

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I am no fan of Clinton, but how are all of those "conspiracy theories" working for you?

I think the saddest part of the comment is that Trump has made you believe that he is going to put an end to all of it.  Just remember he's the one back in 1997 who said he'd run on the Republican ticket because "you people" could be made to believe anything he wanted, which unfortunately for the country seems painfully true.


There isn't a chance that he could end the way they do things, but as president he can expose what they do, and how they do it which will make them look very bad to the public, worse than they look now, which would likely get him impeached even though the people in this country voted him in.

He will not win as it is a rigged system, just search electoral College and read how electors are picked and how they pledge their vote, Hilary has likely already won this election as it has been bought for her, now if Trump were to win the popular vote by a landslide, that will create big problems as far as the electoral college is concerned, as it will show that the peoples vote DON'T COUNT!!!

What needs to be considered is that Trump has not signed any of their nonsense about being sent to prison for exposing how they do things as he is not a politician yet, Congressmen and Senators have to sign papers that forbid them from being whistle blowers if they want to get into the good old boy network, if they don't sign, then they don't get access to anything so that they don't see all the back room deals being made that makes them criminals, but they have made laws that it is legal for them to be criminals, but if anyone else were to do what they do they would be in prison PDQ(pretty damned quick).


I didn't vote for either of them, I voted for Johnson, he cannot win this election, but if he actually won even one electoral vote let alone a battleground state like Massachusetts where his pick for VP was govener of that state in the past I believe, he could in theory keep both of them from getting the electoral votes needed to win, at the very least he could scare the shit out of them by making them think about a 3rd party.

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Also being from Vermont, you may or may not care that Killiary received debate questions ahead of time when defeating your boy Bernie Sanders. That is not a theory, that is a fact which can be proven on two separate occasions from the DNC. He never had a chance. DWS and Donna Brazile both chose their candidate before it even started. 

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First, I'm a registered Democrat. Trump did say that, he was also a democrat at the time. He's said a lot of other dumb shit too. I acknowledge the fact his last name is not Jesus Christ Jr, III.


Second, is pay to play a theory? No.

              is lying under oath a theory? No.

              is sending and receiving classified information, including but not limited to above top secret SAP programs to a personal server to avoid FOIA requests a theory? No.

              is the fact that the campaign repeatedly and illegally communicated and coordinated with SuperPACs a theory? No.

              is the fact that the campaign directly colludes with the "hacks" from the main stream media planting stories and approving stories before they are published a theory? No.


I could keep going.. But if you would like I can link you directly to emails verified by google DKIM to be 100% authentic, sent to/from Clintons campaign manager in related to any one of these. Or released FBI documents from FOIA requests. While I agree there are a ton of conspiracy theories out there, there are too many actual FACTS that cannot be disregarded as fan fiction.


I am not denying any of that shit, nor do I care. I am merely stating that in my opinion Trump is a buffoon.


What needs to be considered is that Trump has not signed any of their nonsense about being sent to prison for exposing how they do things as he is not a politician yet, Congressmen and Senators have to sign papers that forbid them from being whistle blowers if they want to get into the good old boy network, if they don't sign, then they don't get access to anything so that they don't see all the back room deals being made that makes them criminals, but they have made laws that it is legal for them to be criminals, but if anyone else were to do what they do they would be in prison PDQ(pretty damned quick).



Interesting info on the non disclosure for Congressmen and Senators, I had no idea.

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Ok, but he is not a war monger or criminal. He also isn't in debt to wall street or foreign governments.

That alone should weigh on your mind heavily. For once we get to see behind the curtains.. and it's fucking insane. If you care about accountability.. or the ability to trust your government.. you just cannot vote for a 30 year career politician that has failed time and again.. and then on top of all of that is being exposed for being corrupt as fuck. I'D rather write in bern-dog than vote for the hill.

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Interesting info on the non disclosure for Congressmen and Senators, I had no idea.


You are not going to see any whistle blowers coming out of either of them places, they have signed papers that will send them straight to prison if they tell anything that is going on there.

They sign them because of national security, but a lot of what goes on there is only a threat to their way of life if it gets out, it's not a security issue for this nation, of course there are things that are a national security risk, and that is why they need to sign them papers, and they are what the papers are for, but taking money from special interests and making deals that are not in the interest of this country but are in the interest of multi billionaires should not be covered by them papers.

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Also being from Vermont, you may or may not care that Killiary received debate questions ahead of time when defeating your boy Bernie Sanders.

I'm wondering if that extends past Vermont. Bernie is batshit insane re: economics but is a decent human being and has legit civil rights street cred. I also never for one damned second believed it was his supporters were behind the violence against Trump supporters. they were ideologues but not thugs. all these things combined make me wonder if a large number of the principled? Bern-ers won't refrain from voting for Hillary.

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Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are in a cafe. Donald leans over, and with a smile on his face, says, “The media is really tearing you apart for That Scandal.”


Hillary: ““Leaving four Americans to die in Benghazi and go to sleep and lying about it??”

Trump: No the other one ."

Hillary: You mean LYING about how Democrats are best for Blacks, when Liberal Democrat run cities like Baltimore, Detroit, Chicago, St.Louis, Oakland and many more have the highest Black on Black crime, drug and murder rates in the nation, and the fact that I NEVER say All lives matter or never mention Black on Black crime or NEVER take the side of Police or how Obama and I violate our oath of office by not enacting our Immigration Laws that protect America and Americans from drugs, murder, crime and terrorists, for FEAR of losing Hispanic and Muslim votes, Impeachable offenses.

Trump: “No, the other one.”

Hillary: “You mean keeping Black people dependent on Welfare and slaves to the system while promising more free stuff for their votes and lying about it leaving them jobless and on Welfare election after election

Trump: No, the other one.

Hillary: “You mean telling LGBT and Transgendered I have their backs and then taking Millions from Middle East countries that execute LGBT and lying about it, all of which can easily be verified by any half intelligent Human on the internet?”

Trump: “No, the other one.”

Hillary: “Using my secret private server with classified material to hide my activities and lying about it and then employing a special program known as Bleach Bit to delete my private emails to prevent their recovery, violating a Federal Law, they requested ALL emails?”

Trump: “No, the other one.”

Hillary: “You mean lying to Congress about my emails and continue my LIES knowing it is illegal to lie to Congress during “any investigation or review, conducted pursuant to the authority of any committee, subcommittee, commission or office of the Congress, consistent with applicable rules of the House or Senate knowing the penalty is five years in prison, unless the matter deals with terrorism, in which case the penalty is eight years even knowing that the FBI Director, after being pressed by Congress finally admitted I LIED on multiple accounts that can easily be verified by any half intelligent Human on you tube out of the mouth of the FBI Director himself.?”

Trump: “No, the other one.”

Hillary: “Using the Clinton Foundation as a cover for tax evasion with my daughter Chelsea as Vice Chairman who also uses it for tax evasion, hiring cronies, and taking MILLIONS in bribes from foreign countries who sponsor Terrorism and execute LGBT?

Trump: “No, the other one.”

Hillary: ““You mean saying I'm for the poor and Middle Class when my biggest donors are the top 1%, Wall Street, Corporations, Middle East countries and I say how much I will work for THEM, even knowing the greatest transfer of wealth in HISTORY to the rich has happened under Obama and myself, while screwing the Middle Class and poor?”

Trump: “No, the other one.”

Hillary:“You mean when CNN aka Communist News Network and I call you a racist and bigot for saying we need to stop immigration for Muslims until good vetting practices are in place at a time when radical Islam is at war with the West, knowing that you Mr. Trump only want to protect American's from throat cutters and rapists unlike myself, Obama and what the German leader does for her citizens who are being raped and killed by radical Islam?”

Trump: “No the other one:

Hillary: “The creation of the biggest refugees crisis since WWII?

Trump: No, the other one.

Hillary: You mean when I attack you Mr. Trump for bankruptcies, knowing that I have lived most of my life off the American taxpayer and donations from the top 1% and Corporations, and have never employed ten's of thousands like you Mr. Trump with your many many businesses.

Trump: No, the other one.

Hillary: “You mean when questioned by the FBI July 2nd I said 38 times I didn't recall anything about email security on governmental emails even though the FBI had my signature on cables I sent to State Department employees advising them NOT to use personal email accounts, and I also told the FBI that I, a Lawyer and government official had no idea the C on the emails stood for Confidential. I deny all these claims because I know Liberals and Democrats are stupid enough to believe me and the fact that the USA is now a Banana Republic and I will get off Scott free. ”

Trump: “THAT’S IT! I almost forgot about that one, Hillary your lucky your voters don't know how to research all your scandals, corruption and lies, WOW!!!!!!!!!!

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