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Thing is the dumb fucks in the dems party think Killary is their man (well let's face it she does have balls) but Sanders they likely figure loses no matter what on the whole "he's a socialist" schtick. 


democratic socialist, ha bullshit


W had some socialism too , it always ends bad , need to reel it in (even though trump is a ?)

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It's an establishment thing, the republitard party hate trump....they just can't do shit about it now, they'll have to suck it up


i might be too into poli and this thread , but establishments arent all the same.


no reed or pelosi in GOP.. al freakin frankin , ..lifetime senator.


reps retire at least , and are always defending being stupid or racist. so even tho retarded(not PC) Ron paul ran rep , trumps going to go center on some patriotic shit


Dems hate each other too ,clintons hate Obama,


menwhile the whole dem philosohy is move money , win elections, sound smart cool and helpful while shit gets worse. wont even tell you who they are


were speeding up down the road to fuckedville

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i might be too into poli and this thread , but establishments arent all the same.


no reed or pelosi in GOP.. al freakin frankin , ..lifetime senator.


reps retire at least , and are always defending being stupid or racist. so even tho retarded(not PC) Ron paul ran rep , trumps going to go center on some patriotic shit


Dems hate each other too ,clintons hate Obama,


menwhile the whole dem philosohy is move money , win elections, sound smart cool and helpful while shit gets worse. wont even tell you who they are


were speeding up down the road to fuckedville

The Clintons hate Obama ? If that were true wouldnt Obama have the FBI hurry up with the email bullshit and prosecute ? I think he's stalling on it because he knows Hillary is the only chance against Trump.even if its a weak chance.

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The whole legal suit over the Trump university thing is a pile of scat. 


I hear stupid education seminar advertisements all over the radio for any number of things like Flipping houses to Starting a cleaning company.  Same crap that Trump had offered. People paid money for the education or insight.. Then it was up to the person to take what was paid for and use it. Yet all the people that fail now days want to point fingers in an outward direction as to why they failed. 


This is a cherry picked lawsuit and seems a bit bias considering there are thousands of other programs just like Trump university still going on right now.. Another example is our colleges around the country. You pay huge amounts of money and rack up piles of debt with zero guarantee that you will be able to secure a job in that field of study... Many of these colleges even claim 80% job placement in those fields.... B U L L   F U C K I N G  S H I T...... 


So why isnt our college institutions being taken to court over this same BS? 


Not defending Trump but the whole concept behind the suit is extremely questionable and very thin on validity. 


Come on Matt, not defending Trump? Give me a break. Your passionate condemnation of the US College system (The best in the fucking world) is moving, but totally casuistic. in other words B U L L   F U C K I N G  S H I T......


Did you know this case in San Diego was filed in 2013? Did you know New York's attorney general brought a consumer fraud class action suit against Trump University long before the one in SoCal? Donny won't talk shit about Eric Schneiderman though. He's not Mexican. Did you know 11 state attorneys general and the US Department of Justice have an ass load of complaints filed against Trump’s "university"? Did you know educational "seminars" are not stupid enough to call themselves a university because it's illegal?  The accreditation process for a college to be called a University in insanely rigorous. 




What do you really know about Judge Gonzalo Curiel Matt? Jump off the Elephant ride and investigate it for yourself. He was appointed by a Republican Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger as a San Diego Superior Court judge in 2006, before he was nominated for a Federal Judgeship by a Democrat. It's the Judicial Branch that confirms an appointment as a federal court judge. 


You believe what ever Trump tells you though Matt. He's a very honest guy. 

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democratic socialist, ha bullshit


W had some socialism too , it always ends bad , need to reel it in (even though trump is a ?)



Oh yes,there's a distinction as to that but it's not something that is seen as a difference to the larger voting public.


That same larger voting public swallow the jizz load of BS that both parties are telling them. 

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Come on Matt, not defending Trump? Give me a break. Your passionate condemnation of the US College system (The best in the fucking world) is moving, but totally casuistic. in other words B U L L   F U C K I N G  S H I T......


Did you know this case in San Diego was filed in 2013? Did you know New York's attorney general brought a consumer fraud class action suit against Trump University long before the one in SoCal? Donny won't talk shit about Eric Schneiderman though. He's not Mexican. Did you know 11 state attorneys general and the US Department of Justice have an ass load of complaints filed against Trump’s "university"? Did you know educational "seminars" are not stupid enough to call themselves a university because it's illegal?  The accreditation process for a college to be called a University in insanely rigorous. 




What do you really know about Judge Gonzalo Curiel Matt? Jump off the Elephant ride and investigate it for yourself. He was appointed by a Republican Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger as a San Diego Superior Court judge in 2006, before he was nominated for a Federal Judgeship by a Democrat. It's the Judicial Branch that confirms an appointment as a federal court judge. 


You believe what ever Trump tells you though Matt. He's a very honest guy. 


You are so pretentious.

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You are so Paratentious.


Stunning. Did you learn that rebuttal technique at Trump University?


I submit Matt, clearly this suit is politically driven, but I'm sick of the narrow perspective being presented in the media then so easily accepted as truth. I'm just say'n INVESTIGATE shit for yourself.

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You didn't read any of what I said accurately.


The first line of my comment was accurate.. It is a bunch of shit.


Its a fucking scam as is a ton of things offered in a 1000 different forms and even by our federally accredited universities.


Quit with the narrow mind shit as if you hold a monopoly on intelligence. If you got a problem with Trump its good on you., I could give ratsun ass.  

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