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           we have a couple of sayings up here in Humboldt County : 


   "95% of the girls who go to college are beautiful -

     the other 5% go to Humboldt"


     Q. "What do you call a pretty girl in Arcata?"

     A. "A tourist"





I think teaching teenagers how to properly text and drive at the same time could save more lives than cpr.

Picked up my girlfriend at UC Berkeley last night. Is it me or are college students just getting uglier and uglier and more dorked out?


Fucking straight up nerd alert everywhere. I'm gonna start teaching private classes on how to pick up on college students. If you eliminate the bedhead, cell phone, $300.00 suade jacket and Cal sweats, at least there is an even playing field. 

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You can't say I didn't warn you.....






McDonald's to follow suit..


Less jobs!




Thanks liberals!!!!

Did you read your article? Pandora spent 42 mil developing their automated system. That all happened years ago, unrelated to the increase. The study released early last year was based on research way before any wage increase. Chilis, same deal. Automation is well underway, in the works, and happening. So are wage increases. So is inflation. All happening in conjunction. But the drive to automation is profitability. This would happen regardless. Wage increases are happening due to inflation. People making minimum wage 50 years ago could live on that wage, so I get it. That article is citing a bunch of automation "events" and inappropriately implicating a minimum wage increase. Weak. Minimum wage should be tied to inflation and reconciled per annum.

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It's not like us "incredibly ignorant" voters, including some of us here, haven't been saying the same thing for F'n years. But somehow when an anonymous politician finally tells the "truth", it's going to over turn the system? Brain washed sheep is a more accurate assessment of the average voter. They believe what our "unbiased" corporately owned news media tells them. The political interests and contributions of unions and corporations should be hidden from public view as an individual's right to privacy, that these huge sums of laundered money has no influence on the politics that effect our lives. and that politicians work for us. 


This little book will come out and a hand full of media pundits will read it, spin shit inside out in all directions while Republicans and Democrats blame each other and direct attention to how F'ed up the other guy's special interest donors are. A week later the sealed loop news cycle will have moved on to the next sound bite of the week and NOTHING will change. We the, incredibly ignorant voters have to derail the campaign finance gravy train, because the vampire zombies in Washington have ZERO motivation to shit on the banquet table. In fact, behind the publics eye they defend the $ orgy like piglets on Mommy's tit.

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Please tell us how you really feel... ;)


You forgot that facts that the people who do inform themselves will be marginalized and labeled as nut bag bigots.





Marginalized for it, Okay maybe, but labeled as a nut bag bigot? I don't blame minorities for campaign finance corruption.

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Fastest way to make anyone marginalized and irrelevant is to label them as a bigot...Well anyone of the new hot words meant to destroy credibility. 



Small example: You are a conspiracy nut bag if you think this really happens with our political class.. 


BTW: I am in total agreement with your assessment. Just watch and see what happens to anyone in the media or public spotlight that picks up this book and displays any public outrage over the political conduct. Lame Stream media will destroy them.

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Fastest way to make anyone marginalized and irrelevant is to label them as a bigot...Well anyone of the new hot words meant to destroy credibility. 



Small example: You are a conspiracy nut bag if you think this really happens with our political class.. 


BTW: I am in total agreement with your assessment. Just watch and see what happens to anyone in the media or public spotlight that picks up this book and displays any public outrage over the political conduct. Lame Stream media will destroy them.

"Phobia" is the preferred label method in 2016....

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Phoebe is no joke.


I'm walking around SF with a yellow hard hat.


Thus not to look marginalized or gentrifi. Destroy create.


Are fuckers still doing that Hitler haircut and grey mod suit?suckadick

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It's what they are trained to do. I suppose I could manage to turn the garden hose on and run into my burning house, but I dunnow. Doesn't seem like the wise thing to do....



Training....YES! Like a fire fighter, if you are properly trained and do more good than harm them you could, even should, administer CPR



I only have an operators permit so only vehicles under 10,000 Kg and single axle. The only bus and taxi drivers would be those with the proper license.



So to answer everyone ? I would say that only those who are qualified, trained and permitted, should put out fires, administer CPR, drive a bus or carry a gun.




Guess I will get rid of my fire extinguishers due to lack of permits and qualifications and won't administer CPR for the same reason.


I'll be sure, the next time my Jeep catches fire, to ask the gentleman that wants to put it out for his qualifications and license to carry fire fighting equipment. :lol:

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It's not like us "incredibly ignorant" voters, including some of us here, haven't been saying the same thing for F'n years. But somehow when an anonymous politician finally tells the "truth", it's going to over turn the system? Brain washed sheep is a more accurate assessment of the average voter. They believe what our "unbiased" corporately owned news media tells them. The political interests and contributions of unions and corporations should be hidden from public view as an individual's right to privacy, that these huge sums of laundered money has no influence on the politics that effect our lives. and that politicians work for us. 


This little book will come out and a hand full of media pundits will read it, spin shit inside out in all directions while Republicans and Democrats blame each other and direct attention to how F'ed up the other guy's special interest donors are. A week later the sealed loop news cycle will have moved on to the next sound bite of the week and NOTHING will change. We the, incredibly ignorant voters have to derail the campaign finance gravy train, because the vampire zombies in Washington have ZERO motivation to shit on the banquet table. In fact, behind the publics eye they defend the $ orgy like piglets on Mommy's tit.

2014 elections were a great example of the demons and repugnants working together. repugs were given a mandate to undo obamacare and amnesty. they financed both and Obama said he get more done with them than he had when the dems were running the show......well, alright-eeeeeeee THEN!


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Guess I will get rid of my fire extinguishers due to lack of permits and qualifications and won't administer CPR for the same reason.


I'll be sure, the next time my Jeep catches fire, to ask the gentleman that wants to put it out for his qualifications and license to carry fire fighting equipment. :lol:


You don't have to be a doctor to put a band aid on a scratch.


I think most people could manage a good try at putting a vehicle fire out as there's less chance of being overcome and trapped, or the roof falling in on you.


Here if you, as a rescuer, choose to administer any first aid (even CPR) to someone who you believe to be in peril, you are covered by the Good Samaritan Law. This law encourages people to act in the preservation of life by protecting them from being sued for unintentional injury or wrongful death due to wrongdoing on their part.  

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