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5 to 10 years from now we will have the same threat with Iran...






Yeah I wondered about the sense of that deal.


I suspect Iran is actually full of shit and no where near as 'up to date' on things that they let on about. Best way to make it work is open the country up to change. People will see a relaxing of religion and government, and may even rebel for change. It might be violent or quietly done but change never the less. If Iran is deeply invested in the rest of the world and the world is deeply invested in Iran there's just too much to loose causing trouble.


N Korea on the other hand has zero to loose being China and Russia's retarded inbred cousin. I don't think either would come running to it's aid, and their government knows it. They have nothing of value except their location.

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Yeah I wondered about the sense of that deal.


I suspect Iran is actually full of shit and no where near as 'up to date' on things that they let on about. Best way to make it work is open the country up to change. People will see a relaxing of religion and government, and may even rebel for change. It might be violent or quietly done but change never the less. If Iran is deeply invested in the rest of the world and the world is deeply invested in Iran there's just too much to loose causing trouble.


N Korea on the other hand has zero to loose being China and Russia's retarded inbred cousin. I don't think either would come running to it's aid, and their government knows it. They have nothing of value except their location.

Humans, weapons, metals, as well as land

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5 to 10 years from now we will have the same threat with Iran...





You mean Iran is going to move to South Easy Asia and become a closed society under a communist dictatorship protected by China? Oh, thanks for the heads up Mr I'm not a Republican. 


Read this foreign policy study and tell me how Bush didn't create the entire Korean Crisis. 




Scroll down to  US-North Korea Diplomacy after the Agreed Framework. and read it


The Bush administration's galactic failure in Foreign policy left the country's position in Asia and our credibility around the world in utter shambles and now you think Obama should threaten N. Korea with military force? Threatening shit is what puckered Kim's ass in the first place. Your wing nut tough guy position is childish ignorance. Once Kim got the bomb (under Bush's watch in 2006) the entire game changed. Bush breaking all diplomatic ties with N Korea was a ROYAL fuck up. 


No really guys, I hate Republicans and Democrats.  :rofl:  

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You mean Iran is going to move to South Easy Asia and become a closed society under a communist dictatorship protected by China? Oh, thanks for the heads up Mr I'm not a Republican.


Read this foreign policy study and tell me how Bush didn't create the entire Korean Crisis.




Scroll down to US-North Korea Diplomacy after the Agreed Framework. and read it


The Bush administration's galactic failure in Foreign policy left the country's position in Asia and our credibility around the world in utter shambles and now you think Obama should threaten N. Korea with military force? Threatening shit is what puckered Kim's ass in the first place. Your wing nut tough guy position is childish ignorance. Once Kim got the bomb (under Bush's watch in 2006) the entire game changed. Bush breaking all diplomatic ties with N Korea was a ROYAL fuck up.


No really guys, I hate Republicans and Democrats. :rofl:


Your Bush is showing again. :D

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You mean Iran is going to move to South Easy Asia and become a closed society under a communist dictatorship protected by China? Oh, thanks for the heads up Mr I'm not a Republican. 


Read this foreign policy study and tell me how Bush didn't create the entire Korean Crisis. 




Scroll down to  US-North Korea Diplomacy after the Agreed Framework. and read it


The Bush administration's galactic failure in Foreign policy left the country's position in Asia and our credibility around the world in utter shambles and now you think Obama should threaten N. Korea with military force? Threatening shit is what puckered Kim's ass in the first place. Your wing nut tough guy position is childish ignorance. Once Kim got the bomb (under Bush's watch in 2006) the entire game changed. Bush breaking all diplomatic ties with N Korea was a ROYAL fuck up. 


No really guys, I hate Republicans and Democrats.  :rofl:


You still don't get it.....or don't want to....or you're a closet sheep.


Fact of the matter is that both parties are a major fuck up due to their ties to special interests and big donors....you can't seem to identify that on your beloved democrats, your love for them runs so deep you fail to see their flaws, just like dhp and tr8er....both parties are corrupt special interest, big donor driven, get over it, this ain't your grandfather's democrats....the Bush and Clinton mobs paved the way for corruption in the political arena in this country.....and it's sad you fail to see this.

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 ....the Bush and Clinton mobs paved the way for corruption in the political arena in this country..... 


Anybody whom believes that political corruption is a new development in this country shows an ignorant lack of understanding of American history and perhaps should return to school to further their education as opposed to making idiotic blanket statements such as the above one..

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You mean Iran is going to move to South Easy Asia and become a closed society under a communist dictatorship protected by China? Oh, thanks for the heads up Mr I'm not a Republican. 


Read this foreign policy study and tell me how Bush didn't create the entire Korean Crisis. 




Scroll down to  US-North Korea Diplomacy after the Agreed Framework. and read it


The Bush administration's galactic failure in Foreign policy left the country's position in Asia and our credibility around the world in utter shambles and now you think Obama should threaten N. Korea with military force? Threatening shit is what puckered Kim's ass in the first place. Your wing nut tough guy position is childish ignorance. Once Kim got the bomb (under Bush's watch in 2006) the entire game changed. Bush breaking all diplomatic ties with N Korea was a ROYAL fuck up. 


No really guys, I hate Republicans and Democrats.  :rofl:  

You hate both sides,i get that but why do you seem to hate Trump more ? If anybodies going to shake things up and attempt to change things its him.We need some political incorrectness and someone that wont continue to fill us all full of shit.He doesnt have a political career to screw up by being strong on a lot of issues that our current politicians are afraid to deal with or even comment on.

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Anybody whom believes that political corruption is a new development in this country shows an ignorant lack of understanding of American history and perhaps should return to school to further their education as opposed to making idiotic blanket statements such as the above one..

I never said it's new.....perhaps I misspoke...let me clear it up so you can comprehend.....the Bush/Clinton mobs paved the way for blatant corruption.

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You still don't get it.....or don't want to....or you're a closet sheep.


Fact of the matter is that both parties are a major fuck up due to their ties to special interests and big donors....you can't seem to identify that on your beloved democrats, your love for them runs so deep you fail to see their flaws, just like dhp and tr8er....both parties are corrupt special interest, big donor driven, get over it, this ain't your grandfather's democrats....the Bush and Clinton mobs paved the way for corruption in the political arena in this country.....and it's sad you fail to see this.


You have absolutely NO solid ground for any of your statements. Its actually quite funny and extremely childish.


Some of us lived through the cold war dude, or even Vietnam. You don't think we might have a tiny grasp on corruption. 

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 ...the Bush/Clinton mobs paved the way for blatant corruption.


Wrong answer.


You don't know as much as you think you do and it is laughably apparent.


Let me clear it up so you can comprehend.  


Blatant corruption has always existed in high levels of American government.


Google the following scandals; Teapot Dome, Tammany Hall,  and the administrations of Benjamin Harrison, Warren Harding, Ulysses S. Grant, & Calvin Coolidge for starters.


A little closer to us in time are the wonderful Watergate and Iran-Contragate Scandals if you care.


The internet is a wonderful source for information.


Use it.

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Wrong answer.


You don't know as much as you think you do and it is laughably apparent.


Let me clear it up so you can comprehend.  


Blatant corruption has always existed in high levels of American government.


Google the following scandals; Teapot Dome, Tammany Hall,  and the administrations of Benjamin Harrison, Warren Harding, Ulysses S. Grant, & Calvin Coolidge for starters.


A little closer to us in time are the wonderful Watergate and Iran-Contragate Scandals if you care.


The internet is a wonderful source for information.


Use it.



I think this might be a good start for the young whippersnapper



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I think this might be a good start for the young whippersnapper



It's ironic you posted this link....Obama legislated the ACA himself when he realized what a clusterfuck it was by implementing amendments to it....no corruption there eh....that link is openly violated by the government....perhaps you should email that link to every one of our current politicians...
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Obama legislated the ACA himself when he realized what a clusterfuck it was by implementing amendments to it....no corruption there eh....




So now we are on the ACA.?


Thanks for the update, I know bi polar when I read it.

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