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Fucking old spice.


And to stay on topic here, cause it matters, Smoke is open carrying when he says "wanna fuck?!"

Are you kidding? I would never have the guts to even make eye contact with a woman without having my side arm being clearly visible.

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Meh,, Australia is far to hot,,   i know locals that could probably give a good fight if numbers were equal..  It's most people that could fend off armored attacks ( for awhile) choose not to start one.

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Does anyone else see a correlation between overpopulation and population control?  In the middle ages, we had the black plague.  That evened things out right quickly.  Lately we've been getting pretty good at combating major diseases.  Maybe nature's lack of success in population control is why we're getting radical jihadists and what not all over.  Terminator 2: "It's in your nature to destroy yourselves."

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Jesse Jackson is a dingleberry.  The protesters are dingleberries.  But I still laughed!! :D


Good to see his type scolded for what they really are.




Does anyone else see a correlation between overpopulation and population control?  In the middle ages, we had the black plague.  That evened things out right quickly.  Lately we've been getting pretty good at combating major diseases.  Maybe nature's lack of success in population control is why we're getting radical jihadists and what not all over.  Terminator 2: "It's in your nature to destroy yourselves."



Black death doesn't selectively weed out, it does not discriminate, it simply thins the herd. We do have ebola in the wings. No one gives a shit about Africa.... well except for any of it's resources.


If you have an unlimited energy supply you can support unlimited population. It's no surprise that the advent of coal and steam power and the industrial revolution in the 19th century was the beginning of our population explosion. When energy for agriculture is reduced, when you can't travel more than 5 miles to work, when food can't be cheaply shipped around the population will starve and numbers fall.

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Plus, there is the fail safe onset of the ice age that always takes care when other attempts are less fruitful. Cause and effect. If a species gets too successful at breeding, they will deplete resources and fuel their possible demise. If a species gets too intellectually advanced, they will diminish their ability to survive without assistance. If a species gets too spiritually involved, they typically will sway too far toward fanaticism leading to irrational killing or suicide.


We've divorced ourselves so far from nature, that we are hanging by a fucking shredded thread as a species. Any number of events could start a downward spiral.


Plague? No problem, we have fucking immunization shots for that. (Until we don't have them and our next generations immune systems have no fucking chance against super strain that immunization shots created).


Sea level rise? So what, I'll move to the hills. (Until our coral reefs all die off from a three foot rise in ocean levels and stops absorbing CO2, leaving us without breathable air. Oh, and oxygen machines might be hard to come by, as even a one foot rise is expected to cause earthquakes and tsunamis that will eliminate all shipping centers in the world. It'll also shift weight across plates enough to pop some volcanos we never thought we'd see again. Maybe some new ones. Yosemite area might lose some property value.)


Religion: I won't even go there. Just that it has more in common with politics than most will embrace. Careful who makes decision for you. And cool aid ain't cool.


But I don't think about it much. Obviously.






We are all fucked. And I won't be the first to go. And to keep it on track, Open carry really won't matter when Nature proves to be Public Enemy #1



Main thing. On the bell curve that is existence for our species, we, you and I, are pretty damn near the pinnacle. Greed will be "our" demise. But it does not need to weight on my this soul we are gifted. I fucking love this world, and all the little chemical treasures our heads can deliver. That, happiness, is all we need. So find joy, but don't die seeking more.


Night ratsun.

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Black death doesn't selectively weed out, it does not discriminate, it simply thins the herd. We do have ebola in the wings. No one gives a shit about Africa.... well except for any of it's resources.


Except that recent research reveals that many Europeans of descent who's ancestors survived the Black Death are immune to the most severe effects of AIDS,  They might have "carrier" status, but will not progress from initial infection to ultimate fatal progress to full blown AIDS.  Smallpox is a more efficient "herd thinner" infestation.

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