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How do you keep cats out of your carport/shed/man area?

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I like to work on my cars/etc in my carport workshop. Unfortunately, one of our cats likes to shit in there (every night). My attempts at scaring it away have failed. I also tried to cover up any dirt spots with cardboard, so that it couldn't root/bury it's poop. Discovered that attempt has failed also (today).


Once more, it ripped my seat that I had stowed away in there.


I think the cardboard/rubber mat covering idea backfired also. It used to never defecate under my vehicles. Now it does (just when I needed to do some work on the VW Bug).



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A co worker had this problem. He set a trap and caught the little bastard. It was one of those humane cage traps. Took him in the garage and hosed him down before work and again when he got home. Said it was doing back flips trying to get out and away. Cat was wet and cold for 24 hrs. He let it loose the next morning on the way to work.... after hosing it down really well. It never came back.

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A co worker had this problem. He set a trap and caught the little bastard. It was one of those humane cage traps. Took him in the garage and hosed him down before work and again when he got home. Said it was doing back flips trying to get out and away. Cat was wet and cold for 24 hrs. He let it loose the next morning on the way to work.... after hosing it down really well. It never came back.

that would probably work, but it is his cat and the family might get pissed their beloved cat has run away.

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They make motion sensing air cans that blast air whenever they're set off to scare cats/animals away from the area. Buy a few, turn em on at night. The cats will learn. Humane, as well. 



Forgot what it's called, but my sister uses them to keep her cats off of the counters.


EDIT: It's called Ssscat



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AMWAY cedar spray,  "Cedar closet in a can" seems to work, most cats will avoid it, spray in a circle and see what happens.  It stopped our Tom cat from using our old Buick's tires as his personal scratching post several years ago.


Lemon, Lime Orange or Tangerine peels.  Cats recoil from the citrus oil.


Don't know if it's still sold but when I was a kid, we broke a stupid cat of going to the bathroom under a bed by circling it with a nicotine soaked length of rope.  This was many years ago!  Try a cigarette or cigar butt first to see if just maybe the cat likes to play with cigar butts!

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Some dip shit down my block let his apt go to shit with a bunch of cats in it with fleas and when his mom came and moved him out they just let all the cats loose. Now we have a ton of stray cats running around with fleas. They come up on my porch and mess with my plants. They have even given my cat fleas through the screen, its ridiculous. 

Idk what to do honestly but I'm going to try some stuff mentioned here. Someone told me pepper powder in the areas they frequent turns them off too. They sniff it, burns like hell, they get over it and remember not to go back. I may put up a child fence separating my porch from the stairs and do the pepper or cedar spray at the bottom of the steps where it wont mess with anyone else's animal. 

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Guest Rick-rat

I don't know if the cedar spray works, there is a stack of cedar in my carport and my cat sleeps on it sometimes. And uses it to sharpen his claws. pepper is probably your best bet. We use a spray bottle and give them a squirt if they try to eat the indoor plants or scratch the furniture, they learn pretty fast, you could try that if you catch them trying to shit or piss in your carport

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my neighbor has like 30 cats, they use my house as a restroom, party on top of my datsun every night,and i cannot leave a car window open in the summer cause they love that.  there is alot of stray cats in my neighborhood and because of my neighbor, all the cats like to hang out here every night and im pretty tired of it, so this thread is helpful, and no i wont kill any, i feel like it, but i wont, ill live with guilt, that has been on my windshield for a while, yes those are their foot steps



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I agree, it's not a cat's fault they are the way they are, but they can be encouraged to go somewhere else. In some cases it's the fucking cat owners that need the training. You let the little bastards out and you just shrug? They'll go a long distance for some pussy.

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I have found the most effective tool is also the most fun.  Aside from the bb gun, which works well but doesn't last, try a dog.  Teach the dog the phrase "Get the kitty."  Wait for sneaky cats to come in your yard slyly and point them out to the dog.  After a few rocketing flights from the backyard to the front yard by a dog intent on chasing cats, all but the most bravest of cats will stick far away from your yard.  Occasionally it helps to let the dog out of the yard if there are a gang of stray cats across the street and let the dog have at it.  Loads of fun.

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