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Friggin Rice Burners

Guest Rick-rat

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Your cool Rickster like Micro said sometimes you can get to much internets or life in general stepping away and enjoying it in other ways for a bit is a good thing.. And you know ,, just like you i really do know what real stress is.


If you take a leave we will miss you and we will be here when you get back ..

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I randomly pulled into a rest stop on the way to Boise and saw the sweetest red 620 and had to go over for a chat as we all do. The first thing I always ask is "are you on Ratsun" and wouldn't you know he was his name is Rickrat and we had a nice conversation about 620's the mods he made and I left with a hop in my step randomly running into a fellow member. I've noticed over the years good members leaving because they have been trolled on here

Some of you might know me as the guy at Canby with all the random NOS stuff and the funny accent. I give stuff away cheap or for free if it helps a fellow member out but shit like this really leaves a sour taste in my mouth and it honestly makes me think twice(which is what some of you should do before typing lame comments and running good members away) about helping people out. I miss when Ratsun was a community. Sure, there were dramas but it still felt like a family. Now it's like a popularity contest

Hopefully I'll run into Rickrat again someday.

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I agree with 67411sss.... this shit gets out of hand. So maybe what pisses Rick off doesn't piss off the rest of you. Half of the people here bash on ricers on a daily basis. Hell you even have a thread making jokes about their cars. Tell me that you have never had someone pull out on front of you, or almost hit you... and it pisses you off. Now maybe you don't carry that anger home and post it but for others, this place is an outlet. You aren't talking to a young kid that will dish the shit right back... Rick just wanted to vent and out of sheer boredom you turned it into a shit talk fest about what upset him. 


I'm still fairly new around here. What I do know is Rick is pretty active with local meets and such which is more than I can say about some of you. If this is your idea of a community, then this movement has a lot of problems to look forward to in the future

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Saw the title and didn't bother to read it till just now, figured rice is rice blah blah blah.


It was a close call. That split second when your belly and asshole trade places. Even though it quickly evaporated for you, just for that moment, we are acutely aware of our mortality. No way to know how this could have turned out. Life and death. Fight or flight. 


Rick, some times the reaction is immediate (like yelling at the little asshole) or delayed, just like shock can affect people hours after an accident. If immediate, pull over and breathe deeply. If you can, do something physical to 'burn it off'. Your body just went to def con 1 (however brief) and needs release. I think talking about it helps and we weren't here for you.


In any case take care.

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Guest Rick-rat

For those of you that understand what emotions were going through me from this close call, thank you and I regret some of the things I said, for those of you that don't get it I really won't lose any sleep over you. I have a lot of blood and sweat into my Datto and do my best to keep it in the best shape I can.
When you realize your car or truck could have been gone in the blink of an eye, maybe you would under stand
I lost a truck years ago that I worked on  rfo 3 years restoring to a young driver that pulled out in front of me. Cop asked why there weren't any skid marks from my brakes, didn' have a chance to put them on. If I could have gotten out of the truck I would have gone to jail for murder, my door was jammed from the wreck and my buddy wouldn't let me out the other side. I was ready to kill someone at that time for a few minutes
Not an excuse, but forgot to take my meds for a few days, back on track and will be as normal as I can get in a couple days
Thanks to those that get it, as a community should

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Guest Rick-rat

Sorry to see this Rick.


Take a breath man, don't take it to personal.  Todays market is shit.  Your truck is nice but nobody is buying right now.  Xmas is near.


I really don't care if it sells or not, but there are some people that will never have money enough to buy it

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Rick we get it but remember to have tough skin when your on ratsun most of us are just messing with ya I know I was at least. I don't know what I would do if something happen to my datto but I try to not ever think of shit like that. I've done stupid shit like this on accident when I was a young driver and I keep it in the past and learn from my old mistakes shit happens sometimes its unavoidable all we can do is watch ourselves and for stupid drivers.

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Guest Rick-rat

They are whatever you want them to be, thats why they were a joke at work from our boring and useless training, I wrote Pussy, pecker, pervert, packer,prick, and piss on you on a quiz that asked for the 6 P's. They just looked for our name and badge number on the quiz to see if you turned it in. No one ever read your answers

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For those of you that understand what emotions were going through me from this close call, thank you and I regret some of the things I said, for those of you that don't get it I really won't lose any sleep over you. I have a lot of blood and sweat into my Datto and do my best to keep it in the best shape I can.

When you realize your car or truck could have been gone in the blink of an eye, maybe you would under stand

I lost a truck years ago that I worked on  rfo 3 years restoring to a young driver that pulled out in front of me. Cop asked why there weren't any skid marks from my brakes, didn' have a chance to put them on. If I could have gotten out of the truck I would have gone to jail for murder, my door was jammed from the wreck and my buddy wouldn't let me out the other side. I was ready to kill someone at that time for a few minutes


Not an excuse, but forgot to take my meds for a few days, back on track and will be as normal as I can get in a couple days


Thanks to those that get it, as a community should


Hey Rick, I understand what you're getting at.  Just seemed a little overboard, but we all do that sometimes.  I thought I was pretty damn funny, but not always the case.  Anyway, I certainly don't wish you any ill will and I'm glad your Datsun didn't get hit.

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