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New "RULES" for the JCCS show 2014

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Has anyone seen the notice on the JCCS website regarding "NEW RULES" for the show

next year?....They say they are going to become quite a bit stricter in the showing

of vehicles that are not finished or complete.....rules regarding Primer, Dents, etc...

Just wanted to get everyones opinions..........

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Can I see the rules? I think its funny that you cannot bring old rusty J-tin, most of our cars are not in very good shape. It is usually a place to meet up and talk. If you take that away, lot of the magic that was there is going to disappear forever. 

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from what i heard they want to make it a classy event and to me that is not what Ratsun represents at all. Since jccs, I noticed the price of j-tin parts have skyrocketed. if this continues, our cars are not going to be any better than expensive cars to look at. My 400 truck is not worth 2k or above now for example. 

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they want to make it a classy event ... that is not what Ratsun represents at all.

Damn it, I was led to believe otherwise... lol...


Here's the "update" from the JCCS site http://www.japaneseclassiccarshow.com/jccsnews/news48.htm

Happy Halloween for all Kyu-sha fans!


It has already been a month since the 9th Annual JCCS!

The show was a BLAST! with you and your Kyu-sha there at the Queen Mary.

As we expected, the weather was cooperative and sunny, it was hot but not too bad at all.

We are glad to let you know that the concerned traffic issue in the parking lot was not bad either.

Thank you for your cooperation for arriving early. 

JCCS would like to send our THANK YOU for your participation and visiting. 



For 2014, JCCS will celebrate a true milestone--its 10th anniversary!

It is a huge milestone, one that has seen the larger collector-car world warm to the idea that

Japanese cars are as historic, important, collectible and fun as any other automobile.

We have all walked together to represent the beauty and historic importance of Japanese classic cars,

and your participation has helped change the prevailing tide of opinion.

No one raises an eyebrow when we say "Japanese" and "classic car" together in the same sentence anymore.

We are forever grateful to you for helping to make this happen. 


In order to continue this march toward respectability, we will be making some important tweaks

to the rules of eligibility in the months ahead.

Stay tuned for more precise details, but we are going to be looking more closely at entries;

particularly those cars with dents, rust and primer.

We love and appreciate unrestored vehicles, but for 2014, we will be limiting entries of

unfinished or accident-damaged vehicles.


We mention this to you now because we know that many of your cars are works in progress,

and machines cars like the ones that form the foundation of JCCS cannot be built overnight.

Acceptance will be handled on a case-by-case basis, and so we ask that

you aim to have your car finished for September 2014 (exact date TBA)

so that we can have the strongest JCCS show yet!


Contemplated going to JCCS next year but I am not a fan of snobby attitudes, especially in the car world.  Sounds like they're making room for the hard parking sticker bro hellaflush poser drifter stance scene... PASS!!



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It doesn't look to me like they are excluding rusty and dented cars across the board.

The way it reads implies that if they, "case by case", judge your car to be finished or show worthy it gets in.

There are plenty of Rat style vehicles that are finished and fun to look at for their innovation and or "wow" someone drives that factor.


I don't like the idea they are pre-judging entrants though.


And I don't like a show in which all the entrants are trailer queens. I like the utility of the automobile, and I like to see cool cars that get used not just shown.


I'll be going next year, but I'm a little worried the real show will be in the parking lot like most other car shows these days.

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People that have a lot of money into their nice cars don't like it when unfinished or daily drivers win awards that they think they should have won, and they will complain about it, it's kinda sad really.

99 percent of us are in drivers, and that is what I focus on at a show, how did they do that, and keep it a driver, that is why Canby and Blue lake are so awesome, they are all daily drivers for the most part.

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Having built patina cars in the past and preferring them actually, I think its not just about rust, or the car being driven frequently as it's about the car being interesting. An original patina'd barn find or a car purposely built "ratted" like the Garage AutoHero 510 above, are not perfect but their interest level and show worthiness could be more appropriate than a primer spotted, dirty interior car, that doesn't have a rhyme or reason as to how it was put together.


Koji and Terri have done an amazing job over the years and I respect their decision to refine the quality of entrants. As with anything controversial, it will be fun to see who this offends and how it will all play out.


I am thinking of bringing my MarkII to JCCS #10 but my plans are to keep its patina. We'll see how far the car gets by next summer and then we'll see if she'll qualify.

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this would kinda suck.. my dream is to take my truck to JCCS, but if this sort of rule applies, i will never be able to with the kind of build I want.


i love my rust and patina, because it gives my truck character. the Japanese car realm allows for young kids to be young and dumb, and do stupid stuff to their cars(ricer wings, bozo pipes, modded prelude lights on a F10, ect.) and some of them prefer j-tin to do such.


I do see where this could also ruin the scene, but as one of those young dumb kids, I feel it should be open for that. I like the Stance/hellaflush scene, but i love classic J-tin, hence my truck. but do to that, I cannot go to Stancewars, or any of those types of shows without being criticized because my truck doesn't have proper stance or is a rust bucket from hell.


Another thing to keep in mind, a lot of people who drive these classic Japanese Vehicles, Initially do it because they need cheap transportation. and due to that, don't have the money to make them Trailer queens. For example, my dad drives his 82' RX-7 and his 73' 620 everyday for 3 reasons, they were cheap, they are fairly cheap to run, and he enjoys them. if he had the money, he would be driving his 93' Passat GLX every day, or his 72' Scamp.


and lastly, I don't want to go to a car show to see a museum. if i wanted that... I would go to a museum. I like too see cars people love and care for. i WANT too see thier jurneys. i don't want to see a row of 15 Blue S130's and go... which one belongs to PPK? I know his car due to how it is modded, and the dents it carrries, the Patina. When my dad got his 73' 620, I didn't like it but now that it has a slightly crushed front, none of the front panels are original, and it is a flakey flat black, with rusty ass Slots, I LOVE IT! it has been through a journey, and it shows how much it has been loved. a perfect show car shows NO JOURNEY, NO LOVE, like it's just a car, it's just a transport, too me it has no character or soul. but a vehicle that shows it's scars, isn't just a car, or transport. It is like another individual. a new person to meet.


This is just my opinion... and a little ranting, but that's my opinion. And i wish more people saw it as such.

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I can see why they would create this new rule. A lot of good looking and rare cars are left out of these shows because all the spots are taken up. Like they always say at these shows, "the real car show is in the parking lot". Im pretty sure the "unfinished" cars will be there and their drivers will still go.

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So lets read it again ACCIDENT OR UN-FINISHED CARS.All it says is they will be looking closely at primered,dented,and rusty cars it does not say they are not welcomed,Lets at least see whats up there sleeves.I differ from some of you guys,lets look at it from there way of things they have these big sponsors and there getting bigger,people pay to get in and i myself dont want to look at some pile of crap that was enetered to be entered,sorry if i offend you but it was it is.And i can tell you knowing first hand that people are bitching about the judging which you know is causing this to happen,it was fun for them and fun for us and when guys think there cars or trucks should of won they get pissy about it and complain.




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I got to car shows to look at other's rides, sometimes present my car, but mostly to hang with people of the same interest.

I could not care less if I win an award... I don't need acknowledgement that my car is better than another's lol. I drive my car because I like it, not for anyone else's approval or favor. It is quite pitiful to hear others complain about not winning and put down someone else. Oh well, while they're being sad drama show queens, I'll be having fun driving my car lol.



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Why is it always a trailer queen vs pos convo? A car can look good and still be a daily. I guess I'm kind of bias on the issue because I think the new fad of rocking an unfinished slammed pos is lazy, easy and stupid. A patina car is awesome, it shows off the character of the car. On the other hand a half primed, dented, shit slammed with welding flash marks all over it etc... is again imho lazy and retarded. There are all kinds of shows for all kinds of cars in all kinds of condition, imho its their prerogative what they want at their show. A show isnt just for the entrants its for the guests, which there are usually more of. Seems to me they are just giving themselves more latitude on the issue. 


Its kind of funny to keep reading about how this or that show and Leno have been responsible for our cars values shooting up. The pos cars that get tons of press and have every poser kid with a hard on for them are just as much to blame. Whos over paying for rusty garbage then posting here for help? kids. Where did they get that idea? Sure as shit not from leno or jccs who are highlighting the cream of the crop. Besides all that the cars are old, the older they get the rarer they will be and the higher their values will become, its prob best people come to terms with that because its never going to change. 

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Maybe the more expensive they get, the less kids will buy them.... Unless they beg daddy.

I bought my datsun over a year ago before the "Leno effect" at only 19. I used my money to buy the whole thing. I only come on here and ask questions because my dad hates anything that doesn't have at least 8 cylinders. You guys are the only source of info I have. I mean, we all need to start somewhere and not all of us are poser hipster kids. Some of us appreciate these for what they are and the heritage they represent. just my 2¢

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Maybe the more expensive they get, the less kids will buy them.... Unless they beg daddy.

I bought my datsun over a year ago before the "Leno effect" at only 19. I used my money to buy the whole thing. I only come on here and ask questions because my dad hates anything that doesn't have at least 8 cylinders. You guys are the only source of info I have. I mean, we all need to start somewhere and not all of us are poser hipster kids. Some of us appreciate these for what they are and the heritage they represent. just my 2¢

I'm not trying to group ALL kids into that category. Its fair to say though most of the cars I'm (and as I interpret these rules are) referring to are in fact owned by kids. I was a kid not that long ago, though it was way before a person could hop online and be spoon fed any info needed. Used to go to the dealer and bug the mechs and they really didnt like that lol. 


People can do w/e they like with their own cars, its not really about that. A show has a right to have its own set of guide lines though. 


Also yes the hope is as values rise this will be less of an issue. Be it kid owned or not people are less inclined to fuck up a car thats worth something. The crowd and trend will most likely move onto other gens soon I think...  

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Why were "so many" cars shut out?  Easy answer, registration opened up on 1 July.  If you tried to register on 15 September, guess what happened.


Thank you Mike.


I like my cars finished. But I also like the super slammed primer, Big flairs, all that young hip shit. But just not for me. I like chrome and a little flash. But I do like to drive my shit as well.


It is their 10th anniversary so lets just wait and see what they come up with. 

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