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I was stopped at a DUI checkpoint one night and asked what I was going. I replied that I was minding my own business. Where are you headed? I pointed to the windshield. For some reason the courts here allow the police to do this as long as they stop EVERYBODY. It's an illegal stop and a fishing expedition under the guise of stopping impaired drivers.  I told them why not set up near the bar down the road to increase their chances. It's bullshit. 


BTW I don't drink and I don't like impaired drivers either, they're only slightly above child molesters, but I don't like being stopped worse.

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I was pulled over once for "Don't you think you were taking those turns a little fast?"  The road is a highway, with a 55mph speed limit.  This section I have driven hundreds of times and is very windy, with many "advisory/cautionary" signs of 30mph, 20mph, and 25mph, but never does the actual speed limit change from the standard 55mph.  I told him "No, not really."  He was a little taken aback and just said "Oh...uh, okay."  Asked me where I was going and then asked me to keep it down and sent me on my way.

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Matt if you ever get up this way DO this road past Duffy Lake. Starts about 4 min in. I always try to include Hwy. 99 on my vacation. The pavement is as perfect as the scenery. It's just one of those roads the general public doesn't know about because there are faster and easier ways to get there.

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4 hours ago, datzenmike said:

I was stopped at a DUI checkpoint one night and asked what I was going. I replied that I was minding my own business. Where are you headed? I pointed to the windshield. For some reason the courts here allow the police to do this as long as they stop EVERYBODY. It's an illegal stop and a fishing expedition under the guise of stopping impaired drivers.  I told them why not set up near the bar down the road to increase their chances. It's bullshit. 


BTW I don't drink and I don't like impaired drivers either, they're only slightly above child molesters, but I don't like being stopped worse.



4 hours ago, thisismatt said:

I was pulled over once for "Don't you think you were taking those turns a little fast?"  The road is a highway, with a 55mph speed limit.  This section I have driven hundreds of times and is very windy, with many "advisory/cautionary" signs of 30mph, 20mph, and 25mph, but never does the actual speed limit change from the standard 55mph.  I told him "No, not really."  He was a little taken aback and just said "Oh...uh, okay."  Asked me where I was going and then asked me to keep it down and sent me on my way.



Cops routinely do this and many citizens wrongly think (largely due to ignorance of the law) they must answer ALL questions asked of them by Police.


Fear of police and this ignorance often is misused by cops to get some kind of BS ticket or other penalty.


Here in AUS, you are only required to answer your name,DOB and address and provide your Drivers License,anything past that asked of you you are legally entitled to reply " no comment"


Cops hate it but it's legal and passes the "idiot test" 

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To add to the bullshit cop stories. 


There was a cop in the town I grew up in and he had a hard-on for me and my friends. I don't blame him. It was the 90's and we had lowered and loud Hondas.


I had a broken arm at the time and was driving my manual civic with the left hand - at the time. I had a passenger headlight out but had new headlights and a screwdriver on the passenger seat as I was headed to my friends house to have him change them out for me because I couldn't use the screwdriver. Cop pulls me over and gives me the run-around and then gives me a fix-it ticket even though I showed him the cast I was in, and the headlights on my passenger seat.


Didn't get the headlights put in that night, so I headed back over to my friends house the next night. Same cop pulls me over. Proceeds to write me a second fix-it ticket. Now I don't know if you know this, but you have 72 hours to fix whatever they tell you to do. At this point him giving me a second ticket in less than 24 hours violates the law. I point this out to him - that I have 72 hours to fix the headlight, that I have a broken right arm, that I have the screwdriver and headlights on my passager seat again. And he threatens me with "If you don't sign this, I am going to arrest you.". So I signed it.


I also used that second ticket to file a harassment complaint against the officer, and have him not be able to come within 150 yards of me. 

The same dickhead tried pulling me over for "not using a blinker" even though I had a witness with me, and pulled me over for throwing a cigarette out of my car even though I never smoked or let people smoke in any of my cars.


I haven't had to deal with him or other officers like him since, but sometimes people are just fucking assholes. 


Back to some light hearted stuff:


Edited by BrothersGarage
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First thing I do when I get stopped anymore is cut on the microphone on phone and record the exchange in case it gets fishy.  This stemmed from my last stop of running a stop sign(yes I did it, its part of a terrorist plot to fully stop and waste fuel, fuel is state sponsored terrorism and I do not negotiate with terrorists).  I had gasoline all over my hands from fixing a lawn mower.  He told me that the gas smelled like drugs.  This went on forever till I made a deal to let him search my car in exchange for no ticket for the stop sign.  While standing behind my vehicle with the other cops that showed up, they kept ribbing me that I smelled like gas.  Gotta search the white boy with hair down to his ass driving thru the hood.  They found nothing(nothing to find anyways) and I got no ticket.  Wasted my TIME, which is worth more than they can repay.  The db rides by my bar all the time.

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