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cell phones and driving

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I hope this doesn't go all south just looking for opinions on the no cell phone or hands free device 

I know a cell phone talking driver is distracted that is obvious and driving should always come first

what I have noticed and I do alot of driving is this


drivers now hold there cell phone low while trying to look down to dial a number or even text they do this  to avoid getting caught

the problem is they are looking down

before the law was activated people would hold the cell phone up so they could see ahead of them while dialing (seems much safer then looking down )


ok let the shit fly and hopefully we can all stay respectful and just put in our 2 cents

if the mods see this thread as unuseful or stupid feel free to close it delete it or even make it disappear completely


a distracted driver is still a distracted driver but the old law seems safer to me

cell phones are a distraction just as well as eating or putting on make up or even reading a book I have seen all of these while driving and the old law still seems safer then the new simply because people are taking there eyes completely off the road with minimal peripheral or back vision


let the opinions fly 

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Guest 510kamikazifreak

I used to have a cell,then it drove me nuts.

Out the window it went.


They should enforce rules on the idiots using cells while driving,see it all to much,here if you screw up driving over so many k per hr,they impound your vehicle(they say its dangerous driving or something)

So then,if you are not paying attention while,looking at your crotch(we all know,people dont stare at their crotch when at a light right?)..same thing?

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I had a guy jsut almost kill me, the wife, and kids tonight ona  cell phone in his burgundy jeep getting on 217 from washington square after we just ate at bennihana...i flew up next to him, put my hands in the phone fashion next to my ear then gave him the throat slit...he hung up and sped off.  Shit pissed me the fuck off. 

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Driving the company car (versa) the other day, had a guy pull out in front of me while I was doing about 65. I moved to the left lane to let him pull out into the right lane, trying to be nice. He pulled out, aimed for the far lane, but never made it.Ended up driving down the road in BOTH lanes so I had to lay on the brakes as hard as I can to keep from parking the tiny Versa in the back of a Q45 at 65 mph (woulda seriously fucked me up.)


Made it around on the right just in time, turned out the dumb bitch was on her cell phone and looked at me with a stupid face like I did something wrong. 

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as I said driving has to come first and so many people cant get that in their head 

They are driving a 4000 pound gun knife etc it is a weapon when used irresponsibly 

glad you were on the  defense and you guys are ok

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Im always on the defense, driving trucks for 8 years, i just watch out for everything, i was going and i knew something was wrong with how he was driving so iw as prepared to brake and swerve before he did anything. But still, made me see red, specially when i saw him on his fucking phone. 

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Guest Rick-rat

 I don't like people using cell phones while driving, was rear ended by some punk while he was on his phone. Don't really like cell phones very much, have had one for 2 years and only 16 hours of use during that time. Don't know how I survived for 50 years without one

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I have had a cell phone since 1994, back then they were bricks, huge phones, I can usually tell if someone is talking on the phone, I can tell every time someone is texting, especially in traffic.

I am a contractor, I have to answer my phone, otherwise I would not be in business anymore, people don't like to leave messages, although most my regular customers will leave a message now, as they know I will return the call, but new businesses have to answer, otherwise 90 percent of the time the caller will hang up before leaving a message, people want to talk to someone, not a recorder.


That said, 90+ percent of the people out there have no business doing anything other than driving, they have trouble even doing that, when someone is driving erratically, I want to be in back of them, not in front of them, if I do go around them I get way ahead of them fast, face it everyone, you have to pay attention what's going on around you, you have to drive defensively, you guys have seen what I haul around on my work truck, I also pull a trailer when not hauling wood, I drive defensively 100 percent of the time, although I do answer my phone also.


Sometimes it is fun to hit my air-horns when they are busy talking on the phone(not paying attention), it scares the shit out of them, but I only do it if they are driving erratically and pissing me off.


I have never had anyone shaking their fist at me while driving, but I go with the flow, and more importantly, I stay in my lane, say what you will.

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I usually ignore the phone while driving.  Occasionally if it's early in the morning and my assistant calls me and I'm on the freeway at 6:30am with no one else, I'll answer it.  Rare deal.  Most of the time I stay off of it.  And if I do break the law on the freeway, I stay the fuck in the right lane and look for anyone trying to merge into me or I pull over at the next available convenience and continue the call.


Still, it's a bad idea and a distraction regardless.

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Not just driving, people are retarded with their phones, everywhere. 


At the park-Mom is on her phone. Your child just fell from the top of the slide-on their head. 

Does Mom know?


At the grocery store-person is in the middle of an aisle, texting. Stopped. God forbid you tap their cart a little to get past them. 


Driving-forget about it. 



I'll admit that I do use my phone in the car. 

I have talk to text on 95% of the time. My wife and I a have walkie-talkie app to keep in contact on the fly. 

So many things I do on the phone are one-touch. 


Before smartphones-I was able to hold phone in right hand while holding the shifter and click out my texts without even looking. 

Not so much any more. I do my best to not use my phone but it happens. 

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Well my phone hasn't been active for well over a year and a half doesn't bother me much although when I want to get a hold of friends it sucks not having one at times I just use wifi and message them threw a text or voice message app. I'm not big using my phone while driving I just can't find myself to multitask its actually super annoying since I have to shift so phone is never on my ear anyway I rather drive safely. I do hate those people that are on there phone without looking at the road for miles without even swerving thats some talent lol. My dad got hit when he was driving his truck by some ass hat that was on his phone he worked for dominos, little hardbody pickup hit my dads HD F150 it crushed the front end and my dad only had a small dent lol.

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I had my own trucking business and i yaked on my phone all the time pulling 40 + tons of GASOLINE and never had a problem,I agree 150% with Wayno you need to drive defensively PERIOD.And lets face it its no different then some one eating in there car women putting on make-up lord knows how many times i seen that in my life getting road head blah blah blah.I get around them and away from them let them hit me from behind not me hit them from behind.I reember getting hit from behind in Hawaii from a girl swapping out cd's in her stereo smashed right in the back of my truck.Shit happens

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My aunt and cousin were rear ended by some jackass on her phone a couple months back. I would've put some knuckles to the jaw for that. I have a cel phone but hardly use it. Got it in case the car breaks down or some kind of emergency. That's it. My garage is alley access and I was warming up Stanley (my 210 people don't be nasty) and while sitting there I watch a car go by ever so slowly. First thought, this fool is texting. Sure enough their head was down looking at their lap the whole time. Wish I'd had an air horn right then. If you really need to be that connected pull your dumb ass over and handle it.

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I'm blown away by how many people on here do not have a cell phone.  I straight up can't even hire anyone without a cell phone.  As much as I don't like admitting it, I don't know how I would live this life without one.  I'd need a new job for sure.  


As far as driving.  Would you use your phone while driving with a child in the car?  Guess what, that guy next to you has one in his car.  STOP LOOKING AT "POST TITS" WHILE DRIVING fucktard.  I do take calls on a hands free while driving, but I don't place calls, cause I would actually have to push buttons on the phone.  I just put in my earphones when I buckle my seatbelt.  Then I just push the corded button when I get a call.  I highly advise people to go this route if you need to take calls while driving.  All those calls will matter not when you watch a family die through your smashed windshield.  

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Most people can't drive, regardless of cell phone distraction. The majority are idiots who behave like they're the only ones on the road, and then get all pissy when you remind them the rules of the road.


217 is just fucking retarded, and I-5 is getting worse. Subaru outback, and Toyota camry/prius are oblivious to anyone else on the road. I can usually spot an oblivious driver when they have a UofO or OSU sticker of some sort... if you have one of these stickers and know for sure you are a good driver, your alumni are disgracing you.


I commute south often from the Portland area and don't even take the major routes now. Would be problem driver free if I didn't have to drive through bass ackwards Newberg... surprised people even can use a cell phone there because they surely don't know how to read "STOP" at any intersections.


The DMV is giving out licenses like its a right, and not a privilege.



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