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It has nothing to do with preference, opinions, or assumptions.

You are scamming people and should be punished.

Bravo yourself for being so full of shit. It's not like this is the first thread, forum, group of concerned consumers to inform the masses of this bullshit.


I vote you recieve the douchebag of the year award.


I also vote you be banned just like the people who sell fake "nos" parts and people who are here only to sell.

There's obviously no scam to be had, it's obvious parts are being shipped out and I had tons of happy customers with lots of pictures of their cars, emails and more to show for all over the worl. Sure sometimes, as with ANY business shit happens and you have some customers who are unhappy. And like Adam, I work with them to get it resolved.


How am I scamming someone when I'm agreeing to give them a partial refund and exchanging parts for them? Talk about douchebag.

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Yes, talk about douchebag. You say these things like he's the very first person to recieve shit product and service. You should be shut down. Or at least some will do their part to spread the word. You can't assure a damned thing. The only thing that's for sure is you are a fucking liar. You've contradicted yourself over and over. Stop trying to cover your ass and kindly fuck off.

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Yes, talk about douchebag. You say these things like he's the very first person to recieve shit product and service. You should be shut down. Or at least some will do their part to spread the word. You can't assure a damned thing. The only thing that's for sure is you are a fucking liar. You've contradicted yourself over and over. Stop trying to cover your ass and kindly fuck off.

If you haven't bought from me, then you've got no pull here. AGAIN, I was in contact with him the moment he wanted an exchange. I JUST GOT HIS RETURN TODAY IN THE MAIL! Get off your damn soapbox, this isn't about you. I'm resolving an issue with Adam and it has been under control the whole time, just been awaiting his return of the flares and he knows it. He'll be getting a fiberglass set now and that's that. He can post the quality of those once he gets them.

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Lol mine says, you have ten days from last wendsday to respond, and when fedx confirms delivery I will see a refund of the 483, plus 18 $ for my shipping cost, yiu can put off your rebuttle to my second statement all you want. , mybe your "helper" could respond for you, if the bus didnt flatten him to much lololol

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Am I offending military? NO. Just him as an individual for his temper he showed me and I thought he mentioned or posted somewhere that he had/or does serve and his attitude he defined himself as was being extremely rude. So I put the 2 together, please stop reading into it more than it is.


Is your name Adam Leazer? NO. So chill out.


I have family & friends in all fields of the military, and I honor the miltary and support them. There's no shot at the military here, you're just looking for a reason to be offended and get in on this. I assue you, you or any other military are not involved.


There is zero reason to bring up that he was in the military unless you specifically meant it as an insult. If he said he was a plumber would you have called him a hot tempered plumber? No. Dont fucking tell me to chill out when youre trying to insult the military. I perceived it as an insult that I serve so you can make sub-par parts. And then you just insult people like me for it.


I dont need to jump on the hate bandwagon for your company as there is enough people already upset over your parts and service.


We arent the only ones complaining here... in such a small comunity it can really do damage. Id just stop posting. You just need to understand that your parts and your service suck:



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I can't believe I read this whole thread.

It's all about damage control now



Your a freaking idiot, is this a threat?

You are so fucked if it is a threat, is this post a threat?

Where's the threat at? If you've read the whole thing, then you should be able to comprehend that it's just that... he's claiming the issue is closed with paypal and I'm just stating what Paypal is stating, that's it's now requring my action. I AGAIN, LOVE THAT PEOPLE LOVE TO MAKE THINGS UP AND TRY TO START SHIT. LOVE IT!


AGAIN, IF YOU'VE READ THE WHOLE THREAD, then you'll understand Adam and I agreed he wanted a partial refund and a fiberglass set in exchange once I got the initial flares returned. And he's getting exactly that *smh*

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There is zero reason to bring up that he was in the military unless you specifically meant it as an insult. If he said he was a plumber would you have called him a hot tempered plumber? No. Dont fucking tell me to chill out when youre trying to insult the military. I perceived it as an insult that I serve so you can make sub-par parts. And then you just insult people like me for it.


I dont need to jump on the hate bandwagon for your company as there is enough people already upset over your parts and service.


We arent the only ones complaining here... in such a small comunity it can really do damage. Id just stop posting. You just need to understand that your parts and your service suck:

I have my meaning of what I said and how it makes sense to me AND you have your ASSumption of what you THINK I meant. There's a difference. I stated after it was questioned and I cleared the air that I meant no ill will towards anyone in the military, that it was a personal direction towards Adam only. If you don't know how to comprehend past that, then I can't help you.

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I think your second job, wife , or kids are calling you bro. You keep saying unless they have bought your shit then they have no place here, well I bought your shit and after I gave you 400% the time you said it would take, and listening to your bullshit excuses most of wich you wont aknowledge , I got crap, I sent you several angry messages and only when I posted my second angry post on your fb did you aknowledge me, your a joke , send what ever you want to send me. But as a gift for my triubles and nothing else, ive made it very clear that you cant make the product you promis ed d, or meet the dead lines you set, and I want nothing from you other than my money.

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This is my soapbox biatch. This is no longer about Adam or your shitty flares. This is now about YOU, the real issue. We are now hoping to resolve this issue.


You have no reason to return here or reply to anything said here. We don't like you. Hell, we don't like me. But I'm not going around fucking strangers.

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Dude, Justin, you should realize that this isn't getting you anywhere in a positive direction.  All that it's doing is making you look like more of an ass who is now, essentially, telling others, who could have been potential customers, to fuck off..... not exactly a way to win more people over. 

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This is my soapbox biatch. This is no longer about Adam or your shitty flares. This is now about YOU, the real issue. We are now hoping to resolve this issue.

This issue was resolved before Adam even posted it here! Proof has already been posted several times by me, in picture format of screen shots of Adam's and I messages to show for and even sent my tracking label # he never used.


AGAIN, now that Adam has returned the flawed flares to me, he'll get a fiberglass set & partial refund he asked for and what we agreed upon all along.


I'll report back once his fiberglass flares get to him.

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Dude, Justin, you should realize that this isn't getting you anywhere in a positive direction.  All that it's doing is making you look like more of an ass who is now, essentially, telling others, who could have been potential customers, to fuck off..... not exactly a way to win more people over. 

I've never told anyone to fuck off or anything of those sorts, all I've done is state that I had this resolved before Adam posted it on here or anywhere and shown the proof of it.


I just got the flares returned to me today and as Adam and I agreed, He'll now get a fiberglass set he wanted. Simple.


All businesses deal with customers like this who jump the gun on something because they're not happy, EVEN THOUGH the issue is already being resolved. Again, this was all in resolution well before Adam even posted this on this forum as shown in my proof of messages. It's not rocket science. He knew I was waiting for the flares to be returned and that a fiberglass set would then be shipped to him. That's the deal we had and I went with all along. He only decided to make a social fuss about it after I blocked him for trying to bash me on my page even after we had an agreement of exchange.

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You know saying the word ASSumption  makes you look like such a fag. Ive read this thread, and you know what, if i saw you in a parking lot i think my foot would be willing to slip. I will spread the word to every forum im on not to buy from you, spread the word to every shop i go to to stay away from you, such a fucking joke. When you sell something you ship it asap, as soon as you have it it goes out, and if isnt what was said, you return and get the right GOOD looking product out, or you shut the fuck down. Stop ripping people off with a half ass product. The datsun community isnt that big dude, enough of a bad rep you wouldnt be able to sell a keyring. 


Oh and to this comment you made,  'If you haven't bought from me, then you've got no pull here', im sorry bro, but your selling products, your on a open thread, we can say whatever the fuck we want, and have every bit of pull we need. You have been shown to be a slimeball salesman (probally worked for a car lot before huh) and think you can be all tough on the internet, but your not, youve come off quite pathetic and shown your colors. I dont care if you were selling  apart i really needed, it would probally show up half ass'ed, late, and crap compared to what was in the pics. 

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There is a blue box on the bottom of the paypal page you posted saying "how would you like to respond", I would suggest you click on the box saying that the parts have been returned, and hit continue, otherwise that post is a threat.

He doesn't want anything from you anymore other than his money back.


The reason I actually read this thread is because half the members logged on here on the bottom of the home page are watching this thread, I couldn't believe how many were watching it.


Damage control isn't going to work here anymore, just let the thread die by not responding.

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